Dickinson College to Host Virtual Talk Exploring Citizen Science

Portrait of Jennifer Shirk

Jennifer Shirk

Re-Engaging Research Through Citizen and Community Science

by Scout Meredith Best '21

Jennifer Shirk, the interim executive director of the Citizen Science Association, will give a virtual presentation from Dickinson College’s Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues on Tuesday, Oct. 20, at 7 p.m. The program, “Re-Engaging Research Through Citizen and Community Science,” will take place via a public YouTube livestream. The link is available at the Clarke Forum website.

The program will explore the need for citizen science (volunteers from the general public assisting with scientific projects) and the critical role it plays in academic research. Shirk will address how the public can learn from science together and explore key examples of collaboration between scientists, resource managers and community members. She will also discuss how these diverse groups can develop effective research-based partnerships.   

The Citizen Science Association is an organization devoted to promoting connections between researchers and the public for participation in scientific projects. Shirk’s research interests focus on the role of citizen science in research and conservation. Through her affiliation with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, she has worked in a range of informal learning and natural resource management environments and seeks to promote integrity in research and public engagement. 

The program is sponsored by the Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues and is co-sponsored by the departments of religion, international business & management and the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM).


Published October 5, 2020