Declining Balance Account - NOT Meal Plans
Declining Balance - YOUR personal deposit account - this is not a meal plan option
The Declining Balance Account (DBA) is a debit card system implemented to expedite on-campus purchases and is funded by the cardholder through personal deposits to the account. This service can be used at all Culinary Services locations, the Health Center, FAS Mail Center, bookstore operations, Print Center, library copiers, and Farm Works. Shuttle service can be reserved online with DBA.
The DBA is available to all students with or without a meal plan.
This service is available to students, faculty, and staff.
The information for the DBA is encoded on the College ID. No other card is needed. A 10 percent discount is given when the DBA is used at the Dining Hall, Biblio, Union Station and The Juice Bar @ The Underground only. The DBA may also be used to purchase Flexboard points for Flexboard participants only. Balances may be checked at all dining locations or in the ID Office. Students and staff may also access their DBA balances on the Dickinson Gateway.
MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover cards may be used to open or add to the DBA. Deposits can be made in the ID Office, Room 207 in the Holland Union Building, or by calling (717) 245-1704. The DBA built into any Flexboard plan is not transferable from one semester to the next. Any funds added to the DBA can be carried throughout your college career or refunded at the end of any semester.
Use GET, an online and mobile platform, to instantly add and request declining balance funds with a debit or credit card, view your campus card account balances and transactions, as well as the ability to upload an ID photo. Download the GET Mobile App from the App Store or Google Play.
Money cannot be withdrawn and no refunds will be made until the end of each semester.