Dickinson’s Helpdesk is available to assist with any technical issues by calling x1000 on campus and 717-245-1000 from off campus. Technicians are available during regular college hours Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM.

Wireless and Connectivity
Wireless internet access is available to all members of the Dickinson community and guests in on-campus buildings.

Student Computing Support
Assistance for students experiencing issues with their personal computers can be found at the ResNet Support Annex (RSA) in the Holland Union Building as well as by stopping by the Helpdesk in the lower level of the Waidner-Spahr Library.

Training and Tutorials
Sign yourself up for personalized training classes, enroll in the Technology Training Certification Program or access detailed written documentation on a wide range of Dickinson-supported software easily on-line.

Technology Spaces
Dickinson currently has over 100 Smart classroom facilities, ranging from traditional lecture-seminar rooms to computer labs to innovative group-work computer work labs.

Borrow Equipment
Members of the Dickinson community may borrow a wide range of audiovisual equipment as well as Windows and Mac laptops.

Enterprise Systems
Enterprise level software, systems integration, reporting and technology support services are available to the campus community.

Printing on Campus
Members of the Dickinson community have many printing options available on campus from college-owned devices, personal computers, and smartphones to the Dickinson Print Center.

Cable TV and Telephone
Assistance with the campus phone and cable TV systems is available on-line or by calling the Helpdesk.

Technology Policies
Policies relating to the use of campus networks and technology are available on-line.

Locations and Hours
Library and Information Services is located in multiple locations on campus, find out where we are and when you can find us there.