The following list includes current and historic, individual student research projects, public presentations from conferences, symposia and exhibitions and peer-reviewed publications. For abstracts on each project see Students as Scholars.
Students can get a list of their projects by going to CLIQ in the Gateway. Under the CLIQ menu, go to Profiles and then My ePortfolio. If you are an alum and would like a copy of your projects, please submit a research project request form.
“Supported by” on Student Conference Presentation records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s participation in the conference, e.g., travel expenses, poster costs. For on-campus conferences, the supporting entity is usually the academic department sponsoring the event.
“Supported by” on Student Research Project records indicates the entity or funding mechanism that supported the student’s research costs, e.g., supplies, materials, equipment, stipends, local or international research travel.
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Emma Jansen Behta | Synchronization Phenomena in Physical and Electronic Systems Supported by: R&D SFR Number of Weeks: 6 | Lars English |
Emma Jansen Behta | Synchronization Phenomena in Physical and Electronic Systems Supported by: R&D SFR Number of Weeks: 6 | Lars English |
Titus Daniel Manetta | Hydrodynamic Visualization of Divergence and Curl - Elimination of Common Misconceptions with the Div & Curl Apparatus. Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Maitland Auna Witmer | Hydrodynamic Visualization of Divergence and Curl - Elimination of Common Misconceptions with the Div & Curl Apparatus. Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Madison Leigh Zegeer | Hydrodynamic Visualization of Divergence and Curl - Elimination of Common Misconceptions with the Div & Curl Apparatus. Conference: 36th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Amanda Christine Baylor | Recalibration and Analysis of Seven Eclipsing Variables in the Field of NGC 2362 and Observing NGC 6611 and NGC 6328 with the Britton Observatory Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Amanda Christine Baylor | Recalibration and Analysis of Seven Eclipsing Variables in the Field of NGC 2362 and Observing NGC 6611 and NGC 6328 with the Britton Observatory Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Kuo Ping Ming Hua Chang | M. I. Molina, L. Q. English, Ming-Hua Chang, and P. G. Kevrekidis, "Linear impurity modes in an electrical lattice: Theory and experiment", Phys. Rev. E 100, 062114 (2019). | Lars English |
Xuan-Lin Chen | F. Palmero, L.Q. English, Xuan-Lin Chen, Weilun Li, J. Cuevas, and P. G. Kevrekidis, "Experimental and numerical observation of dark and bright breathers in the band gap of a diatomic electrical lattice", Phys. Rev. E 99, 032206 (2019). | Lars English |
Alaina Jordan Einsig | Photometry of the WU Ma Eclipsing Binary VZ Psc Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Julia Elizabeth Huddy | Design, Construction, and Performance Testing of the RD-SAH Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Julia Elizabeth Huddy | Solution Processing of Chalcogenide Materials for Application in Lithium Ion Batteries Conference: 2019 Princeton Summer Research Presentations Supported by: National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program | |
Sophie Dallas Kirkman | Active reduction of heat losses through the glazing of a solar air heater Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Hieu Dang Minh Le | Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Localized Modes in Vibrational and Magnetic Lattices Conference: American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting 2019 Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Lars English |
Weilun Li | PCB Design, Fabrication and Analysis of a Topological Circuit Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Lars English |
Weilun Li | F. Palmero, L.Q. English, Xuan-Lin Chen, Weilun Li, J. Cuevas, and P. G. Kevrekidis, "Experimental and numerical observation of dark and bright breathers in the band gap of a diatomic electrical lattice", Phys. Rev. E 99, 032206 (2019). | Lars English |
Weilun Li | F. Palmero, J. Cuevas, L. Q. English, Weilun Li, and R. Chacon, "Induced localized nonlinear modes in an electrical lattice", Phys. Scr. 94, 065210 (2019). | Lars English |
Houssemeddine Mhiri | Using an Arduino in a coupled logistic map circuit to explore basins of attractions" Conference: American Physical Society (APS) | Lars English |
Houssemeddine Mhiri | Symmetry Breaking and Iterated-Map Networks Conference: American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting 2019 Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Lars English |
Houssemeddine Mhiri | Using LabView to Explore Symmetry Breaking in a Coupled Logistic Map Circuit Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Lars English |
Houssemeddine Mhiri | Houssem Mhiri, Moyi Tian, Erin Wynne, A. Mareno and L.Q. English, "An experimental survey of symmetry breaking and chaos in coupled logistic map circuits", Eur. J. Phys 40, 065802 (2019). | Lars English |
Aidan Joseph Pidgeon | Determining the Viability of KELT Exoplanet Candidates Conference: 34th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committe | |
Moyi Tian | Using an Arduino in a Coupled Logistic Map Circuit to Explore Basins of Attraction for Symmetry-broken States Conference: American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting 2019 Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Lars English |
Moyi Tian | Houssem Mhiri, Moyi Tian, Erin Wynne, A. Mareno and L.Q. English, "An experimental survey of symmetry breaking and chaos in coupled logistic map circuits", Eur. J. Phys 40, 065802 (2019). | Lars English |
Moyi Tian | Symmetry Breaking and Iterated Map Circuits Conference: American Physical Society (APS) | Lars English |
Erin P Wynne | Houssem Mhiri, Moyi Tian, Erin Wynne, A. Mareno and L.Q. English, "An experimental survey of symmetry breaking and chaos in coupled logistic map circuits", Eur. J. Phys 40, 065802 (2019). | Lars English |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Amanda Christine Baylor | Photometry of 10 Eclipsing Variables in the Field of NGC 2362 Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Xuan-Lin Chen | Xuan-Lin Chen, Saidou Abdoulkary, P. G. Kevrekidis, L.Q. English, "Resonant Localized Modes in Electrical Lattices with Second Neighbor Coupling", Phys. Rev. E 98, 052201 (2018) | Lars English |
Natalie Griffin Ferris | Ghost interference: a quantum phenomenon? Conference: 2018 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson,David Jackson |
Natalie Griffin Ferris | "Subtleties with Young's double-slit experiment: Investigation of spatial coherence and fringe visi- bility," David P. Jackson, Natalie Ferris, Ruthie Strauss, Hongyi Li, and Brett J. Pearson, Am. J. Phys. 86, 683-689 (2018). | Brett Pearson |
Natalie Griffin Ferris | "Measurements of slit-width effects in Youngs double-slit experiment for a partially-coherent source," Brett J. Pearson, Natalie Ferris, Ruthie Strauss, Hongyi Li, and David P. Jackson, OSA Continuum 1, 755-763 (2018). | Brett Pearson |
Natalie Griffin Ferris | Double-Slit Interference with Partially-Coherent Light Conference: 2018 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson,David Jackson |
Natalie Griffin Ferris | Interference from Patially Coherent Light Sources Conference: Optics and Photonics Winter School and Workshop Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Brett Pearson,David Jackson |
Natalie Griffin Ferris | Double-Slit Interference Pattern Visibility with Partially-Coherent Light Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson,David Jackson |
Ralph Lawrence Fallurin Hernandez | Photometric Analysis of RR Lyrae Variable GM Orionis Conference: 2018 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager,Windsor Morgan,Robert Boyle |
Ralph Lawrence Fallurin Hernandez | Further Research on the RR Lyrae Variable Star: GM Orionis Conference: Physics Senior Research Talks Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager,Windsor Morgan |
Ralph Lawrence Fallurin Hernandez | Photometric Analysis of RR Lyrae Variable GM Orionis Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Windsor Morgan,Catrina Hamilton-Drager,Robert Boyle |
Julia Elizabeth Huddy | Three-Dimensional Analysis of Ion Distributions within Thin-Film All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Julia Elizabeth Huddy | Three-Dimensional Analysis of Ion Distributions within Thin-Film All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries Conference: 2017 University of Maryland Summer Research Poster Session Supported by: National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program | |
