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Music Current Courses

Fall 2024

Course Code Title/Instructor Meets
MUAC 101-01 Early Musical Migrations
Instructor: Ellen Gray
Course Description:
What did the past sound like? What kinds of music did people dance to, worship with, celebrate with, protest with? What musical instruments were used and how were they made? Who participated in music-making, composing, and listening and what did gender, race, or religion have to do with it? How did musical forms shapeshift as people migrated, traveled, conquered, colonized, or were forcibly displaced? How did new musical forms emerge in moments of encounter? These are just some of the questions that this interdisciplinary course will explore. Students will investigate select musical worlds from 900-1750 from the areas now known as Europe and the Americas. Students will acquire skills in critical listening. The ability to read music is not required for this course and non-musicians are welcome and encouraged.
01:30 PM-02:45 PM, MR
MUAC 115-01 Keys to Music 1: Overture
Instructor: James Martin
Course Description:
This gateway into the world of music through Western musical practice is your first step on a lifelong journey with music. From reading notes, to singing and being able to identify what you hear, we will learn the vocabulary and ways that you can notate the music of your imagination - all while learning to appreciate the richly diverse world of music. Whether you have a song in your heart or a seed for a symphony, it all starts here. It's the basics of music, but it's just the beginning. Emphasis is upon the acquisition of musical literacy grounded in a thorough knowledge of Western music notation. The course is intended for non-majors with little or no theory background, and for minors and majors as preparation for MUAC 125. Offered every semester.
03:00 PM-04:15 PM, MR
MUAC 125-01 Keys to Music 2: Sacred Roots
Instructor: Hannah Koby, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Cross-listed with RELG 318-02. What are the deepest roots of contemporary music, popular and arcane? In this course, we begin by studying the earliest written music in the Western world. We trace its technical developments from the modal music of the secluded monastery to the contrapuntal complexity of Renaissance musical cathedrals. Doing so, we begin assembling a tool kit for musical performance, composition, and analysis, including modes and the incipience of the major-minor key system. The course includes two fifty-minute classes of aural skills lab each week. This course is cross-listed as RELG 318. Prerequisite: 115, placement exam, or permission of the instructor. Offered every fall semester.
09:30 AM-10:20 AM, MTWRF
MUAC 131-01 Introduction to the Art of Composition
Instructor: Greg Strohman
Course Description:
So you think the art of composing epic symphonies died with guys like Mozart, Beethoven, and Tchaikovsky? You think you need to wear a wig and be dead to compose great music? Think again! All around us, in concert halls, community centers, schools, private and public galleries, in large cities, small towns and even in isolated, rural settings, new music in the great Classical tradition is being performed and heard, music created by living composers, music of recent and current generations, your generation no less, music by people you may meet or already know. And you, too, can learn to develop a sophisticated, articulate musical voice of your life and times. Think: Symphony for the 21st century. In this one-semester, half-credit course, students learn about the living art and discipline of music composition through lectures on its history and current practice, listening assignments, and incremental composition exercises resulting in completed, small-scale works. Students will learn how the elements of sound comprise tools for conveying artistic expression, order, and meaning. .5 credit course. Prerequisite: Ability to read music in both treble and bass clefs.

MUAC 133-01 Living Music, Modern and Contemporary
Instructor: Greg Strohman
Course Description:
All around us, in concert halls, community centers, schools, private and public galleries, in large cities, small towns and even in isolated, rural settings, new music is being performed and heard, music created by living composers. You may never have heard such music, as it is a small fraction of programming on mainstream media. Nevertheless, this amazingly diverse repertoire passionately voices and reflects contemporary life, experience, and society. This is music of recent and current generations, your generation no less, music by people you may meet or already know. This half-credit course offered each semester explores such music, recent and contemporary (20th- and 21st-century) compositions and composers in the Western art-music tradition. Students will become acquainted with a wide variety of styles, will gain deeper understanding of the elements of sound as tools for artistic creation, and will hone analytical listening skills..5 credit course.

