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Investments in Environmental Sustainability


Building on Dickinson’s history of environmental stewardship, energy conservation and strong environmental-studies program, the investment of $41.0 million in environmental sustainability from 2006 through 2018 has positioned Dickinson as a leader in sustainability education. The investment includes expenditures of $14.2 million for climate action plan projects that reduce Dickinson’s carbon and ecological footprints; $17.3 million to support academic programs in Environmental Studies, the Center for Sustainability Education, the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Laboratory and summer global sustainability immersion programs; $5.6 million on living laboratory and outreach activities that include the Dickinson Organic Farm and the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM); and $3.9 million of external grant support for a variety of sustainability programs.

2006-2018 Investments in Environmental Sustainability