Carbon Commitment
Dickinson has reduced its emissions of greenhouse gas pollutants significantly and reached zero net emissions in 2020. We are exploring opportunities for further emission reductions. See our Climate Action Plan.
We are launching a new climate resilience initiative in 2023 to engage Dickinson students, faculty, and staff, and members of Carlisle area communities, in building resilience to the changing climate. See our Climate Resilience Initiative.
Dickinson students, faculty, and staff helped Carlisle and Cumberland County to develop local climate action plans and are helping with implementation of the plans. See our Local Climate Action Initiatives.
Dickinson takes public positions, and supports students in making their voices heard, to advocate for action on climate change and to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals at state, national, and international levels. See our Climate Advocacy actions.
Dickinson offers opportunities to learn about climate change in and beyond the classroom. Many are designed to build competencies for acting on climate change in meaningful, responsible, and ethical ways. See Climate Education.