Ellis Hayes Johnson | Light Pollution through the lens of mathematical modeling and theoretical analysis Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Robert Boyle |
Ellis Hayes Johnson | Light Pollution in Carlisle, PA Conference: Physics Senior Research Talks Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Windsor Morgan |
Ellis Hayes Johnson | Light Pollution: The Mathematical Model and Theoretical Analysis Conference: 2018 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Robert Boyle |
Sophie Dallas Kirkman | Investigation of the Absorber Efficiency of a Gridded Single-Pass Solar Air Heater Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 5 | Susan Perabo |
Hongyi Li | "Subtleties with Young's double-slit experiment: Investigation of spatial coherence and fringe visibility," David P. Jackson, Natalie Ferris, Ruthie Strauss, Hongyi Li, and Brett J. Pearson, Am. J. Phys. 86, 683-689 (2018). | Brett Pearson |
Hongyi Li | "Measurements of slit-width effects in Youngs double-slit experiment for a partially-coherent source," Brett J. Pearson, Natalie Ferris, Ruthie Strauss, Hongyi Li, and David P. Jackson, OSA Continuum 1, 755-763 (2018). | Brett Pearson |
Zifan Lu | Further Research on the RR Lyrae Variable Star: GM Orionis Conference: Physics Senior Research Talks Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager,Windsor Morgan |
Zifan Lu | Photometric Analysis of RR Lyrae Variable GM Orionis Conference: 2018 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager,Windsor Morgan,Robert Boyle |
Zifan Lu | Photometric Analysis of RR Lyrae Variable GM Orionis Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Windsor Morgan,Catrina Hamilton-Drager,Robert Boyle |
Kelly Elizabeth Maurer | A Search for Extrasolar Planetary Transits Conference: 2010 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Andrea Daniels Minot | Oscillations in Emerging Active Regions on the Sun Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Matthew Lawrence Persick | Light Pollution through the lens of mathematical modeling and theoretical analysis Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Robert Boyle |
Matthew Lawrence Persick | Light Pollution in Carlisle, PA Conference: Physics Senior Research Talks Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Windsor Morgan |
Matthew Lawrence Persick | Light Pollution: The Mathematical Model and Theoretical Analysis Conference: 2018 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Robert Boyle |
Tyler Richey-Yowell | Characterizing Short Period Eclipsing Binaries in the Field of NGC 2362 Conference: 2017 European Southern Observatory Conference Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Veronica Marie Rodriguez | The Use of Automated Planetariums in Introductory Undergraduate Astronomy Education Conference: Physics Senior Research Talks Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Windsor Morgan |
Veronica Marie Rodriguez | The Use of Automated Planetariums in Introductory Undergraduate Astronomy Education Conference: 2018 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Robert Boyle |
Veronica Marie Rodriguez | The Use of Automated Planetariums in Introductory Undergraduate Astronomy Education Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Robert Boyle |
Ruth Agnes Strauss | Ghost interference: a quantum phenomenon? Conference: 2018 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | David Jackson |
Ruth Agnes Strauss | Double-Slit Interference Pattern Visibility with Partially-Coherent Light Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson,David Jackson |
Ruth Agnes Strauss | Interference from Partially-Coherent Sources Conference: 2018 Optics and Photonics Winter School and Workshop Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Brett Pearson,David Jackson |
Ruth Agnes Strauss | "Subtleties with Young's double-slit experiment: Investigation of spatial coherence and fringe visi- bility," David P. Jackson, Natalie Ferris, Ruthie Strauss, Hongyi Li, and Brett J. Pearson, Am. J. Phys. 86, 683-689 (2018). | Brett Pearson |
Ruth Agnes Strauss | "Measurements of slit-width effects in Youngs double-slit experiment for a partially-coherent source," Brett J. Pearson, Natalie Ferris, Ruthie Strauss, Hongyi Li, and David P. Jackson, OSA Continuum 1, 755-763 (2018). | Brett Pearson |
Ruth Agnes Strauss | Double-Slit Interference with Partially-Coherent Light Conference: 2018 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson,David Jackson |
Isaac Ward | Light Pollution in Carlisle, PA Conference: Physics Senior Research Talks Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Windsor Morgan |
Erin P Wynne | Using an Arduino in a Coupled Logistic Map Circuit to Record Bifurcations and Chaos Conference: 2018 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Erin P Wynne | Using an Arduino in a Coupled Logistic Map Circuit to Record Bifurcations and Chaos Conference: 33rd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Lars English |
Erin P Wynne | The Implementation of the Arduino Microcontroller to Aide in the Study of Coupled Logistic Map Circuits Conference: Physics Senior Research Talks Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Natalie Griffin Ferris | Double-slit interference using one beam of a quantum-entangled light source Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | David Jackson |
Christopher Brandon Fritz | L.Q. English, A. Zampetaki, P.G. Kevrekidis, K. Skowronski, C.B. Fritz, Saidou Abdoulkary, "Analysis and observation of moving domain fronts in a ring of coupled electronic self-oscillators", Chaos 27, 103125 (2017). | Lars English |
Christopher Brandon Fritz | A Novel Model for Nonlinear Oscillators Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Justin Tyler Gardner | Upgrading the Britton Observatory at Dickinson College: Installation of a new CCD and filter wheel assembly, and the automation of observatory routines Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Justin Tyler Gardner | Upgrading the Britton Observatory at Dickinson College: Installation of the New CCD and Automation of Observatory Routines Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Justin Tyler Gardner | Upgrading the Britton Observatory at Dickinson College: Installation of a New CCD and Filter Wheel Assembly and the Automation of Observatory routine Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Jacob Alexander Grant | The Cataclysmic Variable V723 Cas Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Jacob Alexander Grant | The Mystery Behind the Increasing Brightness of GM Ori Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Robert Boyle |
Jacob Alexander Grant | The Unexpected Behavior of Variable Stars: GM Ori & V723 Cas Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Jacob Alexander Grant | A Sudden Change in Amplitude of V723 Cas Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Jiahao Han | Exotic Chaos: Exploring the Correlated Dynamics of Coupled Logistic Map Circuits Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Lars English |
Jiahao Han | Exotic Chaos: Exploring the Correlated Dynamics of Coupled Logistic Map Circuits Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Jiahao Han | Recreating the Logistic Map through Circuits - Theory and Simulation Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Megan Jeanne Hansen | Experimental Analysis and Theoretical Projection of Greenhouse Thermal Performance Following Installation of a Solar Air Heater and Phase-Change Material-Based Heat Storage Device Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Megan Jeanne Hansen | A Comprehensive Solar Air Heater Research Station for the New Senior Capstone Experience Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Megan Jeanne Hansen | Experimental analysis and theoretical projection of greenhouse thermal performance following installation of a solar air heater and phase-change material-based heat storage device Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Sean H Jones | Exotic Chaos: Exploring the Correlated Dynamics of Coupled Logistic Map Circuits Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Sean H Jones | Electronic Realization of the Logistic Map Function Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Sean H Jones | Exotic Chaos: Exploring the Correlated Dynamics of Coupled Logistic Map Circuits Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Lars English |
Michael Johnathan Kmetz | Does the Bloch theorem of quantum mechanics apply in analogous hydrodynamic systems? Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Stephen Strickland |
