Bela Bartok: Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion

Works by Bela Bartok to be performed at Dickinson.

Eun Ae Baik-Kim, collaborative pianist and instructor in piano, will perform the sonata with fellow pianist Barry Hannigan and Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra percussionists Barry Dove and Christopher Rose.

Hungarian composer Bela Bartok premiered his Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion in 1938 in Basel, Switzerland to rave international reviews. An ode to the first instruments that captured his imagination as a young child—the drum and the piano, respectively—this sonata remains one of his most widely performed works.

Percussionists Barry Dove and Christopher Rose of the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra team up with duo pianists Barry Hannigan and Eun Ae Baik-Kim to bring Bartok's sonata to the Dickinson stage.

Published September 4, 2012