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Strategies, Organization, and Achievement Resources (SOAR)



If you would like assistance with note-taking strategies, you can email your availability for the coming week to and request this type of support. 

Strategic Note-taking Guidance

When Technology in the Classroom is Allowed...

Consolidating Information  

  • Evernote: Downloading Evernote enables you to save every website, document, picture, etc. to your Evernote collection and organize them with tags. Works with practically every computer, phone, and mobile device there it. Use Evernote to save your course syllabus, articles, notes, and power points so that you can access all that you may need for a given course in one location.


  • Bubbl: The lite version is free to use for creating your own mind maps almost effortlessly. Create an account and store all that you make.
  • MindMeister is an easy and efficient way to map your ideas and wherever they stem. The account setup itself is easy and a trial is free.