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Loan Fee Calculator

Use this calculator to determine the amount of money that you will either receive from your federal loan or the amount you need to request before the origination fee is deducted*.

All amounts below are represented in U.S. dollars.

The current loan origination fee rates are:

  • Federal Direct Loan:   1.057%
  • Parent PLUS:  4.228%

* The origination fee is charged by the U.S. Department of Education for each federal student loan you receive. It is a percentage of the total loan amount you are borrowing (request/awarded amount). The total calculated loan fee is rounded to the nearest dollar and then deducted proportionately from each disbursement of your loan. This reduces the actual loan amount you receive (needed/received amount). The specific loan fee that you are charged will be included in a disclosure statement you will receive after the first disbursement of your federal student loan. You will be required to repay the request/awarded amount.