MUAC 210-01 Pause: The Politics of Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Hip Hop
Instructor: Naaja Rogers
Course Description:
Cross-listed with AFST 220-01 and WGSS 201-01. This course examines the complex and dynamic relationship between race, gender, and sexuality in hip hop, one of the largest cultural movements in the world. However, since hip hop is more than music, fashion, language, and style, and transcends the commercialization of products both in mainstream U.S.A. and globally, this course sets out to achieve two goals: (1) To introduce students to classic and emergent scholarship in the interrelated fields of critical race theory, feminist and gender studies, and queer theory which will be used to analyze hip hop and (2) to use hip hop as a heterogeneous and constantly shifting cultural and political formation that informs, complicates, and offers new of imaginings of these fields of study. Ultimately, utilizing a primarily interdisciplinary approach, this course will examine the ways in which the historical and contemporary social organizations of sexuality, gender, and race are mutually negotiated, contested, and constructed within and across hip hop music, film, dance, dress, and other sites of cultural performance. Students will have ample opportunity to engage hip hop lyrics, videos, and images throughout the span of the course.
09:00 AM-10:15 AM, TR
MUAC 221-01 Music in Media
Instructor: Kendall Winter
Course Description:
Cross-listed with FMST 210-05. Music has been a central participant in digital storytelling since the technological advances of nineteenth-century opera. Through critical reading, listening, and viewing, you will become familiar with influential theories of musical representation, common compositional strategies for scene-building, and analytical modes of criticism and interpretation of music in film, television, video games, and other forms of media. The ability to read music is not required for this course and non-musicians are welcome and encouraged. This course is cross-listed as FMST 210.
10:30 AM-11:45 AM, TR
MUAC 245-01 Keys to Music 4: Desire and Discord
Instructor: Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Drama, fantasy, desire, tragedy, the supernatural, and virtuosity take center stage in the evolution of chromatic harmony as Romantic composers move away from the elegant, formal, constraint of the Classical period. Larger-than-life imagination permeates the Western works of the 19th Century paving the way for the sounds now so integral to the film and cinematic world. Through critical reading and analysis we delve into serpentine chord progressions, endless melody and epic-scaled forms to unlock the principles behind the music of gods and demons, love and vengeance, desire and death, all of which inevitably push the major/minor system to the brink of dissolution. The course includes two fifty-minute classes of aural skills lab each week. Prerequisite: MUAC 126, placement exam, or permission of the instructor. Offered every fall semester.
10:30 AM-11:20 AM, MTWRF
MUAC 331-01 Intermediate Composition Lessons: Composing with Electronic Media
Instructor: Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Drawing on the experience gained in MUAC 231/232, students will learn to compose original works for solo instruments, small chamber ensembles, and electronic media in one-on-one study. Emphasis will be placed on developing original solutions to compositional problems and challenges and to incorporating technology in compositional works and practice. When possible, the works will be read and/or performed and recorded..5 credit course. Prerequisite: MUAC 126, and 231 or 232, and 233 and permission of the instructor

MUAC 353-02 Seminar in Music and Sound Studies: Sounds of War and Revolution
Instructor: Kendall Winter, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Wars and political upheavals are among the most distressing, and noisy, events that humans experience. In Sounds of War and Revolution, we traverse Western battlefield soundscapes from the late-eighteenth through twenty-first centuries and explore their resonances in both commemorative works and revolutionaries agitational music. Students will read and listen widely and reflect, both through in-class discussions and in written assignments, on ways that music can sound such themes as empire, dissent, nationalism, propaganda, trauma, and healing. Prerequisite: MUAC 206, 209, 210, 211, 212, or 221, or permission of the instructor.
03:00 PM-04:15 PM, MR
MUAC 401-01 Senior Colloquium
Instructor: Ellen Gray
Course Description:
The senior colloquium brings majors together in the final year of their coursework and provides them with a forum in which they will research, develop, and execute their capstone projects within the major (the guidelines for which will vary depending on students emphasis within the major). In addition students will present their senior work in a public lecture/recital known as the annual Music Majors Colloquium at the end of the fall semester. Prerequisites: One course from each of the following: a) 100, 101 or 102; b) 126, 245 or 246; c) 209; and d) 345 or any 350-level MUAC course.
01:30 PM-04:30 PM, W
MUAC 435-01 Composition Studies II: Portfolio and Project
Instructor: Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Drawing on the experience gained in MUAC 335/336, students will compose a substantial work for large chamber ensemble or larger (orchestra, band, choir). Students will also revise and refine works created earlier in their previous composition courses to achieve a polished portfolio of works for a variety of instruments, ensembles, and media. When possible and at the discretion of the professor and the director of the relevant ensemble(s), the work will be read, recorded, and possibly performed. Prerequisite: MUAC 333 and 335 and permission of instructor. Students in Music Composition Emphasis must take concurrently with 401.

