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Statements from President Ensign

Reaction to DACA

To the Dickinson Community:

I am saddened by the announcement that President Trump intends to terminate America’s DACA “Dreamers” program. This would mean that some 800,000 children and young adults may be removed from their American homes, schools and jobs because they were brought to this country as children without proper documentation.

The good news is that there will be a phase out period before this change goes into effect. During this period, I urge all of us to make every effort to convince Congress that extending immigration protection to this important part of the American community is critical to our society.

Dickinson is a community of global scholars that is enhanced by international perspectives and is committed to the American values of diversity and inclusivity. Benjamin Rush founded this institution to educate an informed and engaged citizenry, and we continue that mission today.

While we believe that few of our own current students will be directly affected by this proposed policy change, rest assured that the college is following the situation carefully and will always act in the best interests of our students and our prospective students, regardless of country of origin. Our admissions policy will not change, and our Department of Public Safety (DPS) officers do not now, nor will they, inquire about a student’s immigration status.

Regardless of how they arrived, the simple fact is the Dreamers have grown up as Americans of foreign ancestry -- like almost all of the rest of us – and this is their home, the place where they – like the rest of us – are building their future. These young people have the potential to contribute greatly to our country. Let us use these next six months wisely and encourage our Congressional representatives to consider their next steps carefully and with compassion.


Margee Ensign