Elijah Laue | A Comprehensive Solar Air Heater Research Station for the New Senior Capstone Experience. Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Elijah Laue | A Comprehensive Solar Air Heater Research Station for the New Senior Capstone Experience Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Elijah Laue | A Comprehensive Solar Air Heater Research Station for the New Senior Capstone Experience Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Hieu Dang Minh Le | Construction of a Comprehensive Catalogue of Possible Cosmic Topologies Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 7 | Laura Watson |
Hongyi Li | Interference with Incoherent Sources Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Brett Pearson |
Michelle Chloe Orden | Modeling the Cooling of Pillow Lavas and their Fracture Patterns Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Benjamin Edwards,Hans Pfister |
Michelle Chloe Orden | Modeling the Cooling of Pillow Lavas and their Fracture Patterns Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Benjamin Edwards,Hans Pfister |
Michelle Chloe Orden | Modeling the Cooling of Pillow Lavas and their Fracture Patterns Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Benjamin Edwards,Hans Pfister |
Amanda Marie Ratajczak | Exploring the Effects of Frequency on the Dynamics of Gravity-Capillary Waves Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Stephen Strickland |
Amanda Marie Ratajczak | Where do Particles of Different Sizes Accumulate on Gravity-Capillary Waves? Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Stephen Strickland |
Amanda Marie Ratajczak | Where do Particles of Different Sizes Accumulate on Gravity-Capillary Waves? Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Stephen Strickland |
Tyler Richey-Yowell | Characterizing Short Period Eclipsing Binaries in the Field of NGC 2362 Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Tyler Richey-Yowell | Characterizing Short Period Eclipsing Binaries in the Field of NGC 2362 Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Tyler Richey-Yowell | In Search of Stellar Music: Finding Pulsators for the TESS Mission Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Windsor Morgan |
Cameron Charles William Ruhl | Complexity from Simplicity: Observations of the Nonlinear Dynamics of Driven, Vertically Hanging Chains Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Lars English |
Cameron Charles William Ruhl | Complexity from Simplicity: Observations of the Nonlinear Dynamics of Driven, Vertically Hanging Chains Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Cameron Charles William Ruhl | Complexity from Simplicity: Observations of the Nonlinear Dynamics of Driven, Vertically Hanging Chains Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Kevin Joseph Skowronski | Electronic Realization of the Logistic Map Function Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Kevin Joseph Skowronski | L.Q. English, A. Zampetaki, P.G. Kevrekidis, K. Skowronski, C.B. Fritz, Saidou Abdoulkary, "Analysis and observation of moving domain fronts in a ring of coupled electronic self-oscillators", Chaos 27, 103125 (2017). | Lars English |
Kevin Joseph Skowronski | Exotic Chaos: Exploring the Correlated Dynamics of Coupled Logistic Map Circuits Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposiu Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Lars English |
Kevin Joseph Skowronski | Exotic Chaos: Exploring the Correlated Dynamics of Coupled Logistic Map Circuits Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Henry Thomas Swanson | Simulating Orbital Dynamics Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Henry Thomas Swanson | Simulating the Orbital Dynamics of Accretion Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Robert Boyle,Michael Skalak |
Henry Thomas Swanson | Simulating the Orbital Dynamics of Accretion Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Robert Boyle,Michael Skalak |
Troy Edward Thornton | A Comprehensive Solar Air Heater Research Station for the New Senior Capstone Experience Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Troy Edward Thornton | A Comprehensive Solar Air Heater Research Station for the New Senior Capstone Experience. Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Troy Edward Thornton | A Comprehensive Solar Air Heater Research Station for the New Senior Capstone Experience Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Emily C Whitaker | Small Scale Biogas for Energy Sustainability and Education Conference: 2016 Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Conference & Expo Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Matthew Steiman |
Emily C Whitaker | Where do Particles of Different Sizes Accumulate on Gravity-Capillary Waves? Conference: 32nd Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Stephen Strickland |
Emily C Whitaker | Where do Particles of Different Sizes Accumulate on Gravity-Capillary Waves? Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Stephen Strickland |
Emily C Whitaker | Exploring the Effects of Frequency on the Dynamics of Gravity-Capillary Waves Conference: 2017 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Stephen Strickland |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Matthew Carl Brinckerhoff | Photometric observations of an eclipsing binary in NGC 2362 Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Matthew Carl Brinckerhoff | Short Period Eclipsing Binaries In The Field Of The Young Cluster NGC 2362 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Christopher Brandon Fritz | L.Q. English, David Mertens, Saidou Abdoulkary, C.B. Fritz, K. Skowronski, P.G. Kevrekidis, "The emergence and analysis of Kuramoto-Sakaguchi-like models as an effective description for the dynamics of coupled Wien-bridge oscillators", Phys. Rev. E 94, 062212 (2016). | Lars English |
Christopher Brandon Fritz | Synchronization in Networks of Electrical Self-Oscillators Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Lars English |
Nicole Elizabeth Fronsdahl | Investigation of the conversion efficiency and output power of a gridded solar air heater on mass flow rate and grid number Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Nicole Elizabeth Fronsdahl | Investigation of the Conversion Efficiency and Output Power of a Gridded Solar Air Heater as a Function of Mass Flow Rate and Grid Number Conference: 2016 Physics Senior Research Pesentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Nicole Elizabeth Fronsdahl | Investigation of the Solar to Thermal Energy Conversion Efficiency of a Single-Pass, Doubly Glazed, Packed Solar Air Heater on the Number of Absorber Grids," Conference: 10th annual SWEP Conference Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Justin Tyler Gardner | Determining Rotation Periods of Stars in the Young Cluster NGC 2129 Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Elon Isaac Gordon | Design, Construction, and Analysis of a Singly Glazed Solar Air Heater with Matrix Absorber and Unique Air Flow. Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Hans Pfister |
Sean H Jones | Solar air heater enhanced biogas digester Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Matthew Steiman,Hans Pfister |
Sung Woo Kim | A Novel Gridded Solar Air Heater and an Investigation of its Conversion Efficienc | Hans Pfister |
Kyle Lewis Liss | A Numerical Study of Multi-Dimensional Molecular Motion Conference: Saint Joseph's University Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium | Brett Pearson |
Kyle Lewis Liss | A Numerical Study of Multi-Dimensional Molecular Motion Conference: 2016 Physics Senior Research Pesentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Kyle Lewis Liss | Numerical simulations of high-dimensional mode-coupling models in molecular dynamics Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson |
Kyle Lewis Liss | Predicting Molecular Motion Using Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics Conference: 2016 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Hanyu Ma | Experimental studies of synchronization in coupled wien-bridge oscillators Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Mertens,Lars English |
Sahil Rajivshiv Nayyar | The simulation of femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy applied to diatomic molecules Conference: Saint Joseph's University Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium | Brett Pearson |
Sahil Rajivshiv Nayyar | The Numerical Simulation of Femtosecond Transition-state Spectroscopy Applied to diatomic iodine (I2) Using Split-operator Fourier-transform Propagation Methods Conference: 2016 Physics Senior Research Pesentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Sahil Rajivshiv Nayyar | Predicting Molecular Motion Using Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics Conference: 2016 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Maxwell McLearn Patterson | Standardizing planetarium displays for introductory astronomy courses Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Robert Boyle |
