Mini Team Challenges
Weekly Programs and Events*
*Remember: Share or post photos along the way via email to or through Twitter | X, Instagram or social media and tag with the #SpringIntoFitnessChallenge2024 @DickinsonCol @DickinsonHR (Twitter aka X), @DickinsonHRS (Facebook) @hrs_dickinsoncollege (Instagram).
2024 Spring Into Fitness Challenge Activities
Week 1: Spring Has Sprung! Focus on Fitness & Wellbeing
Our 2024 Challenge begins on Sunday, March 17 - and kicks off with a walk honoring Women's History Month at noon on Friday, March 22! Sign up now!
Try something fun and new this week...
- Monday, March 18 | Water Aerobics | Kline Center Pool from 5-6 p.m.
- Tuesday, March 19 | DEW Power Yoga | HUB Dance Studio from 7-8 a.m. OR Friday, March 22 | HUB Dance Studio | from noon-1 p.m.
- Wednesday, March 20 | Vinyasa Flow Yoga | HUB Dance Studio from noon- 1 p.m. OR Sports Yoga | Memorial Hall from 4:45-5:45 p.m.
- Thursday, March 21
- FREE biometric screenings | Mary Dickinson Room, HUB | by appointment 7:30-9 a.m.
- Melonoma Symptoms & Warning Signs | HUB Social Hall West | noon-1 p.m.
- Friday, March 22 | Women's History Month Walking Tour | meet at Britton Plaza | noon-1 p.m.
If gardening is your thing: Feel free to explore the resources below used in previous Spring Into Fitness Challenges if your green thumb is itching to get started this spring out in nature!
- Learn to plant your own garden (any variety) or a raised garden box!
- Planting a Garden Box | YouTube: (How to grow vegetables in raised gardens)
- Building a Garden Box | YouTube:
- Green Thumb Challenged | Explore the possibility of a Dickinson CSA membership to expand your dining palette and enjoy organic food options this spring:
Week 2: Focus on Sustainability & Nutrition
Tuesday, March 26: Sustainability includes your own wellbeing and that of our community and beyond. Visit the CSE 2024 Sustainability Expo between noon-3 p.m. on Britton Plaza.
Wednesday, March 27: Ask the Dietitian roundtable | Mary Dickinson Room, HUB | noon-1 p.m.
Thursday, March 28:
- Historical Walking Tour: Explore the Dickinson Campus with college archivist, Jim Gerencser | meet at the Benjamin Rush Statue | noon-1 p.m.
- Star Gazing Party | Spring Constellations | Kanev Planetarium, TOME building/Rector Science Complex | 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Friday, March 29: Healthy - BUTT are you sure? | UPMC Digestive Health virtual presentation from noon-1 p.m.
For a more sustainable and health lifestyle...Consider increasing your water consumption!
Drinking enough water helps your mind and body to function at it's best. Mini-teams this week are encouraged to strive for drinking 64 ounces (8 cups) of water each day.
- Drink one glass of water upon waking, one with breakfast, one with lunch, one with dinner, and one with any snack(s) throughout the day --- and 8 glasses should become an easier goal to achieve!
- Fill a Wellness@Dickinson water bottle (from previous years) or any other favorite bottle and flavor your water with a slice of your favorite fruit for a special treat!!! Share a snapshot of your favorite fruit-flavored water – a selfie with a smiling toast to health – for bonus points!
Fitness: We encourage all participants to strive for a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise at least five days per week to reach 150 minutes minimum per week - and hopefully 7 days per week to reach a minimum of 210 minutes per participant per week. Fitness this week includes two options for the month of April:
- 10,000 Step per day challenge
- Too daunting? An alternative option is the Marathon-in-a-Month! Completing a this means walking to reach a total of 26.2 miles during a month. Not sure how to do this? Click on the link above for ideas on walking routes and a chart to get you started!
- Not into walking or running? Try virtual fitness activities available online (example below):
Yoga with Adrienne is available via YouTube on demand
BONUS: Sign up for the annual CSE EcoChallenge
Check out for more information!
Week 3: Focus on Social Wellbeing | Giving Back & Paying it Forward
Tuesday, April 2 | Give yourself the GIFT of exercise by taking a walk - then stop by the Day of Giving on Britton Plaza!
Wednesday, April 3
- Medicare Transitions Services | Virtual presentation from noon-1 p.m.
- National Walking Day: Walking Tour | Biking@Dickinson & The Handlebar from 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 4 | Thoughtful Thursday meditation from 7:30-8 a.m. in Memorial Hall, Old West
Socialization is also a part of overall Fitness during week three! Celebrate by taking a walk or playing a game with family/friends, and possibly joining together for a delicious and nutritious meal.
- Dickinson & Slavery Walking Tour | Complete this walk independently to learn a bit of history! Check out the other walking options listed on the Exercise & Walking Options webpage!
- Wednesday, April 3, 2024 is National Walking Day! Join us for a mid-day stroll at 1:30 p.m. on Britton Plaza OR Share a walk with your mini-team by simply taking a morning/lunchbreak/evening walk to celebrate this special day dedicated to the best FREE exercise available to all of us! Share a snapshot of your favorite walking destination or walking route – either near or far (anywhere in the world even if it’s a place you have not yet visited! )Your walk should be at least 15 minutes with a goal of 30 minutes or more. Need an idea for a walk - try one of the self-paced walking tours on the Exercise and Walking webpage of Spring Into Fitness!
- For Inspiration | Watch Dr. Mike Evans YouTube Video: 23½ hours – What is the single best thing we can do for our health?
