Dickinson celebrates and supports alumni-owned enterprises through its Small-Business Directory! Check out these entries from the information technology and security category:
- ANALYSISPLACE (Julie Goodwill Hall ’91; Pittsburgh) Provides the Excel-to-Word document automation add-in, which automates updating of Excel-based content into Word and PowerPoint documents, and builds custom assessment tools. analysisplace.com/Document-Automation
- ELNEL CONSULTING LLC (Ellen Poris Robin ’87; Washington, D.C., Metro Area) A leading provider of professional custom software development, specifically in the areas of AWS/cloud computing, full stack engineering and legacy systems. Also offers contract management consulting services. elnel.com
- ELYNXX SOLUTIONS (William Gindlesperger ’68; Chambersburg, Pa.) Provides cloud software for specifying, sourcing and managing direct mail, marketing, promo and print. Clients include Fortune 500 companies, small enterprises, government agencies, universities, brokers/distributors, ad agencies and printers. eLynxx.com
- PALO VERDE SECURITY (Andrea Dominguez Sevigny ’10; Las Cruces, N.M.) Information security consulting—assessments, architecture reviews, tool deployments (AV, password managers, etc.) and managed services paloverdesecurity.com
- THE FALCON CONSULTING GROUP (Thomas Raftery ’81; Linwood, N.J.) A leading provider of due diligence and investigative services, litigation support, risk assessment and security solutions worldwide. Falconconsultinggroup.com
View the full Small-Business Directory, and email alumni@dickinson.edu to submit your business for inclusion. Businesses are submitted by alumni and organized by category.
Read more from the winter 2023 issue of Dickinson Magazine.
Published February 24, 2023