Understanding the Israel-Gaza War: Dickinson to Host Teach-In and Workshop

the building Old West

Event hosted by the departments of Middle East Studies and Judaic Studies

Dickinson's departments of Middle East Studies and Judaic Studies will host a comprehensive teach-in covering the Israel-Gaza war on Thursday, October 26, at noon in ATS-B. All members of the Dickinson campus community are invited to attend this event, which will explore the complexities of the conflict. Due to limited space, attendees are requested to RSVP through EngageD.

To ensure a focused and fruitful discussion, participants are encouraged to submit their questions in advance to any of the following faculty members: Professor of History David Commins; Professor of Religion Andrea Lieber; Associate Professor of French & Francophone and Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Mireille Rebeiz; or Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies Ed Webb.

Additionally, a candlelight peace vigil and poetry reading will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 30, in front of Old West (HUB Social Hall in case of rain). Students interested in reading poetry should contact Professor Lieber or Professor Rebeiz by the end of day Friday, Oct. 27.

Media Workshop

Attendees of the teach-in will be able to register to participate in a companion workshop on information and media literacy in times of conflict. This workshop is scheduled for Thursday, November 2, at noon in Weiss 235. It will provide valuable insights into navigating information sources and understanding media narratives during periods of conflict, empowering individuals to critically analyze and interpret the news.

The teach-in and the companion workshop are part of Dickinson's ongoing commitment to fostering understanding, dialogue and critical thinking within the campus community. By engaging with complex global issues such as the Israel-Gaza conflict, Dickinson continues to uphold its dedication to education, awareness and thoughtful discourse.


Published October 19, 2023