Dickinson Joins Together with Others

Campus EcoChallenge 2023
Join Dickinson's Center for Sustainability Education (CSE) for a 3-week sustainability-focused behavior change challenge from April 3-21, 2023. The EcoChallenge provides a unique opportunity to put your sustainability skills into practice and includes a competition within Dickinson as well as a friendly competition amongst other universities or communities. EcoChallenge is a fun and social way to take measurable action on the issues you care about. With three weeks of commitment, learning and action can add up to a lifetime of positive change for you, others, and the planet!
We invite students, faculty, staff, alumni and families to make individual commitments and work towards a more sustainable lifestyle. EcoChallenge's platform is holistic, real-time, FREE, and allows participants to select the commitments they want to work on. EcoChallenge is 100% online, and offers unique, cutomizable opportunities for engagement. The combination of collective action, camaraderie, and friendly competition makes change a little easier — and a lot more fun. The Dickinson Sustainability Expo on March 31, 2023 will serve as the kickoff event.
Explore the challenges and make your commitments by April 3, 2023!
How to Participate?
Sign Up & Make Commitments:
- Find your team.
- From Dickinson? Dickinson Green Devils 2023 is in action (all Dickinsonians are invited to join)!
- From another college/university? If your insitution does not have a team yet, find a captain and create a new team! If one exists, find it and join
- Once teams are established, participants sign up and join their team.
- Explore the challenges and make your commitments by April 3, 2023!
- Invite friends and colleagues to join you. Use your personal referral code to earn points.
- Track and share your progress online from April 3-21, 2023 and earn points for taking action.
- Engage with others in the Campus EcoChallenge through comments and reflection.
- Compete to win it!
Recruit & Engage Others:
- Challenge your friends and colleagues to join the EcoChallenge.
- Invite friends, family and colleagues to join you.
- Create subcompetitions between friends or family to motivate each other.
- Check in daily during the Challenge and create online dialogue with competitors.
Want to Challenge Dickinson?
We believe this behavior-based commitment campaign can have huge impacts in higher education and want to work with you. We invite any institution of higher education to create a team and join us in the 2023 Campus EcoChallenge. It doesn't matter if you have a team of 5 or 5,000! It would be fun to compete April 3-21, 2023. We will offer a virtual info session to orient schools to the process, best practices, and marketing tools. Please contact sustainability@dickinson.edu if you are interested in joining us in this effort or to sign up for the webinar. Starting a team is easy!
Follow Dickinson’s Center for Sustainability Education on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for live updates on the 2023 EcoChallenge, and be sure to use #DsonSustainability