Courses Offered in MUEN
Course Code Title/Instructor Meets
MUEN 009-01 Chamber Music B
Instructor: Michael Cameron
Course Description:
Admission to all department ensembles is by audition at the beginning of the academic year or by permission of the director. Instrumental ensembles meet once a week for 2 to 2 1/2 hours each. Choral ensembles meet twice a week for 1 to 1 1/4 hours each. Credit for participation in department ensembles is noted on participants' transcripts. This course provides the opportunity to engage in music-making in a small group with your peers, coached by a member of the Dickinson Music faculty. Chamber music entails intimate musical conversations and hones skills of critical listening, spontaneous response, visual cuing, and collaboration. Each chamber group has the option with faculty's discretion to perform their work publicly at the end of the semester.

MUEN 009-02 College Choir
Instructor: Lisa Turchi
Course Description:
May Not Be Audited.Each year, the College Choir performs two concerts featuring a diverse and moving range of international choral music that reflects Dickinsons global mindset and intercultural practice. In recent years, the choir has sung in over thirteen languagesincluding Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Japanese, and Koreanand presented innovative programs to address current social and political concerns. The choir also regularly collaborates with other student ensemblessuch as the Dickinson Orchestra, the Jazz Ensemble, and the Dance Theater Groupas well as professional institutions in our area. All studentsregardless of majorare encouraged to contact the director for an audition.
05:00 PM-06:15 PM, R
05:00 PM-06:15 PM, TR
05:00 PM-06:15 PM, TR
05:00 PM-06:15 PM, R
MUEN 009-04 Jazz Band
Instructor: Jeff Wohlbach
Course Description:
May Not Be Audited.This ensemble performs classic big band arrangements and also features small combos from the larger group. Concerts regularly feature nationally-known guest soloists.
07:00 PM-09:15 PM, T
07:00 PM-09:15 PM, T
07:00 PM-09:15 PM, T
07:00 PM-09:15 PM, T
MUEN 009-05 College-Community Orchestra
Instructor: Ryan Kozak
Course Description:
May Not Be Audited.The Dickinson Orchestra engages music majors, non-majors, community members, and faculty in the exhilarating and edifying process of rehearsing and performing some of the most inspiring and revered orchestral works of the last 300 years. Participation in orchestra builds skills of analytical and critical listening, time management, discipline, concentration, teamwork, and sight-reading. Participants gain insight into the interpretive process and elements of style. Rehearsals culminate in one performance each semester. The spring concert features the winner of the Annual Student Concerto Competition. Programs frequently feature faculty soloists and have included symphonies by Beethoven and Tchaikovsky, requiems by Mozart and Faure, and Handels Messiah, as well as contemporary monuments such as Joan Tower's For the Uncommon Woman, and Joseph Schwantner's New Morning for the World.
07:00 PM-09:15 PM, W
07:00 PM-09:15 PM, W
07:00 PM-09:15 PM, W
07:00 PM-09:15 PM, W
MUEN 009-06 Chamber Music A
Instructor: Michael Cameron
Course Description:
May Not Be Audited. This course provides the opportunity to engage in music-making in a small group with your peers, coached by a member of the Dickinson Music faculty. Chamber music entails intimate musical conversations and hones skills of critical listening, spontaneous response, visual cuing, and collaboration. Each chamber group has the option with faculty's discretion to perform their work publicly at the end of the semester.

Courses Offered in MUPS
Course Code Title/Instructor Meets
MUPS 111-01 Piano Class
Instructor: Jennifer Blyth, Elizabeth Etnoyer
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required No Additional Fee / May Not be Audited Introduction to piano technique and keyboard fundamentals in a group setting. Recommended for all students wanting to learn piano at Dickinson (including music majors) with little or no prior experience. Course content includes both group and solo playing, individual practice sessions, basic music notation, listening assignments, and required concert attendance.
