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Non-Travel Awards 2012-2013

Dickinson Non-Travel Awards 2012-2013

Dana Research Assistantships 2012 Fall Projects

Neil Diamant, East Asian Studies- to assist with his project, “Chinese Veterans Protest in the Reform Period (2000-2012).”

Perin Gurel, American Studies- to assist with her project, “Visual Cultures of Internet Islamophobia.”

Erin McNulty, Spanish and Portuguese- to assist with her project, “Processing Instruction: Explicit Information and Structured Input.”

Nicola Tynan, Economics- to assist with her project, “Innovation by London’s Water Companies: Internalizing Public Health Externalities.”




Professional Development:

Jenn Halpin, Director of the Organic Farm- for expenses associated with her project, “2012 Terra Madre Conference as a US Delegate.”

Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Italian- for expenses associated with her project, “Digital Film Making and Editing.”

Jennifer Schaefer, Mathematics and Computer Science- for expenses associated with her project, “MSRI Workshop Participant.”

Amy Witter, Chemistry- for expenses with her workshop fees, “STEM-UP PA, OASIS, Leadership and Professional Development Program.”








Suman Ambwani, Psychology- to assist with expenses associated with her project, “Impact of a Career Skills Workshop on Interpersonal
Functioning in Anorexia Nervosa.”

Beverly Eddy, Emeritus German- to assist with expenses associated with her project of, “Klaus and Erika Mann: Encounters with America.”

Tiffany Frey, Biology- to assist with expenses associated with her project of, “Mechanisms of CD14 Expression.”

Sharon O’BrienAmerican Studies- to assist with expenses associated with her project of, “Publication and Power: Saving My Antonio.”

Andrew Farrant , Economics-to assist with expenses associated with his project of, “Hayek Archives Work.”

Dawn Springer, Theatre and Dance- to assist with expenses associated with her project, “Curatorial Project, 5 under 40, Dance Works by Five Emerging Female Choreographers.”






2013 Winter/Spring Projects



Professional Development:

Stephanie Gilmore, Women’s and Gender Studies- for expenses associated with her project, “Education for Decolonization: A Professional Development Seminar.”

Mary Hannigan, Music- for expenses associated with her project, “Magic Mountain Music Farm Practice Marathon Retreat.”




Neil Diamant, East Asian Studies- for expenses associated with his projects, “Talking about the Constitution: Chinese Conceptualizations of the State in the Early PRC” and “Does National Policy Matter? The Case of Veterans in the Reform Period in China, 1978-2012.”

Beverley Eddy, Emeritus German- for expenses associated with her project, “Klaus and Erika Mann: Encounters with America.”

Perin Gurel, American Studies- for expenses associated with her project, “’Islamophobia’ and the ‘Anti-Americanism’ in the Contemporary Turkish Conspiracy Theories.”

Jerry Philogene, American Studies- for expenses associated with her project, “Dead Citizenship and the Abject Nation.”

Tiffany Frey, Biology- for expenses associated with her project, “Effect of Lovastatin on CD14 Expression in Human Monocytes.”





Publications and Dissertations 2012-2013:

Todd Arsenault, Art and Art History- for expenses associated with his project, “2012 Exhibition Publication.”

Elise Bartosik-Valez, Spanish and Portuguese- for expenses associated with her project, “The Legacy of Christopher Columbus in the Americas.”

Lars English, Physics- for expenses associated with his project, “A Nonlinear Electrical Resonator as a Simple Touch-Sensitive Switch.”

Dana Gorzelany-Mostak, Music- for expenses associated with her, “Dissertation Defense.”

Greg Howard, Environmental Studies- for expenses associated with his project, “Contrasting Theories of Interaction in Epidemiology and Toxicology.”

Bart Huelsenbeck, Classical Studies- for expenses associated with his project, "A Nexus of Manuscripts Copied at Corbie, ca. 850-880: Copying Procedure and a Typology of Script-Style."

Jeffrey Niemitz, Earth Sciences- for expenses associated with his project, “Legacy Sediments and Historic Land-Use: Chemostratigraphic Evidence for Excess Nutrient and Heavy Metal Sources and Remobilization.”

Siobhan Phillips, English- for expenses associated with her project, “Elizabeth Bishop’s Correspondence.”

Jorge Sagastume, Spanish and Portuguese- for expenses associated with his project, “El Quijote: Palimpsestos Hispaniamericanos.”

Adreinne Su, English- for expenses associated with her project, "The House Unburned"- book of poems






Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre and Dance- for expenses associated with her project, “Supervising Student Study of Mask Making and Mask Performance for Spring Production of Conference of the Birds.”

Anthony Pires, Biology- for expenses associated with his project, “Implementing Optogenetic Technology in the Neurobiology Teaching Laboratory.”





Sabbatical Expense Support 2013-2014:

Benjamin Edwards, Earth Sciences- for expenses associated with his sabbatical projects.

Marie Helweg-Larsen, Psychology- for expenses associated with her sabbatical project, "Moral Emotions and Smoking."

Magda Siekert, Middle East Studies- for expenses associated with her sabbatical project, "US Public Diplomacy in the Arab World."

John Henson, Biology- for expenses associated with his sabbatical projects.

Michael Holden, Chemistry- for expenses associated with his project, "Synthesis of Iron-Cladding Analogs of Biologically Interesting Compounds."

Michael Roberts, Biology- for expenses associated with his project, "Cancer Molecular Genetics Research."





Pre-Ten Sabbatical Expense Support 2013-2014:

James McMenamin, French and Italian- for expense associated with his sabbatical project, "The Philosophy of the Middle:  Dante, Petrarch and Giordano Bruno."