BONUS: Giving back (or paying it forward) is a great way to support our community at Dickinson and beyond.
Week 4: Focus on Mental Health & Overall Wellbeing
De-Stress, Relax, Restore & Rejuvenate!
There are strategies to employ that increase your sleep quality and reduce your stress...suggestions include getting exercise at least 2 hours BEFORE going to bed, turning off electronic devices - and keeping them away from your sleeping area, and keeping a regular bedtime schedule. One benefit of taking a walk or other type of exercise is that it helps to reduce your stress levels, which in turn should help improve the quality of your sleep! If you are TIRED of the same types of activities...
BONUS: FREE Blood Pressure screenings on Monday, April 8 in the Mary Dickinson Room from noon-1 p.m. No appointment needed - just walk-in!
De-Stress, Stretch your legs...Take a noon-time stroll with Pres. Jones | Monday, April 8 from noon-1 p.m.
College Prep for Parents (Part 1) | Tuesday, April 9 from noon-1 p.m.
De-Stressing with Tea & Scones | Wednesday, April 10 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Medicare 101 & Emeriti benefits presentation | Thursday, April 11 from noon- 1 p.m. >>> Planning for your future reduces stress!
- Challenge: Strive for 7-8 hours (or more) of sleep each night this week (and beyond) to enhance your overall wellbeing. Sleep supports your mental wellbeing, memory and cognitive functions as well as impacting your metabolism functions and general fitness! Give yourself this awesome gift as a habit, which restores your mind/body each night and makes you feel great each day!!!
- Share a photo of your favorite or most silly/ridiculous sleepyhead photo this week. It can be you, a family member/friend or your pet/animal taking a snooze. Be creative and have some fun with this one!
- Review the Sleeping YouTube TED Talks (links below) to boost your inspiration to make sleep a priority.
- The Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep
- Sleep is Your Super Power (Warning opening content initially may be shocking)

Sometimes you are just dog-gone tired after you exercise ---
take a nap to renew and rejuvenate!
Week 5:
Focus on Financial Wellbeing & Fitness Fun this week!
College Prep for Parents (Part 2) | Tuesday, April 16 from noon-1p.m. in McCauley Room, Old West.
Fidelity | Student Debt Presentation | Wednesday, April 17 from noon-1 p.m. in Stern Great Room.
Take Back the Night - Wednesday, April 17: Meet at 7 p.m. at Allison Hall to begin this annual march and candlelight vigil
Fitness improves with a balance of cardio, intensity level and building muscle mass (strength) overall. Try some different types of activities this week to help support your fitness - such as bicycling, dancing, hiking at a local park, or Tai Chi. Varying your activities helps boost your overall fitness! Here are some ideas for this week:
Annual Fun Run Walk - Thursday, April 18: This annual spring activity begins at Britton Plaza as a walk/run route to Dickinson Park Fields area and back. Meet as a mini-team for a great mid-day break to try out this trek together! (Rain date: Friday, April 26)
Take along your water bottle - to SUSTAIN yourself during your walk or on the Northside Ride on Saturday, April 20!
Many activities are still available as self-guided or weekly options.
Week 6: Final Week
Focus on Intellectual & Social Wellbeing - for the mind, body and soul - to feel complete!
Sign-up to donate blood through the American Red Cross blood drive on Monday, April 22 in the HUB Social Hall!
BONUS: Attend the Benefits & Wellness Fair on Tuesday, April 23 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the HUB Social Hall
Participate in The Nightingale book discussion on Wednesday, April 24 from noon-1 p.m. in the HUB side room 202. Join this small group to connect with other book/reading lovers on campus and expand your mind and imagination!
College Farm Sunset Walking Tour | Join this fun spring evening walking tour of the college's farm on Wednesday, April 24 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. to explore and learn more!
Lunch & Paint | Sign up for this creative lunchtime activity at the Trout Gallery from noon-1 p.m. on Thursday, April 25.
LAST CHANCE: Free Biometric Screening on Thursday, April 25 between 7:30 a.m.-9 a.m. in the HUB side rooms. Appointment is required - Register NOW!
As we wrap up the final week of ANY Spring Into Fitness Challenge, participants are always encouraged to think about their health and wellbeing holistically!
The divisional and mini-team winners for the Challenge are announced once we tally all of the participation data. Deciding factors will of course be based on the total cumulative average exercise minutes per participant. Tie-breakers will include active participation by submitting bonus photos, and completion of special weekly suggested activities, and impact the final decision for the mini-team status overall.
Completing the 10K-Steps-A-Day Challenge and Marathon in a Month (walking or running) for the month of April are both considered bonus activities for individuals and mini-teams!
Here is a checklist of things to consider for the final week of the Challenge:
- If you are not active without a little nudge - reach out to a friend, family member or co-worker to join you for some regular activities! This will make your fitness more fun, and offer the benefit of socialization as a bonus!!!
- Schedule Biometric Screening/Annual Well Visit, and complete the online Health Risk Assessment (once you receive your biometric screening results) - you may not be able to complete all of this in week 6...but you can schedule your appointment to get started!
- Complete ANY of the self-guided walking tours listed below for the Challenge this spring:
- Visit a local park to explore and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Not sure of where to go? The Simply Moving Guide offers walking tour and bicycle route options in the local area!
- For a Nutritious twist: Try and/or create a new dish - and share a photo of your culinary delight (or attempt)!
Most important thing to do this week --- HAVE FUN WITH YOUR FITNESS!