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DEI in a Global Context

DEI in a Global Context

   Inclusion means all of us

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in a Global Context

“Inclusion means fostering and honoring diversity while fully engaging all voices and worldviews in our community. Being inclusive requires that we challenge traditions and assumptions that reinforce paradigms of privilege and power that contribute to oppression. Inclusion necessitates empowering Dickinsonians to ask critical questions and foster awareness-raising dialogue to ensure that all members feel welcomed and valued and have equitable opportunities to thrive”
- Inclusivity Definition from Dickinson’s Inclusivity Strategic Plan


The Center for Global Study and Engagement’s diversity, equity and inclusion commitments align with Dickinson-wide commitments to go beyond the metric of representational diversity to foster an environment where everyone is self-aware, where every voice is valued, and where individuals are free to challenge assumptions and paradigms, and where everyone is supported equitably. At the center of our commitment is the aspirational goal to build just, inclusive and sustainable communities on our campus, in Carlisle and within the communities around the world where our students, staff and faculty live, teach and learn.

Our CGSE worldwide team is finding ways to fuse diversity, equity and inclusion skills, best practices and pedagogy with intercultural competency and global learning. We understand that by not addressing larger and more global systemic issues of inequity with local resonance, such as social justice, racism and climate change, we run the risk of reinforcing and exacerbating the world’s existing inequities and disparities.

“We recognize the importance of increasing our intercultural knowledge experiences along with understanding issues of power and privilege that exist across difference.” - from Dickinson’s Inclusivity Strategic Plan


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