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Homecoming & Family Weekend Open Class List

AFST African Civilizations to 1850 DENNY 313 9:30 10:20 Ball, J
AFST Francophone African and Caribbean Cultures BOSLER 309 11:30 12:20 Ngong, B
ARTH An Introduction to the History of Art WEISS 235 9:30 10:20 Schlitt, M
ARTH Reality, Idealism, Beauty, and Power: Topics in the Art & Architecture of Ancient Greece and Rome WEISS 221 11:30 12:20 Schlitt, M
ARTH Japanese Architecture BOSLER 314 1:30 2:45 Ren, W
ARTH The Japanese Woodblock Print WEISS 235 3:00 4:15 Ren, W
ARTH Contemporary Art WEISS 221 1:30 2:45 Lee, E
BIOL Introduction to Organisms, Populations, and Ecosystems: The Physiology of Life ALTHSE 106 9:30 10:20 Boback, S
BIOL Introduction to Organisms, Populations, and Ecosystems: The Physiology of Life ALTHSE 106 9:30 10:20 Boback, S
BIOL Cell Biology w/Lab JAMESR 1228 10:30 11:20 Niblock, M
CLST Ancient Philosophy ALTHSE 207 1:30 2:45 Mastrangelo, M
CLST Senior Research Colloquium EASTC 108 1:30 4:30 Mastrangelo, M
COMP Introduction to Computing TOME 118 8:30 9:20 Ferland, M
COMP Introduction to Computing TOME 118 3:00 5:00 Goble, W
COMP Introduction to Computing TOME 118 9:30 10:20 Goble, W
COMP Introduction to Computing TOME 118 11:30 12:20 Naderi Dehkordi, M
COMP Principles of Object-Oriented Design TOME 118 10:30 11:20 Siddiqui, F
COMP Data Structures and Problem Solving TOME 231 11:30 12:20 Goble, W
COMP Fall Senior Seminar TOME 231 1:30 2:45 Braught, G
COMP Fall Senior Seminar TOME 231 3:00 4:15 Braught, G
EASN Japanese Architecture BOSLER 314 1:30 2:45 Ren, W
ENGL The Epic: Gods, Devils, Monsters, and Men EASTC 411 9:30 10:20 Sider Jost, J
ENGL Literature and Food EASTC 411 3:00 4:15 Phillips, S
ENGL Introduction to Literary Studies EASTC 303 10:30 11:20 Sider Jost, J
ENGL Where Do Novels Come From DENNY 203 12:30 1:20 Sider Jost, J
ENGL Family and U.S. Fiction Since 1945 EASTC 301 1:30 2:45 Phillips, S
ENST Environmental Science for Non-Majors TOME 115 10:30 11:20 Van Fleet, K
ENST Environmental Science for Non-Majors TOME 115 10:30 11:20 Van Fleet, K
ENST Applied Entomology KAUF 178 9:30 10:20 Douglas, M
ENST Green Infrastructure KAUF 178 10:30 11:20 Decker, A
FMST Russian Film of the Putin Era BOSLER 208 1:30 2:45 DeBlasio, A
FREN Elementary French EASTC 108 9:30 10:20 Duperron, L
FREN Living in the Francophone World EASTC 108 10:30 11:20 Duperron, L
FYSM First-Year Seminar BOSLER 313 12:30 1:20 Decker, A
FYSM First-Year Seminar WEISS 219 11:30 12:45 Lee, E
FYSM First-Year Seminar EASTC 301 11:30 12:45 Vann, J
GEOS Foundations of Earth Sciences KAUF 179 10:30 11:20 Thibodeau, A
GEOS Energy Resources KAUF 186 8:30 9:20 Key, M
GEOS Introduction to Soil Science KAUF 140 9:30 10:20 Edwards, B
GEOS Sedimentology and Stratigraphy KAUF 152 10:30 11:20 Key, M
GREK Introduction to Greek Prose EASTC 105 9:30 10:20 Mastrangelo, M
GREK Greek Tragedy         Mastrangelo, M
HIST The Age of Faith: Medieval Europe Between Church and State EASTC 301 9:30 10:20 Schadler, P
HIST From Abraham to Al-Qaeda: Jews, Christians, and Muslims from their Origins to the Present EASTC 411 1:30 2:45 Schadler, P
ITAL Elementary Italian BOSLER 213 8:30 9:20 Galli, S
MATH Elementary Statistics TOME 117 1:30 2:45 Campbell, J
MATH Elementary Statistics TOME 117 3:00 4:15 Campbell, J
MATH Introduction to Calculus TOME 120 9:30 10:20 McKay, T
MATH Introduction to Calculus TOME 120 10:30 11:20 McKay, T
MATH Single Variable Calculus TOME 117 9:30 10:20 Tesman, B
MEST From Abraham to Al-Qaeda: Jews, Christians, and Muslims from their Origins to the Present EASTC 411 1:30 2:45 Schadler, P
MUAC Keys to Music 2: Sacred Roots WEISS 212 9:30 10:20 Koby, H; Strohman, G
MUAC Keys to Music 4: Desire and Discord WEISS 212 10:30 11:20 Strohman, G
PHIL Practical Ethics DENNY 104 9:30 10:20 McKiernan, A
PHIL Ancient Philosophy ALTHSE 207 1:30 2:45 Mastrangelo, M
PHIL The Ethics of Punishment and Forgiveness ALTHSE 109 3:00 4:15 McKiernan, A
PHIL Ethical Theory         McKiernan, A
PHIL Philosophy with Children         McKiernan, A
PHYS Workshop Physics: The Mechanical Universe TOME 101 9:30 11:20 Jackson, D
PHYS Workshop Physics: The Mechanical Universe TOME 101 1:30 3:20 Hamilton-Drager, C
PHYS Physics for the Life Sciences TOME 115 11:30 12:20 Boyle, R; Morgan, W
PHYS Physics for the Life Sciences TOME 115 11:30 12:20 Boyle, R; Morgan, W
PHYS Introduction to Relativistic and Quantum Physics TOME 213 10:30 11:20 English, L
PHYS Dynamics & Chaos TOME 213 9:30 10:20 Pearson, B
PHYS Renewable Energy Engineering TOME 103 1:30 4:00 Pfister, H
POSC International Relations DENNY 304 3:00 4:15 Webb, E
POSC Political Philosophy DENNY 304 10:30 11:20 Reiner, T
POSC Public Opinion DENNY 112 10:30 11:20 Niebler, S
PSYC Introduction to Health Psychology KAUF 179 12:30 1:20 Dixit, S
PSYC Introduction to Community Psychology KAUF 179 3:00 4:15 Rosen, H
RELG From Abraham to Al-Qaeda: Jews, Christians, and Muslims from their Origins to the Present EASTC 411 1:30 2:45 Schadler, P
RELG The Age of Faith: Medieval Europe Between Church and State EASTC 301 9:30 10:20 Schadler, P
RELG One Nation Under God DENNY 112 1:30 4:30 Vann, J
RELG Interpreting Religion EASTC 303 1:30 4:30 Schadler, P
RUSS Elementary Russian BOSLER 222 8:30 9:20 Ausheva, E; Duzs, E
RUSS Elementary Russian BOSLER 222 9:30 10:20 Ausheva, E; Duzs, E
RUSS Russian for Discussion BOSLER 222 10:30 11:20 Ausheva, E
RUSS Russian Film of the Putin Era BOSLER 208 1:30 2:45 DeBlasio, A
RUSS Popular Culture and New Media BOSLER 313 9:30 10:20 DeBlasio, A
THDA Movement Studio 2527WH DANCE STU 3:00 4:15 Chesnut, A
THDA Theatre History MONTGM 100 10:30 11:20 Simpson, K
THDA Fundamentals of Choreography and Dance Composition 2527WH DANCE STU 1:30 2:45 Chesnut, A