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Passports and Visas


Students are required to have a passport that is valid at least six months after the end of the program to enter the country. Students who do not have a current or valid passport should apply as soon as possible as processing times vary. If your program requires a visa, you cannot apply for the visa until you receive your passport. It is extremely important not to delay this process. 

For US citizens, visit the US State Department for further instructions. For non-US citizens, please check with the relevant office for your country of citizenship. 


Most countries will require that you obtain a visa, an endorsement placed within a passport that grants official permission to enter, leave or stay in a country for a specified time period. Obtaining a visa is your responsibility as a study abroad participant. The application process will vary by country and may take several weeks or months. It's important that you follow any instructions provided by Dickinson, your host institution or Partner program organization.

Visa costs and related expenses are the responsibility of the student. The cost of obtaining a visa varies by program location, citizenship, and consulate. In some cases, the student may be able to apply online or by mail, but in other cases, the student will be required to apply in person - either in the US or in their country of citizenship. Any travel related expenses for obtaining the visa are the responsibility of the student. 

Visa processing times vary greatly and the CGSE cannot guarantee that a visa will be issued within a specific timeframe. Some countries allow expedited processes, often for a fee, while others do not. Students are advised not to plan any international travel while their visa is processing. 

If you are planning to study abroad on two different semester programs, you will need to determine if the academic calendars align while still allowing adequate time to obtain a visa for the second program. This often requires returning to the U.S. or your home country between programs. Students are encouraged to make an advising appointment with the Center for Global Study and Engagement if they are planning to participate in two different semester programs.

Visa Guidelines for Dickinson Programs 

The CGSE has provided students on Dickinson programs with the visa guidelines below to help them navigate the process. After acceptance, students are advised to review the visa guidelines for their program. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with the visa process for their program and obtaining their visa. For students studying on a Partner program, the Partner organization will send you visa information, if applicable.  

The visa guidelines are updated every semester to ensure the most up to date information is provided. The new guidelines are typically posted in October for spring programs and March for fall/academic year programs. If current guidelines are not yet available, students can refer to the most recent guidelines for a general understanding of requirements. If current guidelines are not available, sample guidelines have been provided. Please note that the visa process is subject to change at any time.