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Special Interest Housing

Special interest house Logo

Apply to Live in a Special Interest House: Click Here!

Special Interest Housing (SIH) gives students a unique opportunity to collaborate with other students by creating affinity communities with common goals and purpose. SIH creates the conditions for engaged citizenship and self-governance that enables self-directed living environments around a shared theme, issue or interest.  The SIH program encourages group and individual social and intellectual development while simultaneously contributing to the intellectual and social life of the College.

Each SIH program must identify a student who will serve as a liaison between Residence Life and Housing and the program. 

The House Liaison(s) helps administer the program outlined in the SIH charter and goals.  In addition the house liaison(s) maintains an accurate and current roster of students within the house, reports facility and safety concerns as needed, and works with the Residence Life and Housing office to run a House Event each semester.

Each SIH group should identify and continually work with a faculty or staff advisor to execute programs, plan goals, and expectations and seek mentoring/advice relating to the House program.

Each SIH program is responsible for completing a House Charter, which reflects the values, core expectations and purpose of the program.  The charter acts as a guide for the SIH group and provides insight into the philosophy and character of the House.  In order to see each house charter please visit their respective EngageD pages for more information.

Renewal and New House Applications:

Please download the correct application linked below and then email the finished application and pre-roster to Tori Campbell at by Friday, February 21st at noon.

Active Special Interest Houses - Renewal Application

New Special Interest Houses - Application

Special Interest Houses Include:

House Name 24-25 Location Fall 24 House Liaison Housing Type for Billing Faculty/Staff Advisor
Arts Collective 531 W Louther St

Maya Shelton

Apartment Todd Arsenault
Classics 417 W Louther St Jordyn Case Apartment Scott Farrington
Human Cultures Strayer House Leo Marandola Apartment Matthew Biwer
Latinx House 381 W Louther St    Hanani Rodriguez Apartment Andrea Lopez
MOB House 529 W Louther St Claire Choplick Apartment Ryan Patton

Music Society 

49 & 51 S College St  Adam Mast Apartment Jennifer Blyth
Outdoor Education Matthews House

 Warner Brockman

Residence Hall

Jed Kuhn
Romance Languages  Stuart Hall Stella Phillips

Residence Hall

Elise Bartosik-Velez, Benjamin Ngong, Luca Lanzilotta

ROTC House 513 W Louther St Alexander Merrifield Apartment LTC Jacob M. Phillips
Russian House 425 W Louther St Fedya Grishanov Apartment Alyssa DeBlasio
Social Justice 383 W Louther St

Andre Eversley


Yvette Davis
Spectrum 505 W Louther St Bowie Adams & Soleil Coplea Apartment Jeff Engelheart
Substance Free  Todd House Sarah Hirsch Residence Hall Joy Middaugh
The Site

3rd Floor, 25/27 W High St

Lyss Ricciardi

Residence Hall

Erin Crawley-Woods
Treehouse 532 W Louther St Allison Maurice & Genisis Whitlock Residence Hall Isabel Ruff
Womanist Collective 139 N College St Ella Layton Apartment Jacquie Forbes
X House 507 W Louther St Amiya Marbles Apartment  
Fraternity & Sorority Housing
Delta Nu 171 W High St Lillian Schupp Residence Hall Jennifer Love
Delta Sigma Phi Reed House Beau Radomisli Residence Hall Greg Moyer
Kappa Alpha Theta 34 S West St MJ Murphy Apartment Tara Renault
Kappa Kappa Gamma Vincett House Ellie Nordwind Apartment Sarah Masland-Fatherree
Pi Beta Phi 170 W Louther St Katelyn Pequeno Apartment Karen Faryniak & Jennifer Schaeffer

Special Interest Houses may occupy a single building or a portion of a larger facility. They are reviewed yearly by Residence Life & Housing.  Groups assigned housing in a Special Interest House are expected to fill their assigned spaces with group members. If a violation of the Community Standards occurs within a Special Interest House, the College will determine whether to bring charges against specific individuals and/or the organization as a whole. Failure to maintain occupancy may result in loss of housing. Special Interest Houses are available to upper-class students.