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COVID related travel (athletics and academic)

In accordance with best practices and guidelines amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the following information serves as procedures to manage transportation for approved academic field trips and approved athletic events using college vehicles. This information was compiled from the CDC and other appropriate  resources on transportation operations.

Passenger transportation limits have been established as listed below:

  • Large van (all passengers from the same pod) – 3 passengers plus the driverlarge van same pod
  • Large van (passengers from different pods) – 2 passengers plus the driverLarge van seating
  • Minibus (all passengers from the same pod) – 6 passengers plus the driverMinibus same pod
  • Minibus (passengers from different pods) – 4 passengers plus the driverminibus seating

Maintain six feet physical distancing in vehicles whenever possible ensuring passengers are not sitting directly next to each other.

Only Dickinson-certified drivers may operate college-owned, -rented, or -leased vehicle(s).

Maintain airflow by keeping windows open (weather-permitting) and/or keeping the fan running at all times while the vehicle is occupied.

Ensure touch-surfaces on and inside the van are wiped down with a disinfecting wipe or spray after each use.

All occupants must wear facemasks when near others and while in the vehicle.

All occupants should wash their hands with soap and water (if available) or hand sanitizer after exiting the van.