Beau Dana '22. Photo by Dan Loh.
by Tony Moore
As students came back to campus from spring break over the weekend, a medical emergency occurred on Morgan Circle. And fortunately some quick-thinking students were on hand to fill in until DPS officers and EMTs arrived at the scene.
The uncle of a student returning to her residence hall collapsed, an incident that Dickinson’s Department of Public Safety deemed an “active heart attack.”
“Seeing the panic of the woman [the collapsed man's wife] made me realize that something was seriously wrong, and I went over to help in any way I could,” says Beau Dana ’22, who was CPR certified in high school and rushed in to assist. “When I saw the state of the man, I knew that he needed CPR, and my reflexes took over.”
“I’m very grateful for the student who helped out,” says Jezzelle Jules Repalbor ’24. “My uncle is very important to me—he’s like a father to me—and I don’t even want to think about what would have happened if Beau was not there to help.”
As Dana performed CPR, Sarah Rice ’24 called 911 and kept the operator apprised of the situation, relaying vital information from the scene.
“I am incredibly proud of our students, who didn’t hesitate to get involved and take the necessary action,” says President John E. Jones III '77, P'11. “Their selfless and quick action saved a life.”
“Without these two students starting life-saving acts, this man would not have survived,” says Andrea Van Volkenburg, a DPS administrative officer whose husband, Andrew Van Volkenburg, a corporal with the Carlisle Police Department, took over the rescue efforts with an automated external defibrillator (AED).
The victim, Dennis Reardon, is in the hospital, doing well and recovering.
“I am so grateful to both students for their responsiveness, for their willingness to jump in,” says Allison Reardon. “They acted without hesitation, and if it weren’t for them, my husband would not be here.”
She also commended DPS for going “above and beyond and [being] very supportive” as well as the Carlisle Police and Cumberland Goodwill Emergency Medical Services.
Published March 23, 2022