Jon Page, Psychology- for expenses associated with his sabbatical project, "Training Public Safety Officers to Maintain Cognitive Control during Critical Incidences."





Dana Research Assistantships Spring 2013:

Claire Bowen, English- to assist with her project, “Mid-century Modern.”

Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian- to assist with her project, “Russian Philosophy Journals: 1988-1999.”

James Ellison, Anthropology- to assist with her project, “Water, Power, and Health in Tanzania: Analysis of Ethnograhic Data.”

Perin Gurel, American Studies- to assist with her project, “Visual Cultures of Internet Islamophobia: Transnational Memes and International Politics.”

Karen Weinstein, Anthropology- to assist with her project, “Auditory Exostosis and Enamel Hypoplasia in the Human Skeletal Remains from Neale's Landing, Blennerhessett Island, West Virginia.”





Dana Research Assistantships- Summer 2013:

Claire Bowen, English/Emma Rodwin ’14, for Summer 13 in support of their project, “Mid-Century Suspension.”

Rebecca Connor, Chemisty/Breanna Goldner ’14, for Summer 13 in support of their project, “Analysis of the Effect of BAG5 Truncation Mutants on Chaperone and Ubiquitin Ligase Activity.”

Tiffany Frey, Chemistry/Katelyn Swade ’15, for Summer 13 in support of their project, “Mechanisms of CD14 Expression.”

James Gerencser, Library/Frank Vitale ’16, for Summer 13 in support of their project, “Carlisle Industrial Indian School Project.”

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance/Isabelle Schlick ’15, for Summer 13 in support of her project, “Design and Construction of Costumes for Summer Repertory Season.”

Sharon Kingston, Psychology/Emily Knight ’14, for Summer 13 in support of their project, “Substance Use and substance Abuse Recovery in Adolescents and Young Adults.”

Siobhan Phillips, English/Leah Shafer ’14, for Summer 13 in support of their project, “Correspondence among African-American Poets, 1960-1980.”

Susan Rose, Sociology/Xueyin Zha ’16, for Summer 13 in support of their project, “Carlisle Indian Industrial School Project.”





Student-Faculty Research- Summer 2013:

Rebecca Connor, Chemistry/Myungsun Shin ’14 in support of their Summer 13 project, “Identification of Proteins Modified by Parthenolide Derivatives in Leukemia Cells.”

David Crouch, Chemistry/Allyson Boyington ’14 in support of their Summer 13 project, “An Investigation of Microwave-acceleration of Sliyl Deprotection Reactions.”

Catrina Hamilton-Drager, Physics/Benjamin Kimock ’15 in support of their Summer 13 project, “Analysis of Observations of KH 15D Obtained with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory.”

Karen Kirkham, Theatre & Dance/Jeremy Lupowitz ’15 in support of their Summer 13 project, “Assistant to the Artistic Director at Pendragon Theatre.”

Keith Michael Krise, Chemistry/James Ridenour ’14 in support of their Summer 13 project, “Assessing the Sonolytic Denaturation of the Enzyme Pepsin A.”

Chauncey Maher, Philosophy/Molly Mullane ’15 in support of their Summer 13 project, “Animal Cognition.”

Missy Niblock, Biology/Slay Sudah ’15 and Amy Diamond ’15 in support of their Summer 13 project, “Ventilatory Changes in Male and Female Mice in Response to Whole Animal Exposure to Carbon Dioxide.”

Jonathan Page, Psychology/Sarah Patterson ’14 and Taylor Ludman ’14 in support of their Summer 13 project, “How Prior Information and Context Influences Perception.”

Karl Quals, History/Caitlyn Moriarty ’13 in support of their Summer 13 project, “Gregory Gagarin: The Life History of a Russian Émigré.”

Cindy Samet, Chemistry/Yike Li ’14 in support of their Summer 13 project, “Matrix and Polymer Soft-Landing Isolation Studies.”

Jacob Sider Jost, English/Mary Naydan ’15 in support of their Summer 13 project, “Patronage, Magazines, and the Economics of Eighteenth-Century Poetry.”

Barry Tesman, Mathematics and Computer Science/Marc Besson ’15 in support of their Summer 13 project, “Research in Graph Theory.” 





Summer Projects- 2013




Todd Arsenault, Art & Art History, for expenses associated with his project, “Digital to Analog, Analog to Digital.” 

Michael Beevers, Environmental Sciences, for expenses associated with his project, “Natural Resource Governance in the Aftermath of War.”

Shawn Bender, East Asian Studies, for expenses associated with his project, “Paro and the Provision of Care in Danish Nursing Homes.”

Anthony Cervino, Art & Art History, for expenses associated with his project, “Responsiveness Sculptural Practices.”

Ann Maxwell Hill, Anthropology, for expenses with her project, “Impact of Labor Migration on China's Minority Communities.”

Antje Pfannkuchen, German, for expenses associated with her project, “Tom Wedgwood and the Invention of Photography- A Reevaluation of the Earliest Photographic Endeavors.”

Elizabeth Lee, Art & Art History, for expenses associated with her project, “Therapeutic Culture: Health and Illness in Turn-of-the-Century American Art.”

Kim Lacy Rogers, History, for expenses associated with her project, “What Brought You Here? Buddhist, Sikh, and Muslims in New Mexico.” 

Sarah Skaggs, Theatre & Dance, for expenses associated with her project, “The New Ecstatic.”



Professional Development:

Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian, for expenses associated with her project, “Contemporary Russian Cinema.”

Lynn Helding, Music, for expenses associated with her project, “Specialty Training in Voice Health Symposium.”






Dan Schubert, Sociology- for expenses associated with his project, "Participation in the inside-Out National Instructor Training Institute."