Faculty Opportunities
A global outlook has defined the College since its founding. A focus on global issues pervades the curriculum, cutting across all academic divisions and departments. Over forty percent of all course enrollments are in global dimensions of the academic program.
Dickinson faculty are actively engaged in research on global issues and directly involved in leading our network of global centers--indeed, more than forty percent of Dickinson faculty have led one of the College's global research and study centers or directed a global program, a percentage that no peer institution can claim and one that tangibly demonstrates faculty commitment to the College's global mission. In many ways the strength of the College's Global Study program stands as testament to the creativity, entrepreneurial energy, and global engagement of Dickinson faculty.
Faculty opportunities for involvement in Global Study are many and varied, and they include the following:
Global Study Advisory Committee: The Global Education Advisory Committee (GEAC) was established in 2010 as an official subcommittee of the College-wide Academic Program and Standards Committee. A dynamic group of faculty, with broad expertise and experience (in terms of geographic regions and disciplinary orientation), the GEAC offers counsel and strategic guidance to the Associate Provost and Executive Director of the Center for Global Study and Engagement. The GEAC's charge includes, inter alia, review of new long-term and summer program proposals; review and recommendation of faculty candidates for center directorships abroad; advice and feedback on enhancing the international student experience on campus; review of complex study-abroad applicant files; consultation with study abroad staff regarding non-Dickinson student applications; and consultation on policy considerations related to Global Study at the College. To learn more about the GEAC, please visit the Global Education Advisory Committee page.
Global Center Directorships: Faculty direct Dickinson’s Centers in Italy, England, New Zealand, and Spain. Historically, directorships have been for two-year terms. Faculty appointed to a directorship typically serve as the on-campus coordinator for the center they will lead in the two years preceding their tenure abroad. The College provides significant support to faculty interested in these posts; moving, transportation, and storage costs; and housing at the global center.
Short-Term Programs: The Center offers administrative support for faculty interested in leading a summer program or globally-integrated course for students. Faculty should contact global@dickinson.edu to discuss the proposal process at least a year in advance as programs require approval by GEAC, APSC, and the faculty senate.
Guest Speakers on Global Topics: Each year, the Center supports a number of lectures by visiting scholars on topics of global importance. Frequently, the Center partners with academic departments or individual faculty to support scholarly discussion of global issues.
- Study Abroad Faculty Advising Guide (2024-2025)