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Climate Education

Mosaics: Deep Dives into Climate Change

Most years, Dickinson offers one or two American or Global Mosaics. Mosaics are interdisciplinary multi-course programs that immerse students in field research and experiential learning on a question of significance to a community. They often involve travel. Sometimes the question is about or related to climate change or sustainability. Keep your eye out for Mosaics that will be offered in the year ahead: Mosaics.

Mosaics have engaged Dickinson students and faculty in interdisciplinary study of climate science, risks, and policies and taken them to global conferences of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen, Durban, and Lima, where they met with and interviewed conference delegates for research projects on international climate change governance. Mosaics have also taken Dickinson students to Nepal to research climate risks in rural communities and into the Carlisle community to research local community development challenges that connect with climate change.

Some examples of past Mosaics with a climate change or sustainability focus: