HEST Course Projects
Selection of Past Projects
US-Japan Global Scholars Program, 2014
Dickinson, in partnership with Akita International University (AIU), and co-funded by a grant from the Japanese government, undertook an in-depth research project on perceptions of quality of life among older adults, particularly the relationship between perceived well-being and access to utilization of health care services. The research was conducted in two structurally similar but geographically distinct regions, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States and Akita City, Japan.
Barriers to Child Immunizations, 2011
Sadler Health Center, Carlisle, PA
Children's vaccinations at the center weren't being kept up-to-date and Sadler wanted this to change. Students went in and conducted a survey for clients. With the information obtained the students provided Sadler with recommendations to improve the number of clients with up-to-date vaccinations.
Bonnie Berk (far right) leads a Partners session at the YWCA
Quality of Life for Cancer Survivors, 2011
Partners in Wellness, Carlisle, PA
Meredith (Mimi) Frohman '12 and Professors David Sarcone and Andy Skelton partnered up to assist Partners in Wellness in performing a self-evaluation of their program to offer complementary therapies to individuals undergoing cancer treatment. Frohman, Sarcone, and Skelton used self-report scales to measure quality of life in cancer survivors and created a protocol for administering the scales and collecting comments about clients' experiences.
Environmental Health: Complying with Anti-idling Laws, 2011
Clean Air Board, Carlisle, PA
Based on the request of the Clean Air Board, students calculated the amount of time trucks on I-81 were idling at truck stops and compared that to the law. With their findings they provided the Clean Air Board with suggestions for how to improve the problem.
Biddle Mission Park Use, 2010 & 2011
East North Street, Carlisle, PA
Two consecutive Health Studies seminars monitored the use of the park before and after a walking path was created and the playground facilities were improved. It was found that more "vigorous" activity was the result of the improvements.
Students presenting their research, 2010.
Patient Satisfaction at Sadler, 2010
Sadler Health Center, Carlisle, PA
A Federally Qualified Health Center Look-Alike, Sadler provides medical and dental care to local residents. The students of the 2010 Senior Seminar created a patient satisfaction questionnaire that they distributed to over 140 patients to rate clients' satisfaction with the organization. The results were very positive with only 15% noting that making appointments and transportation were sometimes a problem.
Mary Buckley '10 (left) poses in the SAGE fitness center with Judie Brantner, the program's coordinator (right), and Professor David Sarcone. Buckley's research group recommended that SAGE program directors develop transitional programming to help ease inactive senior citizens into a fitness regimen at the center.
Seniors Aging with Grace and Energy (SAGE) Fitness Program, 2009
One West Penn housing complex, Carlisle, PA
The facilities were not being used, so students began research on the reason for inactivity. They spoke with all of those who had been given the orientation to the center. They gathered data and provided their results to the foundation, while also providing advice for improvement.