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Curriculum Revisions

Submitting Curriculum Requests to APSC


All APSC related matters should be submitted electronically to or by using the appropriate form link below.  The Associate Provost (Deb Bolen) will act as the liaison between APSC and the department submitting the request.

To give all proposals and information full attention, the committee members need at least one (1) week to review.  After review, the committee will often raise questions and invite appropriate individuals to meet with the committee to discuss.  This means that any given item may take several weeks of consideration on the agenda before a final resolution is reached.  Please plan accordingly.

Submit proposal for curricular or policy change - Monday, week one
On agenda for consideration; questions formulated - week 2 (at the earliest, depending on the length of the agenda)
Representative of the department meets with committee - week following discussion

Drafts of all requests can be sent as email attachments to Deb Bolen for feedback. Requests in final form should be sent to APSC for consideration.  Please do not send as PDF!

  • All new course proposals must be submitted electronically on the new course proposal form. All new course proposals require advance approval by the participating departments and programs and must be submitted to APSC by the department chair on behalf of the department. Proposals for Spring are due Sept. 1.  Proposals for Fall are due Feb. 1.
  • When making changes to current courses, (titles, descriptions and/or prerequisites, course numbers or requesting a one-time only to become a permanent offering), please email following these guidelines
  • Proposals for new or changes to existing majors/minors or certificate programs should be submitted using the proper form. When considering a minor or certificate program, please review the faculty approved criteria.

Proposals for courses to satisfy the Global Diversity requirement should be submitted to Ed Webb

Proposals for courses to satisfy the U.S. Diversity requirement should be submitted to the Jorge Sagastume.

Proposals for courses to satisfy the Quantitative Reasoning (QR) requirement should be submitted to Lorelei Koss.

Proposals for courses to satisfy the Writing in the Discipline requirement (WID) should be submitted to Noreen Lape, Director of the Writing Program.  See the Writing Program website for additional information.

Proposals for courses to satisfy the Sustainability requirement should be submitted using the online form. Questions should be directed to Neil Leary in the Center for Sustainability Education.