Tyler Louis Ralston | A Novel Gridded Solar Air Heater and an Investigation of its Conversion Efficiency | Hans Pfister |
Tyler Richey-Yowell | Short Period Eclipsing Binaries In The Field Of The Young Cluster NGC 236 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
John James Root | Investigation of the Conversion Efficiency and Output Power of a Gridded Solar Air Heater as a Function of Mass Flow Rate and Grid Number Conference: 2016 Physics Senior Research Pesentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
John James Root | Investigation of the conversion efficiency and output power of a gridded solar air heater on mass flow rate and grid number Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
John James Root | Investigation of the Solar to Thermal Energy Conversion Efficiency of a Single-Pass, Doubly Glazed, Packed Solar Air Heater on the Number of Absorber Grids," Conference: 10th annual SWEP Conference Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Angel Shiwakoti | NSF: Interactive Video Vignettes Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Emerita Laws |
Kevin Joseph Skowronski | L.Q. English, David Mertens, Saidou Abdoulkary, C.B. Fritz, K. Skowronski, P.G. Kevrekidis, "The emergence and analysis of Kuramoto-Sakaguchi-like models as an effective description for the dynamics of coupled Wien-bridge oscillators", Phys. Rev. E 94, 062212 (2016). | Lars English |
Kevin Joseph Skowronski | Synchronization in Networks of Electrical Self-Oscillators Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Lars English |
Adrian Fitch Stone | Light pollution in Carlisle: Characterization and analysis Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Robert Boyle |
Adrian Fitch Stone | Light Pollution in Carlisle: Characterization and Anal Conference: 2016 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Robert Boyle |
Emily C Whitaker | Soil water content sensors as a method of measuring lake ice depth. Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Emily C Whitaker | Solar air heater enhanced biogas digester Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Matthew Steiman,Hans Pfister |
Emily C Whitaker | Soil Water Content Sensors as a Method of Measuring Ice Depth Conference: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Benjamin Edwards |
Zephram Cochran Wolf | CCD photometry calibration Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Robert Boyle |
Zhuwei Zeng | A simple realization of the Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model Conference: 2016 American Physical Society | David Mertens,Lars English |
Zhuwei Zeng | Light pollution in Carlisle: Characterization and analysis Conference: 31st Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Robert Boyle |
Zhuwei Zeng | Light Pollution in Carlisle: Characterization and Analysis Conference: 2016 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Robert Boyle |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Marc Julien Besson | Stability and Intrinsic Localized Mode Formation on Ferromanetic Lattices Conference: 2015 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Marc Julien Besson | Stability and Intrinsic Localized Mode Formation on Ferromagnetic Lattices Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Lars English |
Prasad Shivani Bommana | The Physics of Perpetual Motion Tops Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson |
Prasad Shivani Bommana | The Physics of Perpetual Motion Tops Conference: 2015 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Michal James Burgunder | Modeling Land Surface Temperatures and Carbon Cycles using MATLAB Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Michal James Burgunder | Chladni Figures Conference: 2015 Physics Senior Research Presentatio Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Michal James Burgunder | Chladni Figures Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson |
Andrew William Chen | Demonstrations in Ultrasound Imaging Concepts for Undergraduate Students Conference: 2015 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Andrew William Chen | Modelling Polar Processes Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Andrew William Chen | Demonstrations in Ultrasound Imaging Concepts for Undergraduate Students Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson |
Raheem Ahmed Chowdhury | The Physics of Perpetual Motion Tops Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson |
Raheem Ahmed Chowdhury | A Basic Model of the Atmosphere Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Raheem Ahmed Chowdhury | The Physics of Perpetual Motion Top Conference: 2015 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Natalie Griffin Ferris | Optimizing collimator head angle to minimize radiation therapy treatment time Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Nicholas Krzysztof Formus | Getting to the End of Things Conference: 2015 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Nicholas Krzysztof Formus | Getting to the End of Things Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson |
Christopher Brandon Fritz | A Basic Model of the Atmosphere Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Devin McDonald Gaby | The Falling Chimney: An Analysis of the Internal Dynamics of a Rotating Structure Conference: 2015 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Devin McDonald Gaby | Global Climate Model Prediction of Ocean Temperature and Carbon Levels Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Devin McDonald Gaby | The Falling Chimney: An Analysis of the Internal Dynamics of a Rotating Structure Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson |
Justin Tyler Gardner | Modeling Land Surface Temperatures and Carbon Cycles using MATLAB Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Jiahao Han | Experimental exploration of multi-frequency intrinsic localized modes in pendulum chains with subharmonic driving Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Lars English |
Jiahao Han | "Multi-frequency and edge breathers in the discrete sine-Gordon system via subharmonic driving: Theory, computation and experiment," | Lars English |
Marie Joann Holden | 756 Lilliana: An Astronomical Controversy Conference: 2015 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Windsor Morgan,Catrina Hamilton-Drager,Brett Pearson,Robert Boyle |
Marie Joann Holden | .756 Lilliana: An Astronomical Controversy Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Windsor Morgan,Catrina Hamilton-Drager,Brett Pearson,Robert Boyle |
Sean H Jones | Updated Videos for Analysis in Introductory Physics Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 4 | Brett Pearson |
Emily Carolyn Kaplita | Precollege experiences shape attitudes of science Supported by: Center for Sustainability Education Number of Weeks: 3 | David Reed |
Benjamin Joseph Kimock | Nonlinear modes and topologically stabilized excitations in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic sheets Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Lars English |
Benjamin Joseph Kimock | Nonlinear Modes and Topologically Stabilized Excitations in Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Sheets Conference: 2015 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
William Hardy Kochtitzky | Modelling Polar Processes Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Benjamin Foster Koltz | Solar Radiation Input for a Global Climate Model Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Benjamin Foster Koltz | Development and Implementation of New Data Program and Analysis Programs for the Michael L. Britton 24-inch Telescope Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson |
Benjamin Foster Koltz | Acquisition and Reduction of Astronomical Data in Python Conference: 2015 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Megan Elaine Layman | Global Climate Model Prediction of Ocean Temperature and Carbon Levels Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Hanyu Ma | Mu2e Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Robert William MacKenna | The Falling Chimney: An Analysis of the Internal Dynamics of a Rotating Structure Conference: 2015 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Robert William MacKenna | The Falling Chimney: An Analysis of the Internal Dynamics of a Rotating Structure Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson |
Maxwell McLearn Patterson | Global Climate Model Prediction of Ocean Temperature and Carbon Levels Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Tyler Louis Ralston | Dependence of the Efficiency of a Gridded Solar Air Heater on the Mass Flow Rate Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Physics & Astronomy | Hans Pfister |