03:00 PM-03:40 PM, TR
MUPS 111-02 The Expressive Voice
Instructor: Lisa Turchi
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required
03:30 PM-04:10 PM, R
03:30 PM-04:10 PM, T
MUPS 111-03 Guitar Class
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jim Hontz
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor RequiredStudents will need access to a guitar. Contact the instructor for more information. No Additional Fee / May Not be Audited Introduction to plectrum and finger style guitar technique in a group setting. Recommended for all students wanting to learn guitar at Dickinson with little or not prior experience and for those music majors or future music majors with no guitar experience. Course content includes both group and solo playing, individual practice sessions, music notation, listening assignments, fretboard theory, basic musicianship and required concert attendance. While the emphasis in reading will be on standard notation, tableture and chord chart diagrams will also be explored.
04:30 PM-05:45 PM, M
MUPS 111-04 Piano Class
Instructor: Hannah Koby, Jennifer Blyth
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required No Additional Fee / May Not be Audited Introduction to piano technique and keyboard fundamentals in a group setting. Recommended for all students wanting to learn piano at Dickinson (including music majors) with little or no prior experience. Course content includes both group and solo playing, individual practice sessions, basic music notation, listening assignments, and required concert attendance.
03:00 PM-03:40 PM, WF
MUPS 111-05 Strings Class
Instructor: Michael Cameron, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor RequiredNo Additional Fee / May Not be AuditedThe violin, viola, cello and double bass are all instruments with rich, beautiful, distinctive sounds. Ever wonder why those instruments are at the front of the stage at orchestra concerts? It is the string section that makes up the core of any orchestras basic sound. If youve ever wanted to learn to play one of these elegantly crafted wooden boxes, here is your chance! This class is open to all students; no prior musical knowledge or experience necessary. This course would be ideal for budding composers who may want to write for strings one day. Course content includes both group and solo playing, individual practice sessions, music notation, listening assignments, bow technique, basic musicianship and required concert attendance. Emphasis will be on reading standard notation in preparation for group performance, culminating in a beginner recital with a pianist.
04:30 PM-05:10 PM, TF
MUPS 113-11 Bassoon (1st semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Kimberly Buchar Nolet
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-12 Cello (1st semester)
Instructor: Michael Cameron, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-13 Clarinet (1st semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jihoon Chang
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-14 Bass: String/Upright (1st semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Brian Krauss
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-15 Flute (1st semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jocelyn Goranson
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-16 French Horn (1st semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Grace Salyards
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-17 Guitar (1st semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jim Hontz
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-18 Harp (1st semester)
Instructor: Ruth Hunter, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-19 Harpsichord (1st semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Hannah Koby
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-20 Jazz Piano (1st semester)
Instructor: Jennifer Blyth, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-21 Oboe (1st semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Megan Carraher
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-22 Organ (1st semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Hannah Koby
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-23 Percussion (1st semester)
Instructor: David Zygmunt, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-24 Piano (1st semester)
Instructor: Jennifer Blyth, Greg Strohman, Elizabeth Etnoyer, Eun Ae Baik-Kim, Andi Sokol-Albert, Kevin Gorman
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-25 Saxophone (1st semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jihoon Chang
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-26 Trombone (1st semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-27 Trumpet (1st semester)
Instructor: Jeff Wohlbach, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-28 Tuba/Euphonium (1st semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-29 Violin/Viola (1st semester)
Instructor: Daniel Brye, Emmanuel Borowski, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-30 Voice (1st semester)
Instructor: Elizabeth Aragunde, Lisa Turchi, James Martin, Ellen Gray, Timothy Lupia
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-31 Mallet Percussion (1st Semester)
Instructor: David Zygmunt, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-32 Bass: Electric (1st semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Brian Krauss, Otto Kuehrmann
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 113-33 Jazz Improvisation (1st Semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required / Additional Fee Required Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-11 Bassoon (2nd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Kimberly Buchar Nolet
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-12 Cello (2nd semester)
Instructor: Michael Cameron, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-13 Clarinet (2nd semester)
Instructor: Jihoon Chang, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-14 Bass: String/Upright (2nd semester)
Instructor: Brian Krauss, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-15 Flute (2nd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jocelyn Goranson
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-16 French Horn (2nd semester)
Instructor: Grace Salyards, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-17 Guitar (2nd semester)
