Health assessments are required at the following months of age: 2,4,6,9,12,15,18, and 24. After age 24 months, assessments are due annually.
If your child is due, you may download the health assessment form here: Health Assessment Form
If your child has asthma or a food allergy, you will need to have your doctor fill out the following form for them:
Asthma Form
Food Allergy Form
The foundation for your child's well-being involves their physical health. Understanding the importance of physical fitness, healthy eating, and knowing the tools to nurse your child back to health when they are sick can be found here:
Dickinson College Children’s Center refers to the American Academy of Pediatrics for symptoms and descriptions of childhood contagious diseases.
Please keep in mind that the DCCC Health Policies are set up for the safety of children in group care. Therefore in some cases our policies may differ from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations. Please see the Parent Handbook on the Enrollment Page for more information.