Tyler Louis Ralston | Dependence of the Efficiency of a Gridded Solar Air Heater on the Mass Flow Rate Conference: 2015 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Tyler Richey-Yowell | Updated Videos for Analysis in Introductory Physics Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | David Jackson |
John James Root | Modeling Land Surface Temperatures and Carbon Cycles using MATLAB Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Katherine Anne Roy | Demonstrations in Ultrasound Imaging and Beam Steering Using Phased Arrays Conference: Saint Joseph's University Sigma Xi Student Research Symposiu | Brett Pearson |
Katherine Anne Roy | Demonstrations in Ultrasound Imaging Concepts for Undergraduate Students Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson |
Katherine Anne Roy | Beam steering of Ultrasound Using Phased Arrays Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson |
Katherine Anne Roy | Demonstrations in Ultrasound Imaging Concepts for Undergraduate Students Conference: 2015 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Angel Shiwakoti | NSF: Interactive Video Vignettes Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Emerita Laws |
Juntian Tao | NSF: Interactive Video Vignettes Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Emerita Laws |
Emily C Whitaker | Kinetic Energy Study of Wisconsin Lake Ecosytems Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Zephram Cochran Wolf | Solar Radiation Input for a Global Climate Model Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Zhuwei Zeng | Experimental study of synchronization of coupled electrical self-oscillators and comparison to the Sakaguchi-Kuramoto model | Lars English |
Zhuwei Zeng | A Basic Model of the Atmosphere Conference: 30th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Reed |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Sophia Ilyssa Acevedo | Double Photon Ghost-Interference Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | David Jackson |
Sophia Ilyssa Acevedo | An Attempt To Observe Twin Photon Ghost Interference Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | David Jackson |
Sophia Ilyssa Acevedo | An Attempt To Observe Twin Photon Ghost Interference Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Jackson |
Elias McGarvey Blumenthal | Dependence of the Conversion Efficiency of a Gridded Solar Air Heater on Mass Flow Rate and Grid Number Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Elias McGarvey Blumenthal | Investigation of the Effect of Mass Flow Rates on the Efficiency of a Cost-Efficient Solar Air Heater Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Elias McGarvey Blumenthal | Dependence of the Conversion Efficiency of a Gridded Solar Air Heater on Mass Flow Rate and Grid Number Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Justin Douglas Brown | Photometry of the Under Observed RR Lyrae Star GM Orionis | Robert Boyle |
Justin Douglas Brown | Observations of Under-Observed RR Lyrae Star: GM Orionis Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Robert Boyle |
Justin Douglas Brown | Photometry of the Under-Observed RR Lyrae Star: GM Orionis Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Robert Boyle |
Justin Douglas Brown | Observations of Under-Observed RR Lyrae Star: GM Orionis Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentation Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Robert Boyle |
Justin Robert Kiehne | Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of a Latent Heat Storage Device Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Pesentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Justin Robert Kiehne | Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of a Latent Heat Storage Device Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Justin Robert Kiehne | Experimental and Theoretical Characterization Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of a Latent Heat Storage Device Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Benjamin Joseph Kimock | Dependence of the Conversion Efficiency of a Gridded Solar Air Heater on Mass Flow Rate and Grid Number Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Ryan Irwin Lane | The Evolution of the Cataclysmic Variable V723 Cassiopeia Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Ryan Irwin Lane | Modeling the Evolution of the Classical Nova V723 Cassiopeia Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Ryan Irwin Lane | The Evolution of the Cataclysmic Variable V723 Cassiopeia Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Olivia Thomas Lanes | An Attempt To Observe Twin Photon Ghost Interference Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | David Jackson |
Olivia Thomas Lanes | Double Photon Ghost-Interference Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | David Jackson |
Olivia Thomas Lanes | An Attempt To Observe Twin Photon Ghost Interference Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Jackson |
Yike Li-Eng | Characterization of Ultrashort Laser Pulses Using Two-Photon Absorption Photodiodes Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Yike Li-Eng | Characterization of Ultrashort laser pulses using two-photon absorption photodiodes Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Brett Pearson |
Yike Li-Eng | Characterization of Ultrashort Laser Pulses using Two-Photon Absorption in a Photodiode Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Kylie Marie Logan | Investigation of the Effect of Mass Flow Rates on the Efficiency of a Cost-Efficient Solar Air Heater Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Kylie Marie Logan | Dependence of the Conversion Efficiency of a Gridded Solar Air Heater on Mass Flow Rate and Grid Number Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Kylie Marie Logan | Dependence of the Conversion Efficiency of a Gridded Solar Air Heater on Mass Flow Rate and Grid Number Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Shane Karl Mitchell | Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of a Latent Heat Storage Device Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Shane Karl Mitchell | Experimental and Theoretical Characterization Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of a Latent Heat Storage Device Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Shane Karl Mitchell | Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of a Latent Heat Storage Device Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Pesentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Tyler Louis Ralston | Investigation of the Effect of Glazing on the Conversion Efficiency of A Gridded Solar Air Heater Supported by: PPG Foundation (Grant Matching) Number of Weeks: 8 | Hans Pfister |
John James Root | Dependence of the Conversion Efficiency of a Gridded Solar Air Heater on Mass Flow Rate and Grid Number Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Joseph Fidelis Stormes | Parity-Time Symmetry Breaking in a Non-Linear Gain/Lost Circuit Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Pesentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Byron Robert Tannous | Autonomous Heliostat Design for Natural Room Lighting Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Byron Robert Tannous | Autonomous Heliostat Design for Natural Room Lighting Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Pesentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Byron Robert Tannous | Design of a Heliostat for Active Lighti Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Liam Timms | Synchronization in a Network of Phase-Coupled Oscillators: The Role of Learning and Time Delay Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Pesentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Liam Timms | Synchronization in Phase-Coupled Kuramoto Oscillator Networks with Axonal Delay and Synaptic Plasticity | Lars English |
Michael A Vecchio | Autonomous Heliostat Design for Natural Room Lighting Conference: 29th Annual Science Student Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Michael A Vecchio | Autonomous Heliostat Design for Natural Room Lighting Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Pesentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Michael A Vecchio | Design of a Heliostat for Active Lighting Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Ellen Hope Was | An Experimental and Mathematical Thermal Cooling Model for Subaqueous Pillow Lavas Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Benjamin Edwards,Hans Pfister |
Ellen Hope Was | How Cool is Your Pillow? Using Geology and Physics to Investigate the Formation of Subglacial Pillow Lava Conference: 2014 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Benjamin Edwards,Hans Pfister |
Zhuwei Zeng | A simple experimental spontaneously synchronizing phase oscillator circuit Conference: Mid-Atlantic American Physical Society Meeting Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | David Mertens |