Instructor: Jim Hontz, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-18 Harp (2nd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Ruth Hunter
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-19 Harpsichord (2nd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Hannah Koby
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-20 Jazz Piano (2nd semester)
Instructor: Jennifer Blyth, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-21 Oboe (2nd semester)
Instructor: Megan Carraher, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-22 Organ (2nd semester)
Instructor: Hannah Koby, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-23 Percussion (2nd semester)
Instructor: David Zygmunt, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-24 Piano (2nd semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Jennifer Blyth, Kevin Gorman, Eun Ae Baik-Kim, Andi Sokol-Albert, Elizabeth Etnoyer
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-25 Saxophone (2nd semester)
Instructor: Jihoon Chang, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-26 Trombone (2nd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-27 Trumpet (2nd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jeff Wohlbach
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-28 Tuba/Euphonium (2nd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-29 Violin/Viola (2nd semester)
Instructor: Daniel Brye, Emmanuel Borowski, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-30 Voice (2nd semester)
Instructor: Timothy Lupia, Elizabeth Aragunde, Lisa Turchi, James Martin, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-31 Mallet Percussion (2nd Semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, David Zygmunt
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-32 Bass: Electric (2nd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Brian Krauss, Otto Kuehrmann
Course Description:
Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 114-33 Jazz Improvisation (2nd Semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to all students who demonstrate some acquaintance with musical notation, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the basic level. One-half or one course each semester. Prerequisite: for Voice and guitar: MUPS 111 or MUPS 113 or permission of Instructor. For piano: MUPS 113 or permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-11 Bassoon (3rd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Kimberly Buchar Nolet
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-12 Cello (3rd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Michael Cameron
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-13 Clairnet (3rd semester)
Instructor: Jihoon Chang, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-14 Bass: String/Upright (3rd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Brian Krauss
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-15 Flute (3rd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jocelyn Goranson
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-16 French Horn (3rd semester)
Instructor: Grace Salyards, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-17 Guitar (3rd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jim Hontz
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-18 Harp (3rd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Ruth Hunter
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-19 Harpsichord (3rd semester)
Instructor: Hannah Koby, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-20 Jazz Piano (3rd semester)
Instructor: Jennifer Blyth, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-21 Oboe (3rd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Megan Carraher
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-22 Organ (3rd semester)
Instructor: Hannah Koby, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-23 Percussion (3rd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, David Zygmunt
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-24 Piano (3rd semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Jennifer Blyth, Andi Sokol-Albert, Eun Ae Baik-Kim, Elizabeth Etnoyer, Kevin Gorman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-25 Saxophone (3rd semester)
Instructor: Jihoon Chang, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-26 Trombone (3rd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-27 Trumpet (3rd semester)
Instructor: Jeff Wohlbach, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-28 Tuba/Euphonium (3rd semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-29 Violin/Viola (3rd semester)
Instructor: Emmanuel Borowski, Ellen Gray, Daniel Brye
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-30 Voice (3rd semester)
Instructor: James Martin, Ellen Gray, Elizabeth Aragunde, Lisa Turchi, Timothy Lupia
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-31 Mallet Percussion (3rd Semester)
Instructor: David Zygmunt, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-32 Bass: Electric (3rd semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Brian Krauss, Otto Kuehrmann
Course Description:
Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 213-33 Jazz Improvisation (3rd Semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-11 Bassoon (4th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Kimberly Buchar Nolet
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-12 Cello (4th semester)
Instructor: Michael Cameron, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-13 Clarinet (4th semester)
Instructor: Jihoon Chang, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-14 Bass: String/Upright (4th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Brian Krauss
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-15 Flute (4th semester)
Instructor: Jocelyn Goranson, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-16 French Horn (4th semester)
Instructor: Grace Salyards, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-17 Guitar (4th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jim Hontz
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-18 Harp (4th semester)
Instructor: Ruth Hunter, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-19 Harpsichord (4th semester)
Instructor: Hannah Koby, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-20 Jazz Piano (4th semester)
Instructor: Jennifer Blyth, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-21 Oboe (4th semester)
Instructor: Megan Carraher, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-22 Organ (4th semester)
