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Study Abroad

Students sitting at Bologna Italy

Living outside of the U.S. for a semester or a year, experiencing full-on cultural immersion, students studying abroad have plenty of time to explore their host city and region, in this case Bologna, Italy.

The Department of International Studies seeks to provide its majors with experience abroad, the ability to communicate in a foreign language and substantive, interdisciplinary knowledge of global issues. These experiences and skills open the world to our students, and as the world grows increasingly interconnected, they are also valuable professional attributes.

While it is not a requirement, virtually all of our majors spend a semester or a year abroad—typically during the junior year. IS majors travel the world through Dickinson's own centers abroadpartner programssummer programs and Mosaics on every inhabited continent on earth. Majors in the class of 2019 alone studied for a semester or year in 14 countries, including Italy, France, India, Switzerland, Germany, Korea, England, Cameroon, Ecuador and Argentina.