Test-Taking Accommodations
A student with an extended time (time-and-a-half or double time) test-taking accommodation is to be afforded 1.5x or 2x the amount of time that all other students are provided to take an exam. If a student wishes to take a test in the classroom with you (even if that student has the accommodation of testing in a distraction-reduced environment), and you and the student have no logistical conflicts with either starting early or staying late, then you should accommodate that student in the classroom and indicate on the "Test-taking Request" tab of the student's Access Plan that you will administer the exam. If you would like strategies on how to provide a distraction-reduced setting within your classroom on test day, please review the guidance provided by ADS or contact the ADS Assistant Director and Proctoring Manager, at proctoring@dickinson.edu. If proctoring from ADS will be needed for an exam, guidelines are presented at the bottom of this page.
If your students will be taking tests on Moodle, the ideal is to establish a multi-day window during which students can access the test. If you wish to establish a time limit for taking the test once started, this "How to Set Up Extended Time Exams in Moodle" video explains one way to schedule extended time exams in Moodle without calling attention to students with disabilities who need this accommodation.
If you intend to give quizzes, you should discuss with your student what they'll be like so that the student can decide whether accommodations for quizzes may be necessary or not. It might be helpful, in advance of your Access Plan meeting, to email the student to convey how often there will be quizzes, how much material they will cover, approximately how many questions there will typically be, and about how much time you'll typically allot for them. That way the student will be better informed as to whether or not they believe that test-taking accommodations will be necessary for your quizzes.
- If the student concludes that extended time and/or a distraction-reduced environment will not be necessary for quizzes, document this in the Access Plan Comments section. (But also let the student know that it's okay if they need to change their mind."
- If the student does express a need for extended time for quizzes and/or testing in a distraction-reduced environment, consider and discuss the following options:
- You arrange for the student to take the quiz with you at an alternative time
- The student arrives early to start the quiz
- You will collect the quiz (after, say, 10 or 15 minutes), but the student will use the additional time at the end of class
- The student takes the quiz in the Proctoring Center and then reports to class
- The student takes the quiz in the Proctoring Center early enough to arrive to class on time. Then “takes the quiz with the class,” but only for appearances. The quiz taken in the Proctoring Center with extended time is the one that will count.
- Use one of the following inclusive systems that will enable the student(s) with extended time to use it without being "outed" to the class as having an accommodation:
The "Stealthy Second Document System" for Quizzes
a. Have ready a worksheet, reading, or other non-quiz task -- printed on a different colored paper than the quiz
b. Inform students that they should move on to that second document as soon as they've completed their quiz.
c. When you see that the last student without an extended time accommodation has moved to the second document, note how much time has passed and determine how much more time should be allowed for the students with extended time.- If, for example, 10 minutes has passed, you’ll know to allow another 5 minutes for any students with an accommodation for 1.5x extended time before collecting all quizzes.
- If you anticipated that all students without accommodations would only need 10 minutes, but they're not done by this time, this may be an indicator to allow more time for the next quiz or to ask fewer questions.
a. Use the same principle as above, but don't worry about the time. Since not all students who need more time (e.g., second language learners, students with less opportunity to quality high schools, students contending with issues such as trauma, loss, or poor health) have test-taking accommodations, focus more on what you're looking to asses than on how quickly students are completing the assessment. If you make the second document be something you want all students to attend to, those who use more time on the quiz will simply devote more time to the second document outside of class.
Note: If you will be accommodating any students' needs for extended time on weekly quizzes, and you're confident that you'll remember the plan you have in place for them, it's not necessary to require those students to enter into the "test-taking set up" section of their Access Plan the dates for every quiz.
No need to shy away from pop quizzes on the basis of having students with an extended time accommodation! See the guidance above and start by asking the student whether accommodations will be needed for quizzes. If a student informs you that test-taking accommodations won't be necessary for quizzes, make the student aware that you will also be giving unannounced pop quizzes to help students be motivated to review class notes and keep up with assigned readings. Then make a note of the plan not to use accommodations for pop quizzes in the "Comments" section of the student's Access Plan.
If the student does express a need for extended time for pop quizzes, one of the options under #6 above would likely be the ideal means of implementing their accommodations.
Knowing how best to implement test-taking accommodations can be tricky! If you have any uncertainties, please email proctoring@dickinson.edu. We'd be happy to advise.
If your student has the accommodation to use a computer for essay exams, please let the student know whether you will have any essay-based tests, and whether or not you’re comfortable with a student using their own laptop in your class for an exam. If using a personal laptop is not a reasonable approach for your situation, the exam will need to be administered by ADS, and you should make that indication on the student’s Access Plan test-taking page.
It is essential that ADS has sufficient time to prepare for the unique accommodations of each student, so we require one week's advance notice for proctoring requests. In unforeseen circumstances such as illness, weather-related emergencies, and the like, we will make every effort to adjust on short notice, but this cannot be guaranteed. Requests for ADS proctoring are made by faculty from the "Test Taking Requests" tab of the Access Plan Acknowledgement page. Proctoring requests are automatically transmitted to the Proctoring Center, where preparations will begin for the administration of each exam.
A few days before the scheduled exam date, you will receive an "Exam Request & Questionnaire" from proctoring@dickinson.edu, asking for a copy of the exam and all exam-related instructions. Please be especially attentive to the following:
- Tests, instructions, contact information, and a list of permitted materials must be delivered to ADS no later than 3PM on the day preceding the exam.
- When proctoring a test, ADS will permit students to use only those items you specify as permissible on the Exam Questionnaire.
- If any software (Excel, Moodle, SSPS, etc) or hardware (mp3 players, computers and headphones for videos, etc.) will be needed for an exam, this must be specified this on the Exam Questionnaire.
- ADS frequently needs to contact faculty during an exam, so providing your contact information on the Exam Questionnaire is required.
- If you share information with the students in the classroom on exam day, (e.g. clarification of a question, discovery of a typo, etc.), this information must also be provided to your students in the Proctoring Center.
The above information is primarily applicable for when students are on campus. Click here for guidance regarding test-taking accommodations in the remote environment.