Instructor: Hannah Koby, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-23 Percussion (4th semster)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, David Zygmunt
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-24 Piano (4th semester)
Instructor: Elizabeth Etnoyer, Greg Strohman, Eun Ae Baik-Kim, Jennifer Blyth, Kevin Gorman, Andi Sokol-Albert
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-25 Saxophone (4th semester)
Instructor: Jihoon Chang, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-26 Trombone (4th semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-27 Trumpet (4th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jeff Wohlbach
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-28 Tuba/Euphonium (4th semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-29 Violin/Viola (4th semester)
Instructor: Emmanuel Borowski, Daniel Brye, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-30 Voice (4th semester)
Instructor: James Martin, Lisa Turchi, Timothy Lupia, Ellen Gray, Elizabeth Aragunde
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-31 Mallet Percussion (4th Semester)
Instructor: David Zygmunt, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-32 Bass: Electric (4th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Brian Krauss, Otto Kuehrmann
Course Description:
Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 214-33 Jazz Improvisation (4th Semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to students who demonstrate a basic technique, and who should continue to study voice or an instrument at the intermediate level. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 114 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 223-01 Performance Studies II (Performance Emphasis)
Instructor: Brian Krauss, James Martin, Ellen Gray, Jennifer Blyth
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required. Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for music majors with a performance emphasis. One credit course each semester (MUPS 223-224). May be taken out of sequence. Prerequisite: MUPS 111 or 113, 114, permission of the instructor and director of performance studies.

MUPS 224-01 Performance Studies II (Performance Emphasis)
Instructor: Jennifer Blyth, Ellen Gray, Brian Krauss, James Martin
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required. Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for music majors with a performance emphasis; culminates in required Upper Divisional juried performance exam. One credit course each semester (MUPS 223-224). May be taken out of sequence. Prerequisites: MUPS 111 or 113, 114 or 223, permission of the instructor and director of performance studies. Offered every semester.

MUPS 313-11 Bassoon (5th semester)
Instructor: Kimberly Buchar Nolet, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-12 Cello (5th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Michael Cameron
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-13 Clarinet (5th semester)
Instructor: Jihoon Chang, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-14 Bass: String/Upright (5th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Brian Krauss
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-15 Flute (5th semester)
Instructor: Jocelyn Goranson, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-16 French Horn (5th semester)
Instructor: Grace Salyards, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-17 Guitar (5th semester)
Instructor: Jim Hontz, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-18 Harp (5th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Ruth Hunter
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-19 Harpsichord (5th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Hannah Koby
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-20 Jazz Piano (5th semester)
Instructor: Jennifer Blyth, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-21 Oboe (5th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Megan Carraher
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-22 Organ (5th semester)
Instructor: Hannah Koby, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-23 Percussion (5th semester)
Instructor: David Zygmunt, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-24 Piano (5th semester)
Instructor: Jennifer Blyth, Ellen Gray, Greg Strohman, Andi Sokol-Albert, Elizabeth Etnoyer, Kevin Gorman, Eun Ae Baik-Kim
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-25 Saxophone (5th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jihoon Chang
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-26 Trombone (5th semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-27 Trumpet (5th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jeff Wohlbach
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-28 Tuba/Euphonium (5th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-29 Violin/Viola (5th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Emmanuel Borowski, Daniel Brye
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-30 Voice (5th semester)
Instructor: Timothy Lupia, James Martin, Ellen Gray, Elizabeth Aragunde, Lisa Turchi
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-31 Mallet Percussion (5th Semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, David Zygmunt
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-32 Bass: Electric (5th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Otto Kuehrmann, Brian Krauss
Course Description:
Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 313-33 Jazz Improvisation (5th Semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-11 Bassoon (6th semester)
Instructor: Kimberly Buchar Nolet, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-12 Cello (6th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Michael Cameron
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-13 Clarinet (6th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jihoon Chang
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-14 Bass: String/Upright (6th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Brian Krauss
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-15 Flute (6th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jocelyn Goranson
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-16 French Horn (6th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Grace Salyards
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-17 Guitar (6th semester)
