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by Eric Fennel '92, Alumni Council President

Our connection with Dickinson is driven by our experiences as students as well as our relationships with classmates and fellow Dickinsonians we meet along the way. But there is something more—our connection to Dickinson as an institution.

I feel it every time I step onto campus. This place is special.

Some combination of tangible and intangible qualities draws me back again and again and makes me want to do what I can to ensure that Dickinson will always be here—and thriving—for those who follow. This is the third key objective of the Alumni Council: to create opportunities for each of us to strengthen the institution that is Dickinson College.

Philanthropy is certainly an important part of this objective. More than 3,000 of us came together during our Day of Giving in April, raising more than $1.5 million. Your generous contributions fund scholarships, programming and services that provide access and a world-class education and experience. However, philanthropy is only part of it. We each have more to offer to support our college’s academic and social mission.

  • We can support enrollment by hosting or participating in local and regional events for accepted students.
  • We can strengthen the alumni network by actively engaging students and fellow Alumni through Alumnifire, the Dickinson Career Community on LinkedIn or any of the organized networks, such as the Finance & Business Network, the Black & African American Alumni Association and many more.
  • Supporting regional and on-campus events and programming, either as participants or volunteers, amplifies the work of our students and faculty and raises the visibility of the college.
  • And we can make ourselves available to faculty by sharing our experiences in the classroom—something I’ve personally found incredibly rewarding.

As individuals, the ways in which we engage are personal, and they evolve. As a broader community, however, all of our individual actions combine to strengthen Dickinson as an institution and provide a life-changing education and experience for the generations that follow us.

Read more from the spring 2024 issue of Dickinson Magazine.


Published June 6, 2024