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Biology Departmental Honors Archive

The following list includes the names of Dickinsonians who have earned departmental honors, the thesis/project title, and the year of conferral. If there is no thesis or project title, the conferring department only will be listed. Each academic department (or program) has its own criteria for awarding departmental honors. Please see the Advising Guide or elsewhere on the department’s main website for details.

Jack Christopher Drda (2024)
The Role of miR-155 in Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency and Lipid Immunometabolism

Cooper S Kocon (2024)
Investigating the effects of compliant substrates on cane toad jump take-off

Christopher Charles Lozano (2024)
Growth and Frequency of Tsuga canadensis seedlings on moss, soil, and dead material substrates.

Grace Katherine Heine (2023)
Role of Cholesterol Pathway Metabolites in Inflammation: Investigating Altered CD14 Trafficking in Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency

Dianny Aalyah Almanzar (2022)
Response to Diurnally-Varying Environmental Stressors in Larvae of a Marine Gastropod

Madison Gina McIntyre (2022)
Rain harvesting behavior in free-ranging Prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis)

Zoe Louisa Muller (2022)
Relatedness Within and Between Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) Aggregations in Northwest Colorado

Benjamin Robert Shoul (2022)
Assessing Climate Change's Impact on Blooming Times of Pine Hill Arboretum Wildflowers 2022

Jack H Buck (2021)
Thermal ecology and movements of gravid and nongravid prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) in a high-elevation Colorado population

Ilana Fay Zeitzer (2019)
Changes in Forest Fungal Communities With Respect to Eastern Hemlock Abundance

Cheyenne L Moore (2018)
Plant Communities in Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) Stands Impacted by Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Adelges tsugae)

Kayla Christine Simpson (2018)
Impacts of Insect Growth Regulator Pesticides on Populations of Beneficial Dung Beetles in Pennsylvania Agroecosystems

Rulaiha Elizabeth Taylor (2018)
Effects of Acidification and Salinity Stress on Development in Larvae and Juveniles of a Marine Gastropod

Surya Mackenzie Brown-Moffitt (2017)
Kinematics of Feeding Behavior in the American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus): Vertical Limits of Prey Capture

Madison Catherine Etchberger (2017)
Amphibians beware: Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the Cumberland Valley

Amanda Hildur Jimcosky (2017)
The Computational Analysis of Yeast Environmental Stress Response

Samuel Neill Bogan (2016)
Do effects of ocean acidification and nutrition persist across the life history of a marine gastropod?

Christine Yun-Hee Choi (2016)
Effects of Ocean Acidification and Flow on Neural Correlates of Settlement in Larvae of a Marine Gastropod

Cassandra Elizabeth Holbert (2016)
The Role of BCL-2 Family Member MCL-1 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Trevor Thomas Hollinger (2016)
Murine Hypometabolism: A Putative Signaling Pathway

Mairi Kaia Phyllis Poisson (2016)
Characterization of the diet of the American toad (Anaxyrus americanus) in a disturbed land-use system

Julia Brumbaugh McMahon (2015)
Effects of Ocean Acidification and Nutrition on Growth and Metamorphosis in Larvae of a Marine Snail

Kayla Jordan Muirhead (2015)
This gut's got character: Utilizing comparative genomics to characterize the phylogenetic relationship of Ascomycete yeasts found in detritivorous beetle guts

Katelyn Maria Swade (2015)
Isoprenoid Depletion Alters Expression of Inflammatory Markers in Monocytes and Macrophages

Mary Christine DiGiorgio (2014)
An Assessment of a Painted Turtle Population and an Error Analysis of Community Generated Data

Rosabeth Ivory Link (2014)
Factors Influencing the Distribution of the Hemlock Woolly Aldelgid (Adelges tusga)

John George Capano (2013)
The Biomechanics of Ventilation in Boa Constrictor

Christopher James Katalinas (2013)
Climate Change Effects on Marine Ecosystems

Antonio David Marrero (2013)
Lovastatin Treatment Leads to Increased CD14 mRNA Levels in Murine Macrophages and Human Monocytes

Catherine Bridget Campbell (2012)
The Role of EGR/NAB Gene Expression in Human Leukemia

Scott William Hoffman (2012)
Design and Implementation of Pest-Control Hubs on an Organic Farm

Hannah Marie Leahey (2012)
Effects of Ocean Acidification on Production of Protective Phenolics