Instructor: Jim Hontz, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-18 Harp (6th semester)
Instructor: Ruth Hunter, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-19 Harpsichord (6th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Hannah Koby
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-20 Jazz Piano (6th semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Jennifer Blyth
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-21 Oboe (6th semester)
Instructor: Megan Carraher, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-22 Organ (6th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Hannah Koby
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-23 Percussion (6th semester)
Instructor: David Zygmunt, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-24 Piano (6th semester)
Instructor: Elizabeth Etnoyer, Ellen Gray, Andi Sokol-Albert, Eun Ae Baik-Kim, Jennifer Blyth, Greg Strohman, Kevin Gorman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-25 Saxophone (6th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jihoon Chang
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-26 Trombone (6th semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-27 Trumpet (6th semester)
Instructor: Jeff Wohlbach, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-28 Tuba/Ephonium (6th semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-29 Violin/Viola (6th semester)
Instructor: Daniel Brye, Ellen Gray, Emmanuel Borowski
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-30 Voice (6th semester)
Instructor: James Martin, Elizabeth Aragunde, Lisa Turchi, Timothy Lupia, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-31 Mallet Percussion (6th Semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, David Zygmunt
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-32 Bass: Electric (6th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Otto Kuehrmann, Brian Krauss
Course Description:
Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 314-33 Jazz Improvisation (6th Semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study open to non-majors and majors with a performance emphasis, who demonstrate a fully developed technical skill and who should continue study on the advanced level. May be repeated for credit with the permission of the instructor. One-half or one course credit each semester. Prerequisite: 214 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 323-01 Performance Studies III (Performance Emphasis, with junior recital)
Instructor: Brian Krauss, Jennifer Blyth, Ellen Gray, James Martin
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time (with the exception of Reading Day). A two-semester sequence of private study for music majors with a performance emphasis, culminating in a public junior recital (324) that includes a variety of musical styles and, for vocalists, a variety of languages. A recital hearing is required at the end of 323 to determine if the student is prepared for the required junior recital (324).One course each semester; may be taken out of sequence. Prerequisite for 323: successful Upper Divisional Performance exam at the end of 224, permission of the instructor and director of performance studies. Prerequisite for 324: successful recital hearing at the end of 323, permission of the instructor and director of performance studies.

MUPS 324-01 Performance Studies III (Performance Emphasis, with junior recital)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Brian Krauss, Jennifer Blyth, James Martin
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. A two-semester sequence of private study for music majors with a performance emphasis, culminating in a public junior recital (324) that includes a variety of musical styles and, for vocalists, a variety of languages. A recital hearing is required at the end of 323 to determine if the student is prepared for the required junior recital (324).One course each semester; may be taken out of sequence. Prerequisite for 323: successful Upper Divisional Performance exam at the end of 224, permission of the instructor and director of performance studies. Prerequisite for 324: successful recital hearing at the end of 323, permission of the instructor and director of performance studies.

MUPS 413-11 Bassoon (7th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Kimberly Buchar Nolet
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-12 Cello (7th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Michael Cameron
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-13 Clarinet (7th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jihoon Chang
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-14 Bass: String/Upright (7th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Brian Krauss
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-15 Flute (7th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jocelyn Goranson
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-16 French Horn (7th semester)
Instructor: Grace Salyards, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-17 Guitar (7th semester)
Instructor: Jim Hontz, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-18 Harp (7th semester)
Instructor: Ruth Hunter, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-19 Harpischord (7th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Hannah Koby
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-20 Jazz Piano (7th semester)
Instructor: Jennifer Blyth, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-21 Oboe (7th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Megan Carraher
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-22 Organ (7th semester)
Instructor: Hannah Koby, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-23 Percussion (7th semester)
Instructor: David Zygmunt, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-24 Piano (7th semester)
Instructor: Elizabeth Etnoyer, Eun Ae Baik-Kim, Jennifer Blyth, Ellen Gray, Kevin Gorman, Andi Sokol-Albert, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-25 Saxophone (7th semester)
Instructor: Jihoon Chang, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-26 Trombone (7th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-27 Trumpet (7th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jeff Wohlbach
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-28 Tuba/Euphonium (7th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-29 Violin/Viola (7th semester)
