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Getting Started

Be Prepared!

Abroad Prep

Before you may apply to study abroad for a semester or academic year, you MUST complete the CGSE Abroad Prep course, which is available on Totara

Abroad Prep provides an overview of Dickinson's philosophy of education abroad and gives students the tools for selecting the best academic opportunity for their off-campus studies.  

Topics Covered:

  • Resources available for selecting a program
  • Application process and expectations
  • Health, wellness, and study away
  • Requesting recommendations
  • Writing a strong essay
  • Credit policies and procedures
  • Passports and visas

Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO) Intercultural Workshops

All students who plan to study abroad are required to attend a pre-departure intercultural workshop series. Students need to attend each of these workshops in any order:

  • Grappling with Culture
  • Identity and Relationships Across Cultures

These workshops are offered on select Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the semester. Students only have to attend each workshop once. 

Due to the limited number of spaces available in each workshop, students must sign-up through EngageD/CORQ


In order to prepare for the workshop, all attendees must review the workshop syllabus and complete an assignment before attending the session. This is accessible on Totara


Grappling with Culture 

The narrative of study abroad often focuses on its transformative nature while glossing over the hard work and challenges of crossing cultures.   For some students, this is work they are doing every day on our campus and, for others, this will be new.  Through the lenses of health, well-being and safety, this session will help students grapple with the unknown and prepare to be uncomfortable.

Identity and Relationships Across Cultures

Who are you?  How many identities do you have and which ones will you choose to share when you go abroad?  How will those in another culture view you and your identity (s) and how will you navigate your new intercultural relationships?