Check out the many delicious offerings at our diverse dining locations! Whether you’d like to dine in or grab something to go, whether you’re looking for sushi or a smoothie, we’ve got you covered. Enjoy your meal!
View the daily breakfast, lunch and dinner menus, plus nutritional information, ingredients, hours, as well as top 9 allergen and trait icons at Download the Nutrislice app to check the menu anytime, from anywhere.
Union Station offers espressos, lattes, deli sandwiches, specialty burgers, daily grab & go specials, sushi, and fresh salads are available at Union Station. Union Station is open throughout the day and evening to accommodate busy students, faculty, and staff.
View the menu and order online through the Get app.
Located on the main floor of the Waidner-Spahr Library, The Biblio is open to the public and offers a quiet setting to enjoy a pastry, espresso, hot coffee or iced coffee. A wide variety of Grab & Go options are available too, such as hot breakfast sandwiches, cold wraps, snack trays, and gluten free options.
View the menu and order online through the Get app.
Located in the HUB lower level, The Juice Bar serves organically grown fair-trade coffees and teas. Select from our menu of made-to-order smoothies or juices. Fresh fruit plus other grab & go foods for a quick meal on the run are available. Stop by and enjoy sushi prepared by SAIKOU Inc. The Juice Bar is a great place for a quick snack or relaxing in the lounge.

Dining Location Hours
Hours for each dining location are subject to change with the academic calendar and campus breaks. Check for special hours.

Devil’s Den Convenience Store
In addition to the dining locations above, check out the Devil's Den Convenience Store for fresh produce, fresh meats, dairy, eggs, pantry items, assorted groceries, cold drinks and snacks! New this fall: Farm Works products!