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Spring 2019 Calendar of Arts


Jan. 21-Feb. 22
Opening Reception: Wednesday, Feb. 6, 5:30-7 p.m.

Fractured: Being and Beings

"Grand Marquis" by Theo Anderson, 2018.

"Grand Marquis" by Theo Anderson, 2018.

Goodyear Gallery, Goodyear Building (Cedar St. entrance)
Gallery hours: Tuesday-Friday, 3-5 p.m., Saturday, 2-5 p.m.

This exhibition, curated by Andrew Bale, highlights the work of Theo Anderson, Richard Boutwell, Eliot Dudik and Tonee Harbert, photographers who examine the fractured landscape and humans’ impact on their natural surroundings.

Learn more

All events are open to the public and are free, unless otherwise noted. Events listed in the Calendar of Arts are subject to change. Please contact the appropriate department prior to an event to confirm that it will take place as listed.