Room Selection at Dickinson:
The following information about room selection has been provided by Residence Life and Housing. Like other offices on campus, Residence Life and Housing relies on e-mail to convey information to students away from campus. You may contact Residence Life and Housing by phone (717-245-1556) or email ( Communications will be sent to Dickinson students off-campus at their Dickinson e-mail address. Remember to check your Dickinson account regularly for important messages from the College.
- If you are going abroad for fall semester and returning for spring, you will participate in the housing selection process on campus. Residence Life and Housing offers informational and educational materials that are available to all students so they can make informed decisions about room selection.
- If you are going abroad for the entire year or for spring semester and returning for next fall, it is important that you make arrangements for a housing proxy for the next year before you leave. Make sure that you send Residence Life and Housing the name of your housing proxy well in advance of the dates of housing selection. All students studying abroad in the Spring semester will receive an email from Residence Life and Housing reminding them to designate a proxy. This can be done by emailing Your proxy will pick your room assignment during room selection.
Course Request Process when Returning to Campus:
Information regarding the course request period will be sent via e-mail to students’ Dickinson e-mail addresses, announcing when the course request period will take place. Course requests will be made through the web, and the site will be accessible from off campus.
Getting Credit for your Coursework Abroad:
The official process of transferring credit back to Dickinson occurs after you return to campus. Keep all of your coursework, syllabi, and papers. Depending on the department, you may need to show the records from your classes in order to obtain credit for the course. Be able to show the chair of your department the work that you completed during your time abroad.