Instructor: Emmanuel Borowski, Ellen Gray, Daniel Brye
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-30 Voice (7th semester)
Instructor: Elizabeth Aragunde, James Martin, Ellen Gray, Lisa Turchi, Timothy Lupia
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-31 Mallet Percussion (7th Semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, David Zygmunt
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-32 Bass: Electric (7th semester)
Instructor: Brian Krauss, Otto Kuehrmann, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 413-33 Jazz Improvisation (7th Semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-11 Bassoon (8th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Kimberly Buchar Nolet
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-12 Cello (8th semester)
Instructor: Michael Cameron, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-13 Clarinet (8th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jihoon Chang
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-14 Bass: String/Upright (8th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Brian Krauss
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-15 Flute (8th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jocelyn Goranson
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-16 French Horn (8th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Grace Salyards
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-17 Guitar (8th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Jim Hontz
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-18 Harp (8th semester)
Instructor: Ruth Hunter, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-19 Harpsichord (8th semester)
Instructor: Hannah Koby, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-20 Jazz Piano (8th semester)
Instructor: Jennifer Blyth, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-21 Oboe (8th semester)
Instructor: Megan Carraher, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-22 Organ (8th semester)
Instructor: Hannah Koby, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-23 Percussion (8th semester)
Instructor: David Zygmunt, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-24 Piano (8th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Elizabeth Etnoyer, Andi Sokol-Albert, Jennifer Blyth, Greg Strohman, Eun Ae Baik-Kim, Kevin Gorman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-25 Saxophone (8th semester)
Instructor: Jihoon Chang, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-26 Trombone (8th semester)
Instructor: Greg Strohman, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-27 Trumpet (8th semester)
Instructor: Jeff Wohlbach, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-28 Tuba/Euphonium (8th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-29 Violin/Viola (8th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Daniel Brye, Emmanuel Borowski
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-30 Voice (8th semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Timothy Lupia, Lisa Turchi, James Martin, Elizabeth Aragunde
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-31 Mallet Percussion (8th Semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, David Zygmunt
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-32 Bass: Electric (8th semester)
Instructor: Brian Krauss, Ellen Gray, Otto Kuehrmann
Course Description:
Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 414-33 Jazz Improvisation (8th Semester)
Instructor: Ellen Gray, Greg Strohman
Course Description:
Additional Fee Required / Scholarships Are Available / May Not Be Audited Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. Private study for non-majors or majors without a performance emphasis who will continue study at an advanced level. Prerequisite: 314 and permission of the instructor.

MUPS 423-01 Performance Studies IV (Performance Emphasis, with senior recital)
Instructor: Brian Krauss, Ellen Gray, Jennifer Blyth, James Martin
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. A two-semester sequence of private study for senior music majors with a performance emphasis, culminating in a public senior recital (MUPS 424) that includes a variety of musical styles and, for vocalists, a variety of languages. The course content of MUPS 423 is the research, selection and preparation of the solo recital repertoire for the senior recital (MUPS 424). The culmination of MUPS 423 is an annotated bibliography and written program notes (about the composers, genres, poets, and other relevant information), to be published in the recital program booklet (MUPS 424) One course each semester. Must be taken in sequence within the same academic year. Prerequisite for MUPS 423: MUPS 324, permission of the instructor and director of performance studies. Prerequisite for MUPS 424: MUPS 423, including successful completion of annotated bibliography, written program notes, and Recital Hearing at the end of MUPS 423; permission of the instructor and director of performance studies.

MUPS 424-01 Performance Studies IV (Performance Emphasis, with senior recital)
Instructor: James Martin, Jennifer Blyth, Brian Krauss, Ellen Gray
Course Description:
Permission of Instructor Required Students who register for Performance Studies courses (MUPS) must commit to their availability during the first Monday through Friday of Final Exam week, because the Final exams ("juries") for MUPS Courses take place each semester during that time. A two-semester sequence of private study for senior music majors with a performance emphasis, culminating in a public senior recital (MUPS 424) that includes a variety of musical styles and, for vocalists, a variety of languages. The course content of MUPS 423 is the research, selection and preparation of the solo recital repertoire for the senior recital (MUPS 424). The culmination of MUPS 423 is an annotated bibliography and written program notes (about the composers, genres, poets, and other relevant information), to be published in the recital program booklet (MUPS 424) One course each semester. Must be taken in sequence within the same academic year. Prerequisite for MUPS 423: MUPS 324, permission of the instructor and director of performance studies. Prerequisite for MUPS 424: MUPS 423, including successful completion of annotated bibliography, written program notes, and Recital Hearing at the end of MUPS 423; permission of the instructor and director of performance studies.