Zhuwei Zeng | Experimental Verification of the Subpopulation Approach to the Finite Kuramoto Model Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | David Mertens |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Melia Elizabeth Bonomo | Analyzing the Singularities of Freezing Sessile Water Droplets Conference: 2013 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | David Jackson |
Casey Conner Caslin | Analyzing the Singularities of Freezing Sessile Water Droplets Conference: 2013 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | David Jackson |
Raheem Ahmed Chowdhury | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Dickinson College - Research on Solar Air Heater, Flywheel Energy Storage Device, and Sponge Resistor Analogy Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | Hans Pfister |
Samuel Livingston Kelly | Department of Homeland Security H-STEM Programm: Automatic Software Flaw Detection via Static Analysis Supported by: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Justin Robert Kiehne | Surface Acoustic Waves in Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Supported by: BioNems Lab, Penn State Number of Weeks: 9 | |
Benjamin Joseph Kimock | Analysis of Observations of KH 15D Obtained with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Benjamin Joseph Kimock | Rotational Velocities of PMS Stars in NGC 2362 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Benjamin Joseph Kimock | Rotation Rates and Radii of Young Stars in the Cluster NGC 2362 Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 13 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Ryan Irwin Lane | Modeling the Light Curve of the Classical Nova v723 Ca | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Ryan Irwin Lane | Using Fermi LAT Data to Probe the Interstellar Cosmic Ray Spectrum Supported by: SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Number of Weeks: 7 | |
Mauro David Lifschitz Arribio | Analyzing the Singularities of Freezing Sessile Water Droplets Conference: 2013 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | David Jackson |
Mauro David Lifschitz Arribio | A nonlinear electrical resonator as a simple touch-sensitive switch | Lars English |
Shane Karl Mitchell | NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): Visible Light Refraction in Opal Photonic Crystals Supported by: University of Texas at Brownsville Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Joseph Fidelis Stormes | Energy localization and transport in two-dimensional electrical lattices | Lars English |
Joseph Fidelis Stormes | Nonlinear two-dimensional localization of energy in driven electrical lattices Conference: 2013 American Physical Society | Lars English |
Liam Timms | Synchronization of phase oscillators in a neural network with time-delay and learning Conference: 2013 American Physical Society | Lars English |
Michael A Vecchio | NSF 085670 STEP Program at Dickinson College Supported by: National Science Foundation Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Michael A Vecchio | Piezoelectric Prototype Mirror Fabrication for NASA SMART-X Telescope Supported by: Pennsylvania University department of Material Science Number of Weeks: 5 |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Charles Andrew Alcorn | An Improved TEC Receiver for a Sun-Tracking Solar Concentrator Conference: 2012 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Melia Elizabeth Bonomo | NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU): Exploration in the Laser Teaching Center Supported by: National Science Foundation (NSF) REU Program, SUNY Stonybrok Number of Weeks: 8 | |
Paulo Candiani | Generation of localized modes in an electrical lattice using subharmonic driving | Lars English |
Morgan Michelle Cheatham | A Hohlraum Receiver for a Sun-tracking Concentrating Solar Collector Conference: 2012 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Hillel Paz Hauck Finder | Synchronization Phenomena in Physical and Electronic Systems Supported by: R&D SFR Number of Weeks: 6 | Lars English |
Lara T Frymark | V723 Cas: Light Curves of a Cataclysmic Variable Conference: 2012 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Marc Albert Koehler | NMR Spectroscopy and the Detection of Impurities in Water Conference: 2012 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Gregory James Lawrence | NMR Spectroscopy and the Detection of Impurities in Water Conference: 2012 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Ilia Papa | An Improved TEC Receiver for a Sun-Tracking Solar Concentrator Conference: 2012 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Michael Thomas Ryan | Misbehaving Photon Measurements Conference: 2012 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Christine Ann Welling | Photometry of Underobserved RR Lyrae Variable Stars Conference: 2012 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Robert Boyle |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Paulo Candiani | A Novel Route Towards Energy Localization & its Manipulation in an Electrical Lattice Conference: 2011 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Morgan Michelle Cheatham | Reflectance of Coated Mirrors Conference: 2011 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Melissa Kelly | The Top Secret TM Perpetually Spinning Top Explained Conference: 2011 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Mauro David Lifschitz Arribio | NSF-PFI/ITN - Seed/Assistance Funding for Faculty Research with Commercial Partners: Development of a Energy Efficient and Versatile Distributed Illumination System Supported by: National Science Foundation - PFI/ITN Number of Weeks: 8 | Lars English |
Anubhav Mohan | The Top Secret TM Perpetually Spinning Top Explained Conference: 2011 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Matthew Jude Murray | Using shaped ultrafast laser pulses to detect enzyme binding | Brett Pearson |
Matthew Jude Murray | The Shaping of Ultrafast Laser Pulses Conference: 2011 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Kent Jarrod Pecora | The Top Secret TM Perpetually Spinning Top Explained Conference: 2011 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Kristen Ann Recine | A Mysterious Light Curve: Studying the Star V723 Cassiopeia Conference: 2011 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Kristen Ann Recine | Modeling the Evolution of the Cataclysmic Variable System V723 Cas Conference: n/a Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Kristen Ann Recine | The CHAI Project: Coordinates for Hubble Astronomical Images Conference: 2011 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Christine Ann Welling | Broad Absorption Line Variability in Radio-Loud Quasars Conference: 2010 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | |
Samuel George Wheeler | Backward-wave propagation and discrete solitons in a left-handed electrical lattice | Lars English |
Brian Steven Wysowski | Mapping Out the ion Velocity Distribution Function Fi(v) in the Plasma of the Dickinson Hall Thruster Conference: 2011 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Mara Eugenia Roze Anderson | Rainbows in Space: The SBIG ST8 Spectrograph Conference: 2010 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Mara Eugenia Roze Anderson | Rainbows in Space: Preparing the SBIG ST8 Spectrograph Conference: 2010 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Daniel Harrison Barnak | Hall Thruster Performance and Anode Position Conference: 2010 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Daniel Harrison Barnak | Traveling and stationary intrinsic localized modes and their spatial control in electrical lattices | Lars English |
Daniel Harrison Barnak | Diagnostics of a Closed Drift Hall Thruster Conference: 2010 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Hans Pfister |
Daniel Harrison Barnak | Hall Thruster Performance & Anode Position Conference: 2010 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Hans Pfister |
Zachary Lee Carson | Quantum Optics: Violating Local Realism Conference: 2010 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson |
Zachary Lee Carson | Quantum Optics: Hardy's Test of Local Reason Conference: 2010 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Brett Pearson,David Jackson |
Eric Michael Dornbush | An Investigation of Classical Nova V723 Gas and Introduction to Photometric Processes Conference: 2010 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Eric Michael Dornbush | A Comparative Study: Using Aperture Photometry to Detect Evolutions of V723 Cas Conference: 2010 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Michelle Lynn Edwards | Ground Based Maps of Acetylene and Ethane Emission in Jupiter's Atmosphere at the Time of the Cassini Encounter Conference: 2009, American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #41 | Robert Boyle |
