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Yellow Puppies (Young Toddler)

The Yellow Pup Classroom at the Children's Center.

Welcome to the Yellow Puppy room where the children love to have fun and explore! The staff love to provide comfort, yet give the children an opportunity to become independent. The teachers provide the children with a variety of toys and manipulatives as they begin to enjoy art activities and hone in on their fine motor skills. Language is emerging, and they really enjoy singing and dancing along with looking at books. Every day here is a new, fun adventure as the children explore the ever-changing toys and activities around the room. Lesson plans are based on monthly themes and focus on age-appropriate goals and objectives.


Bri Kemp

Alisha Fahnestock


Monthly Lesson Plan

Daily Schedule

 7:30-8:15  Morning Play with blocks, kitchen food, puzzles, etc.
8:15-8:45 Diaper Changes
8:45-9:00  Large Group Activities-songs, books, games
 9:00-9:30  Large Motor Activity-playground, playroom, walking
 9:30-9:45  Snack
 9:45-10:15  Small group activities-coloring, painting, play-doh
 10:15-10:45  Diaper Changes
 10:45-11:30  Large Motor Activities-Playground, playroom, porch
 11:30-12:00  Lunch Time
 12:00-3:00  Diaper Changes/Nap
 3:00-3:30  Diaper Changes
 3:30-3:45  Snack Time
 3:45-5:30 Large Motor Activities-Playground, play room or room until it is time to go home

*Just a note, diapers always changed as needed, but the times that are noted are critical times when all diapers are changed, such as before and after nap.*