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Writing Program

Writing Program

Dickinson's writing program exists to strengthen and sustain the culture of writing at the college, where students write at all levels and in every major.

At Dickinson, students are initiated into the writing culture in First-Year Seminars, deepen their skills in the writing-in-the-discipline course and demonstrate their proficiency in senior capstone/research experiences.

To support the teaching and learning of writing, the Norman M. Eberly Multilingual Writing Center is home to a large staff of trained undergraduate peer tutors. These tutors assist writers working in 11 different languages, and many serve as writing associates who collaborate with professors to provide writing support for individual courses.

The writing program also works with faculty members, helping them develop writing courses and organizing workshops to improve their pedagogical skills.


Read about our benefactor, Norman M. Eberly, and view a timeline detailing the history of the program.

Contact Info


John KatunichDirector of the Writing Program
Lucy McInerneyAssistant Director of the Writing Program

Department coordinator

Carol WetzelCoordinator Writing Program/Writing Center





Norman M. Eberly Writing Center, Waidner-Boyd Lee Spahr Library Mailing Address