Kelly Elizabeth Maurer | The Search for Exosolar Planetary Transits with the Britton Telescope Conference: 2010 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Robert Boyle |
Matthew Jude Murray | Pulse Shaping for Enhanced Discrimination in Multiphoton Microscopy Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Brett Pearson |
Sarah Margaret Sleyman | Analysis of a Deflating Soap Bubble | David Jackson |
Samuel George Wheeler | An Experimental Search for Backwards-Wave Solitons Conference: 2010 Physics Senior Research Presentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Samuel George Wheeler | Backwards-Wave Phenomena in a Nonlinear Electrical Lattice Conference: 2010 Physics Senior Research Pesentations Supported by: Physics & Astronomy Department | Lars English |
Samuel George Wheeler | Experimental Study of Backwards-Wave Solitons in an Electrical Lattice Conference: American Physical Society (APS) April Meeting Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Lars English |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Mara Eugenia Roze Anderson | Discrete breathers in a forced-damped array of coupled pendula: Modeling, computation, and experiment | Lars English |
Sean Robert Brannon | Verification of the Coupling Oscillation in a Hall Thruster Conference: 50th annual meeting of the APS-Division of Plasma Physics | Hans Pfister |
Anubhav Mohan | Rotational Velocities, Radii, and Spectral types of Pre-main Sequence Stars in NGC 2362 Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Ritwik Kumar Niyogi | Synchronization and Hebbian Learning in a Network of Coupled Neural Phase Oscillators Conference: 2009 Senior Research Symposium Supported by: Academic Affairs | Lars English |
Ritwik Kumar Niyogi | Synchronization and Hebbian Learning in a Network of Coupled Neural Phase Oscillators Conference: Saint Joseph's University Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium | Lars English |
Ritwik Kumar Niyogi | Synchronization and Hebbian Learning in a Network of Coupled Neural Phase Oscillators Conference: 2009 Science Research Symposium Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Lars English |
Ritwik Kumar Niyogi | Learning-rate dependent clustering and self-development in a network of coupled phase oscillators | Lars English |
Kristen Ann Recine | Extending the Timeline for Angular Momentum Evolution: What Role Do Disks Play in Regulating Stellar Rotation at 5 Myr? Supported by: NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration Number of Weeks: 8 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Mara Eugenia Roze Anderson | Nonlinear Localization and Pattern Formation in Two-Dimensional Electrical Lattices Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Lars English |
Daniel Harrison Barnak | A Hall Thruster Design with Adjustable Acceleration Channel Depth and Azimuthally Uniform B-field | Hans Pfister |
Daniel Harrison Barnak | Generation of lattice solitons via modulational instability in discrete electronic transmission lines Supported by: Research Corp for Science Advancement Number of Weeks: 8 | Lars English |
Ritoban Basu Thakur | Patterns of Traveling Intrinsic Localized Modes in a driven electrical lattice | Lars English |
Ritoban Basu Thakur | Driven Intrinsic Localized Modes in a Coupled Pendulum Array | Lars English |
Ritoban Basu Thakur | Experimental Study of Energy Localization in a Nonlinear Electrical Lattice Conference: 2008 American Physical Society | Lars English |
Sean Robert Brannon | Verification of the Coupling Oscillation in a Hall Thruster | Hans Pfister |
Zachary Lee Carson | Biological Imaging with Ultrafast Lasers Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Brett Pearson |
Francis Joseph Cressotti | Extending the Timeline for Angular Momentum Evolution: What Role Do Disks Play in Regulating Stellar Rotation at 5 Myr? Supported by: NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration Number of Weeks: 6 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Francis Joseph Cressotti | Rotation in NGC 2362: Examining the Role of Disk-Locking at 5 Myr | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Colin Stewart Dew-Becker | Fractal Dimension Analysis of Ferrfluid Shapes in a Hele-Shaw Cell Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Jackson |
Michael Kiernan Murphy | Development of a femtosecond pulsed laser lab and a multiphoton microscopy proof of concept Conference: Saint Joseph's University Sigma Xi Student Research Symposiu | Brett Pearson |
Ryan Alan Stearrett | "Experimental Study of Energy Localization in a Nonlinear Electrical Lattice" Conference: 2008 American Physical Society | Lars English |
Ryan Alan Stearrett | Patterns of Traveling Intrinsic Localized Modes in a driven electrical lattice | Lars English |
Kaloyan Vasilev Todorov | Fractal Dimension Analysis of Ferrofluid Shapes in a Hele-Shaw Cell Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | David Jackson |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Ritoban Basu Thakur | Generation of lattice solitons via modulational instability in discrete electronic transmission lines Supported by: Provost's Grant Matching Acct Number of Weeks: 8 | Lars English |
Ritoban Basu Thakur | Generation of lattice solitons via modulational instability in discrete electronic transmission lines Supported by: Research Corp for Science Advancement Number of Weeks: 8 | Lars English |
Benjamin Stephen Cooper | Time Resolved Non-Linear Spin Resonance Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | |
Narelle J Deatherage | Hillier, N.J. and Jackson, D.P. Width of a Ferrofluid Finger: Hysteresis and a Double Energy Minimum, Physical Review E, 75, 036314, 2007. | David Jackson |
Sean Michael Diamond | Sun-Tracking Solar Heat Exchanger Conference: Innoventure20 | Hans Pfister |
James Michael Diodato | Determining Rotation Periods of the Stars in NGC 2362: Extending the Timeline for Angular Momentum Evolution Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Michelle Lynn Edwards | Observations of Hydrocarbons in the Stratospheres of Jupiter and Saturn Using Celeste Conference: 2007, American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2007 | Robert Boyle |
Nickolas Evagelou | Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Research. Hansen Technologies Supported by: Provost's Grant Matching Acct Number of Weeks: 13 | David Kushner |
Kristin Anna Jekielek | Fast Rotators in NGC2362 Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Kristin Anna Jekielek | Fast Rotators in NGC 236 | Catrina Hamilton-Drager |
Martin Werner Wagner | Time Resolved Non-Linear Spin Resonance Conference: Annual Science Dinner Supported by: Science Executive Committee |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Maria T Abe | Astronomy at Dickinson College: Instrumentation, Curriculum and Culture Conference: 207th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society | Robert Boyle |
Michael Gardner Deceglie | The Computer Generation of Holographic Optical Tweezers Conference: Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Supported by: R&D Kenderdine Travel Grant | Keith Krise |
Sean Michael Diamond | Design and Construction of a Sun-Tracking Solar Heat Exchanger Supported by: PA CREDC-Capitol Regional Economic Development Council Number of Weeks: 8 | Hans Pfister |
Nickolas Evagelou | Development of Experiments for a Project Centered Course in Electronics based on the Design and Construction of a Sustainable Solar Powered LED Lighting System Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Kerry Browne |
Elizabeth Louise Foster | Pfister, Hans and Bouzarth, E.L., Helicity Conservation Under Reidemeister Moves, American Journal of Physics, Vol. 74, pg. 141 ff, February 2006. | Hans Pfister |
Ryan Alan Stearrett | Engineering plane-wave dispersion curves to study different nonlinear instabilities leading to pattern formation in electrical transmission lines Supported by: R&D Student Faculty Research Endowment Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Lars English |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Ritoban Basu Thakur | Exploring Pattern Formation in Two Nonlinear Lattices Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Lars English |
Jennifer Lynn Connelly | Boyle, Robert, Morgan, W.A., Drake, J. and Connelly, J.L. The Michael Britton Observatory of Dickinson College, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36, #151.10, 205, 2005. | Robert Boyle |
Matthew Dackman | Gridless Ion Propulsion: A New Design for a Closed Drift Hall Plasma Thruster Conference: Innoventure 2005 | Richard Lindsey,Hans Pfister |
Michael Jon Ditzler | A Solar Powered Stirling Engine: Pollution-Free Energy Co-production. Conference: Innoventure 2007 | Hans Pfister |
