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Global Education Advisory Committee

GEAC was established in 2010 as an official subcommittee of the College-wide Academic Program and Standards Committee.  Members serve a two-three year term.  The committee meets monthly during the academic year.


The Dickinson faculty long has been among the most active and engaged in the nation on matters related to Global Study and Education.  A dynamic group of faculty, with broad expertise and experience (in terms of geographic regions and disciplinary orientation), the GEAC offers counsel and strategic guidance to the Associate Provost and Executive Director of the Center for Global Study and Engagement.  The GEAC's charge includes, inter alia, review of new long-term and short-term program proposals; review and recommendation of faculty candidates for center directorships abroad; advice and feedback on enhancing the International Student experience on campus; review of complex study-abroad applicant files; consultation with study abroad staff regarding non-Dickinson student applications; and consultation on policy considerations related to Global Study at the College.

Roughly four to five Dickinson faculty members comprise the Committee, with representation coming from all three divisions of the College and both junior and tenured faculty.  Normally, the membership of the Committee includes at least one faculty representative from each division of the College and one faculty member contributing to the study of foreign languages.  Members of the Committee often have served previously as directors or coordinators of one of the College's long- or short-term education abroad programs or have been closely involved with the College's efforts to attract and retain outstanding international students and scholars.  Additionally, the Committee always includes one faculty member presently serving on the APSC.  Likewise, the Committee always includes administrators from the Center for Sustainability Education, Academic Advising, Internships, the Center for Civic Learning and Action, and Global Accounting to encourage thoughtful coordination of collective international efforts and activities and prudent leveraging of resources.

2024-2025 Committee Members Include:

  • Samantha Brandauer, Associate Provost and Executive Director, Center for Global Study and Engagement
  • Katie DeGuzman, Dean and Director, Education Abroad, Center for Global Study and Engagement
  • Melodi Hendrickson, Director, International Student & Scholar Services, Center for Global Study and Engagement
  • Tara Fischer, Associate Provost for Student Success
  • Amity Fox, Associate Provost for Experiential Learning and Fellowships
  • Neil Leary, Associate Provost and Director of Center for Sustainability Education
  • Laura Megivern, Director of Global and National Partnerships and Programs, Center for Civic Learning and Action
  • Ellen Laird, Administrative Director, Dickinson in Italy
  • Kevin Shannon, Director for Global Accounting and Compliance
  • Marcelo Borges, Professor of History (2022)
  • Hanna Roman, Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies (2024)
  • Jorden Hayes, Associate Professor of Geosciences (2024)
  • Forrest Watson, Assistant Professor of International Business and Management (2024)
  • Angela DeLutis-Eichenberger, Associate Professor of Spanish (APSC)