Dickinson College Children's Center is dedicated to the belief that each child is a unique person who deserves to be in a safe and nurturing environment. The Center is committed to encouraging the child's individual growth, developing each child's social skills and self-esteem and encouraging collaboration with others on projects of benefit to all.
Each child will be accepted and respected as a unique person.
All children bring to each situation their own set of emotions, ways of learning, past experiences and personal needs. Dickinson College Children's Center is dedicated to the belief that all children have a right to be accepted and respected for their uniqueness and individuality.
All children have the right to have their needs met in a safe and nurturing environment.
All children deserve to be in a safe environment, free from physical or emotional threat. Dickinson College Children's Center is committed to providing a safe environment that will provide for the physical as well as emotional needs of its children. Abuse of any kind, be it physical, emotional, or verbal, will not be tolerated.
Each child has the right to an enviroment that encourages individual growth.
Dickinson College Children's Center is committed to helping each child develop individually by providing an environment that allows each child to grow and develop as a unique person in a variety of areas, including the physical, social, cognitive, emotional and creative. Dickinson College Children's Center affirms its commitment to accept, respect, and indeed celebrate the individuality of every child. The Center's curriculum will enable all children to develop to the fullest of their unique talents.
Each child will be encouraged to develop self-esteem, social skills and an undersranding of others.
Dickinson College Children's Center will provide opportunities for children to share positive experiences, to appreciate each other's contributions to the group and to learn about a variety of cultural heritages.
Each child will be encouraged to collaborate and cooperate on projects of benefit to all.
Dickinson College Children's Center will initiate collaborative and cooperative activities that are designed to foster empathy among the children.
Each child will be enriched by the involvment of teachers, administrators, parents and community members in the advancement of our philosophy.