Jonathan Sheehan Drake | Boyle, Robert, Morgan, W.A., Drake, J. and Connelly, J.L. The Michael Britton Observatory of Dickinson College, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36, #151.10, 205, 2005. | Robert Boyle |
Evan Cowling Howlett | Exploring Pattern Formation in Two Nonlinear Lattices Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Lars English |
Christopher D Kerestes | Renormalized resonance frequencies of a ferrite sphere coupled to an LR-circuit - Comparison of Theory and Experiment | Lars English |
Brett Matthew McGeehan | Gridless Ion Propulsion: A New Design for a Closed Drift Hall Plasma Thruster Conference: Innoventure 2005 | Richard Lindsey,Hans Pfister |
Lindsay Alice Spilman-Ehrsam | A Solar Powered Stirling Engine: Pollution-Free Energy Co-product Conference: Innoventure2005 | Hans Pfister |
Brandon Todd Tirrell | A Solar Powered Stirling Engine: Pollution-Free Energy Co-production. Conference: Innoventure 2006 | Hans Pfister |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Linnea Nicole Engstrom | Feedback and Pattern Formation in Electrical Transmission Lines Supported by: R&D Dana Research Assistant Number of Weeks: 8 | Lars English |
Christopher D Kerestes | Renormalized resonance frequencies of a ferrite sphere coupled to an LR-circuit - Comparison of Theory and Experiment Conference: American Association of Physics Teacher | Lars English |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Elizabeth Louise Foster | Helicity Conservation Under Reidemeister Moves Conference: Student Science Research Symposium | Hans Pfister |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Michelle Lynn Edwards | Boyle, Robert, Lauber, M., McFarland, K.L., Edwards, M.L. , Morgan, W.A., Laws, P.W., Smith, T.S. and Zamkoff, E.B. New Astronomy Facilities for Dickinson College, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 33, 725, 2001. | Robert Boyle |
Sean Michael Finnegan | An Azimuthally Uniform Design of a Closed Drift Thruster Conference: Central Pennsylvania Area Astronomers Meeting | Hans Pfister |
Kelly Lynn McFarland | Boyle, Robert, Lauber, M., McFarland, K.L., Edwards, M.L. , Morgan, W.A., Laws, P.W., Smith, T.S. and Zamkoff, E.B. New Astronomy Facilities for Dickinson College, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 33, 725, 2001. | Robert Boyle |
Matthew Thomas Welker | Jackson, D.P. and Welker, M.T. Measuring and Modeling Cosmic Ray Showers with an MBL System: An Undergraduate Project, American Journal of Physics, 69, 896, 2001. | David Jackson |
Emily Beth Zamkoff | Boyle, Robert, Lauber, M., McFarland, K.L., Edwards, M.L. , Morgan, W.A., Laws, P.W., Smith, T.S. and Zamkoff, E.B. New Astronomy Facilities for Dickinson College, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 33, 725, 2001. | Robert Boyle |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Michael Christian Bartosiewicz | n/a Supported by: Dana Research Internship (Pre-R&D) Number of Weeks: 26 | Scott Franklin |
Darryl Andrew Hamm | Modeling of Current Disruptions in a Laboratory Plasm Conference: 5th Annual Centennial Conference Student Research Colloquium | Hans Pfister |
Maya Faye Keller | 137Cs distribution in soil Supported by: Dana Research Internship (Pre-R&D) Number of Weeks: 26 | John Luetzelschwab |
Jeffrey C Kendellen | The Physics of Drafting Between Two Competitive Swimmers Conference: 5th Annual Centennial Conference Student Research Colloquium | Richard Lindsey,Hans Pfister |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Peter Alexander Bixler | Disruptions of Large Plasma Currents Conference: 40th annual meeting of the APS-Division of Plasma Physics | Hans Pfister |
Jeremiah Douglas Williams | Disruptions of Large Plasma Currents Conference: 40th annual meeting of the APS-Division of Plasma Physics | Hans Pfister |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Peter Alexander Bixler | Disruptions of Large Plasma Currents | Hans Pfister |
Kelly Lynn McFarland | Photometry of Three Fields in the Orion Nebula Cluster Conference: 191st American Astronomical Society Meeting | Robert Boyle |
Jeremiah Douglas Williams | Disruptions of Large Plasma Currents | Hans Pfister |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Christopher James Boswell | A Fully Automated Data-Acquisition System Including the Smart-Move Features Conference: 38th annual meeting of the APS-Division of Plasma Physics | Hans Pfister |
Noel Justin Pixley | A Fully Automated Data-Acquisition System Including the Smart-Move Features Conference: 38th annual meeting of the APS-Division of Plasma Physics | Hans Pfister |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Christopher James Boswell | A Fully Automated Data-Acquisition System Including the Smart-Move Features | Hans Pfister |
Kelly Lynn McFarland | X-Ray and Optical Properties of X Persei Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Windsor Morgan |
Noel Justin Pixley | A Fully Automated Data-Acquisition System Including the Smart-Move Features | Hans Pfister |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Christopher James Boswell | A Simple Design for an Inexpensive, Intermediate Size BaO Coated Cathode Conference: 36th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Plasma Physics | Hans Pfister |
Brian William Motter | A Simple Design for an Inexpensive, Intermediate Size BaO Coated Cathode Conference: 36th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Plasma Physi | Hans Pfister |
Joel Todd Schwendemann | Research Corp-Pfister 1995 Supported by: Research Corp for Science Advancement Number of Weeks: 8 | Hans Pfister |
Alison Sherwin Vick | Photometry of the Eclipsing Binary Star MN Cassiopeiae Conference: 186th American Astronomical society Meeting | Robert Boyle |
Victoria Margarita Yeager | Photometry of the Eclipsing Binary Star MN Cassiopeiae Conference: 186th American Astronomical society Meeting | Robert Boyle |
Emily Beth Zamkoff | Photometry of the Eclipsing Binary Star MN Cassiopeiae Conference: 186th American Astronomical society Meeting | Robert Boyle |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Christopher James Boswell | A Simple Design for an Inexpensive, Intermediate Size BaO Coated Cathode | Hans Pfister |
Brian William Motter | A Simple Design for an Inexpensive, Intermediate Size BaO Coated Cathode | Hans Pfister |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Olga Nikolaevna Filippova | An Innovative, Simple Design for a Computer-Controlled Three-Dimensional Plasma Probe Drive System Conference: 34th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Plasma Physics | Hans Pfister |
Brian William Motter | Investigation of the Merging Mechanisms of Filamentary Plasma Currrents Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Hans Pfister |
Jeremy Dane Wachtel | An Innovative, Simple Design for a Computer-Controlled Three-Dimensional Plasma Probe Drive System | Hans Pfister,Grant Braught |
Jeremy Dane Wachtel | An Innovative, Simple Design for a Computer-Controlled Three-Dimensional Plasma Probe Drive System Conference: 34th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society, Division of Plasma Physics | Hans Pfister |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Olga Nikolaevna Filippova | An Innovative, Simple Design for a Computer-Controlled Three-Dimensional Plasma Probe Drive System | Hans Pfister |
Jeremy Dane Wachtel | An Innovative, Simple Design for a Computer-Controlled Three-Dimensional Plasma Probe Drive System | Hans Pfister |
Jeremy Dane Wachtel | Interaction of a Plasma Current with a Stationary Axial Current Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Hans Pfister |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Stephanie Ellis Williams | Adsorption of 222 Rn by open-faced and barrier charcoal canisters in the presence of different temperatures and humidities Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | John Luetzelschwab |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Karen Lewis Hirsch | Observations of 13.5 micron rotation-vibration lines of SiS in IRC 10216 Conference: Y Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Robert Boyle |
Andrew Joseph Wayne | Parallel Parsing Techniques Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Ann Hill |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Karen Lewis Hirsch | High Resolution Astronomical Infrared Spectroscopy Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Robert Boyle |
Deborah Velat Smith | Development of a Cold Plasma Source and Diagnostics to Study Plasma Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Guy Vandegrift |
Student Name | Project | Faculty/Mentor |
Kathleen Ann Demarest | Upgrading an Argon Plasma System Supported by: Whitaker Foundation Student Faculty Research Award Number of Weeks: 8 | Guy Vandegrift |