International Business & Management Major Gets Development Experience Through Internship at Nonprofit Startup Accelerator

Aiene Sheil

Aine Shiel '19, MassChallenge


International business & management.

Internship title:

Global community & development intern.

What I do, day to day:

On a daily basis, I work for the global partnerships team to research and prepare briefs about different cities/countries and their startup/entrepreneurial ecosystems in preparation for the company's different global programs. I work for the president of the global headquarters team, researching potential donor leads for the fundraising campaign and writing grant applications. I collaborate with other interns to source later-stage startups for MassChallenge’s new FinTech accelerator program. In addition, I have the opportunity to meet the 128 startups in the 2018 Boston cohort and work at development events that are part of the Boston Accelerator Program.

Most valuable part of this experience:

The most valuable part of this internship experience for me has been being able to own my own projects, working with 40 other interns, and having the opportunity to network every day with 128 different startups in all industries, just by coming into the office.

Advice for students considering internships:

Find an internship where you will learn something everyday and that allows you to do many different kinds of projects.

How this internship has helped me:

This internship has allowed me have hands-on experience in many different facets of business.

Learn more about internships at Dickinson.


Published August 3, 2018