Fear-Segal, Jacqueline and Rose, Susan D. (Eds.). (2016). Carlisle Indian Industrial School: Indigenous Histories, Memories, & Reclamations. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Fratantuono, Michael, House, Sarah, and Weisman, Sam. "Collaboration to Counter Fresh Water Scarcity and Promote Human Security". Web of Science. IntechOpen, (2020):1-17.
Rose, Susan. Challenging Global Gender Violence: The Global Clothesline Project. Macmillan/Palgrave Pivot, November, 2013.
Rose, Susan. “It Wasn’t a Sweet Life: Engaging Students in Oral History Interviewing Across Race, Class, and Generation.” Oral History in Communities of Color. UCLA Chicago Studies Research Center Press, Los Angeles, 2013: 76-97.
Anyona, Atandi ‘10 and Ryan Koons ’10, Podcast “Music in the Anti-Apartheid and Civil Rights Movements”
2012 The Black Liberation Movements Mosaic audio essay is published in the UCLA journal, Ethnomusicology Review. It is an online journal with a print edition. You can find our audio essay here:
http:// ethnomusicologyreview.ucla. edu/content/singing-against- apartheid-audio-essay (EMR, UCLA).
Burns, Christine an essay on climate change in Undergraduate Journal of Service Learning and Community-Based Research. http://blogs.dickinson.edu/ cop17durban/2011/12/whats- your-issue/
Rose, Susan. “Using Culture as Resource as well as Excuse in Fighting Against Gender Violence.” Villanova University, Feb. 6, 2012.
Rose, Susan D., Review of "Voices From the Nueva Frontera: Latino Immigration to Dalton, Georgia." By Donald E. Davis , Thomas M. Deaton , David P. Boyle , and Jo-Anne Schick.
Ball, Jeremy and Amy Lynn Wlodarski. “The Black Liberation Mosaic: South Africa and Mississippi.”Oral History Review Vol. 38 Issue 1 (2011): 109-119.
Ellison, Jim. Associate Professor of Anthropology, “Challenges in Ethiopia” Dickinson News and Events. Feb. 2011.
The Lost Ones: Long Journey Home (42 minutes). Documentary film on Lipan Apache Children sent to the Carlisle Indian School. Susan Rose and Manuel Saralegui ’09. Honorable Mention for Historical Content. CINE Film Festival, Montana: Oct. 2011.
Rose, Susan. Indigenous Boarding Schools in U.S. and New Zealand. Screening and Discussion of Lost Ones: Long Journey Home. 7th Annual Sustainability Conference. University of Waikato, Waikato, New Zealand, January 7, 2011.
Rose, Susan. “Challenging Global Gender Violence Through Visual Arts and Media.” International Gender and Digital Media Conference. Fes, Morocco, June 26, 2011.
Ball, Jeremy, Kim Rogers, and Amy Wlodarski. National Oral History Association Teaching Award for “The Black Liberation Movements Mosaic: South Africa and Mississippi,” 2010.
Borges, Marcelo and Susan Rose. “Oral History Narratives of the Spanish Civil War from Patagonia” in Panel on War, Trauma, and Memory and screening of An Argentine Mosaic: Destino Patagonia (73 minute bi-lingual documentary of (im)migration to Patagonia and life in the oil company towns of Comodoro Rivadavia. International Oral History Association, Prague, July 8 11 respectively, 2010.
Ball, Jeremy, Kim Rogers, and Amy Wlodarski, "Recreating Process, Culture, and Interpretation: Using Technologies to Present and Represent Community Histories." Oral History Association, Louisville, KY: Oct.15, 2009.
James Chapnick,’10, Ryan Koons,’10, Kim Rogers and Susan Rose, “Localizing the Global: Dickinson’s Mosaic Programs.” Oral History Association (OHA) Louisville, KY October 15, 2009.
Rose, Susan and Manuel Saralegui ’09. “The Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, Media Representations, and the Value of Empty Signifiers.” Eastern Sociology Meetings, Baltimore, March 2009.
Ball, Kim Lacy Rogers, Susan Rose, Amy Wlodarski, Anthony Anyona ’10, Tiffany Mane ’11, Manuel Saralegui,’09, Gabriela Uassouf, ’10.Panel: “Stories of Struggle, Protest, and Liberation”.
“Black Liberation Movements: The U.S. Civil Rights Movement and the South African Anti-Apartheid Movement and Venezuela: Democracy, Endogenous Development, and the Bolivarian Revolution." Oral History Association (OHA) Pittsburg, Pa 2008.
Saralegui, Manuel ’09 and Susan Rose. “The Bolivarian Revolution from a Grassroots Perspective.” International Oral History Association (IOHA), Guadalajara, Mexico: September 2008.
Uassouf, Gabriela ’10 and Susan Rose, “Women and Activism in the Bolivarian Revolution.” International Oral History Association (IOHA), Guadalajara, México: September 2008.
Rose, Susan D."The Community and the World in Pennsylvania." ACADEME September-October 2009
A Mosaic of Voices: Community Studies Launches You Tube Videos produced by faculty and students who participated in CSC's mosaic programs. Dickinson News and Events.
Rose, Susan D., Shaw, Robert. " The Gamble: Mexican Circular Migration and the Return on Remittances ." Mexican Studies vol. 24, no. 1 (Winter 2008): 79-111. Robert Shaw '05 just finished his MA at Fletcher School for International Studies at Tufts.
Rose, Susan, Marcelo Borges, and John Osborne. " Terre d'immgrants: Le Musée Virtuel Mosaïque de Patagonie." En Laure Telieres et Sylvie Toux (eds.), Migrations, Mémoires, Musées . Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail Collection: CNRS: Méridiennes, 2008: 73-88.
"100 Anos de Petróleo en la Argentina." Todo Es Historia . Ano XL, Edición Especial 484. Buenos Aires, Argentina (November 2007). Special journal issue featuring work from the Patagonia Mosaic.
Rose, Susan and Sarah Hiller. " From Migrant Work to Community Transformation: Families Forming Transnational Communities in Peribán and Pennsylvania." Oral History Review 34, no. 1 (2007): 97-144. Sarah Hiller '06 is doing graduate work on Mexican-U.S. Relations at the University of San Diego.
Rose, Susan and Joyce Bylander. "Border Crossings: Engaging Students in Diversity Work and Intergroup Relations." Innovative Higher Education vol. 31, no. 5 (2007): 251-264.
Rogers, Kim Lacy. " Aging, the Life Course, and Oral History: African American Narratives of Struggle, Social Change, and Decline." Handbook of Oral History. Edited by Thomas L. Charlton, Lois E. Myers and Rebecca Sharpless. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press, 2006: 297-335.
Rose, Susan. "Engaging Students in the Field." Social Problems Forum: SSSP Newsletter vol. 35, no. 2 (Summer 2004): 9-12.
Rose, Susan. "Community Studies: The Pedagogical Uses of Ethnography, Oral History, and Memoir." Transformations vol. XIV, no. 2 (Fall 2003): 21-44 .
Rose, Susan. "Teaching Diversity for Democracy: The Crossing Borders and Mosaic Programs." International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities and Nations vol. 3 (2003).
Rogers, Kim Lacy. " Life Questions: Memories of Women Civil Rights Leaders." Journal of African American History vol. 87 (Summer 2002): 355-368.
Rogers, Kim Lacy. "Lynching Stories: Family and Community Memory in the Mississippi Delta." Trama and Life Stories: International Perspectives . Edited by Kim Lacy Rogers, Selma Leydesdorff and Graham Dawson. New York: Routledge, 1999: 113-130.