Transportation Services & Information
Harrisburg Airport and Train Station Shuttles
Spring 2024 Shuttle information
Medical Van Appointments
The Med Van is in operation while classes are in session, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. If you have an appointment within the Carlisle borough, please call the med van at 717-961-9646.
If you need a ride to a medical appointment outside of the Carlisle Borough (The Carlisle Hospital and doctors' offices on Brookwood Ave, and Alexander Spring road are within the jurisdiction) during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, please fill out this form with at least 48 hours notice. If you cannot give 48 hours notice, please email
**If you have any COVID-19 related symptoms, please call the Wellness Center before making an appointment with the med van**
Fleet Vehicle Operations
Procedures for Reserving a College Fleet Vehicle
Driver Certification Program
Fleet Vehicle Reservation Online form
Fleet Commander Help
Fleet Administrator: Jill Swartz, x8187
EZ Pass
EZ Pass toll charges will be billed to departments with the vehicle use billing. Every fleet vehicle is equipped with an EZ Pass, so there is no need to reserve one. If you are using a rental car and need to borrow an EZ Pass you can check one out at the dispatch office in DPS (available 24/7).
CAT and Additional Regional Bus Services
CAT also runs buses between Carlisle, Harrisburg and other locations in the region. The Route C schedule between Carlisle and Harrisburg stops in front of the Carlisle courthouse at the intersection of High and Hanover St. and stops at the downtown Market St. Transfer Center in Harrisburg. Route C also makes stops at the many shopping centers along the Carlisle Pike and in the Camp Hill area. Fare to Harrisburg is $1.25 for students, $2.75 for all other riders, exact change.