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International Students

How to Print the I-94

Each time you enter the United States, your entry will be recorded electronically. The record includes your name, date of birth, passport country and number, visa type, and date of entry.  There are a number of reasons you might still need paper documentation of your arrival record, so we encourage you to save a copy of your I-94 each time you come into the country. Keep the PDFs in your personal files for printing as needed. Go to and select "Get Most Recent I-94".

  • Enter your 'Names and Surname' as it appears in your U.S. Visa. Input your passport number into the 'Document Number' field.
  • When your arrival information is retrieved, check to ensure it is correct, then print it. 
  • If your information cannot be retrieved, you should experiment with adding spaces between letters or taking away spaces if needed.

If you have a First and Middle name, include them both on the first name line with a space. For example:

  • Family Name: Smith
  • First Name: Claire
  • Middle Name: Anne

You can enter this into the form as:

  • Last Name: Smith
  • First Name: Claire Anne
  • If this does not work, try it without the space, as “ClaireAnne.”

If you have both letters and numbers in a passport number, try first with no spaces. For example:

  • Passport Number: LA497327
  • If that does not work, try it as “LA 497327.”