Jack Michael Colicchio (2011)
Transgenerational Epigenetics and Phenotypic Plasticity in Response to Variable Light Levels

Katelyn Josephine McCann (2011)
Analyzing a predator-prey interaction: muscular performance in Boas (Boa constrictor) and cardiovascular response in rats during constriction

Susan Anne Blasi (2010)
Biogenic Amine Receptor Expression in the Developing Ventral Nerve Cord in "Drosophila melanogaster"

Allison Elizabeth Hall (2010)
Pressure and Duration of Constriction in Boa constrictor is influenced by a Simulated Prey Heartbeat

Abby Christine Larson (2010)
Gene Expression Analysis of Human Leukemia

Elizabeth Leigh Lewis (2010)
Neurochemical and Sensory Regulation of Metamorphosis in a Gastropod Mollusk

Lauren Carel Saunders (2010)
Iron Pathology of Erythrocyte Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency in the Old Order Amish of Pennsylvania

Keith Kleinman (2009)
Getting a Grip on Death by a Squeeze: An Analysis of Constriction in Population of Boa.constrictor

Davia Marie Palmeri (2009)
Carbohydrate Translocation After Herbivore Attack in Tobacco Plants

Kaitlin Mary Harrigan (2008)
Investigating Hemlock Stand Resistance to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infestations

Jennifer Reine Lloyd Langston (2008)
Catecholamines in the Metamorphosis of Larvae of Polychaete Annelid Capitella Sp.I

Lisa Irene Maas (2007)
Investigating Hemlock (tsuga canadensis (L.) carriere) Stand Resistance to Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA; adelges tsugae annand) Infestations

Mary Kathryn McClellan (2007)
Characterization of bipolar spindle structure in ammonia activated eggs and maturing oocytes of the sea urchin

Evan Joseph Templeton (2007)
Departmental Honors in Biology

Meagen Kathleen Voss (2007)
Morphological study of BDM stimulated structures in sea urchin coelomocytes

Emily T Cocores (2006)
Departmental Honors in Biology

Christopher Alan Fried (2005)
Actin-Mediated Retrograde Flow in Sea Urchin Coelomocytes: Conversion from a Lamellipodial-Dominated to a Filopodial-Dominated Form

Tasha Kouvatsos (2005)
Differentiation of Human Promyelocytic Leukemia Dells: A DNA Microarray Analysis

Benjamin James Tiede (2005)
A Genomics Based Investigation of Virus-Host Interactions between Brome Mosaic Virus 1a Protein and Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Sarah E Yeskel (2005)
Gypsy Moth Invasion as a Factor in Allegheny Woodrat Decline in Pennsylvania

Kristen Eileen Severi (2004)
The Role of Calcium and Oxygen Radicals in the Metamorphosis of Crepidula fornicata, a Marine Gastropod

Shaun Vincent Spielman (2004)
Metabolic Stresses from Cross Country Courses

Benjamin Boyerinas (2003)
Departmental Honors in Biology

Jessica Elizabeth Ellerman (2003)
Purification and Characterization of CIS and TRANS Photoisomers of Intermediates of the Phenylpropanoid Pathway in Higher Plants

Sarah Elizabeth Kolnik (2003)
The Putative Myosin Inhibitor BDM Alters the Subcellular Distribution of the Actin Polymerization Promoting Arp2/3 Complex

Jacey Ann Roberts (2003)
Departmental Honors in Biology

Jennifer D Robison (2003)
Investigations on the Life Histories of Two Invasive Wildflower Species: Alliaria petiolata (M. Bieb.) Cavara & Grande and Hesperis matronalis L

Elizabeth Lauren Stephens (2003)
An Investigation of the Nutrient Utilization of Solidago speciosa Nutt. var. speciosa

Melanie Erin Mouyard (2002)
Effects of Winterization on Germination and Growth of Two Invasive Species, Alliaria petiolata and Hesperis matronalis

Amanda Cynthia Reynolds (2002)
The Relationship between Metamorphosis and Juvenile Feeding Behavior in a Gastropod Mollusc

Erik Joseph Stemmy (2002)
Analysis of Genetic Variation Between Two Populations of Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister)

Mary Alles Robinson (2001)
Departmental Honors in Biology

Gregory John Fredericks (2000)
Fascin-actin Interactions in Sea Urchin Cells do not Appear to be Mediated by PKC-dependent Phosphorylation or Cell-Matrix Interactions

Ronniel Nazarian (2000)
Actomyosin-Based Dynamic Equilibria During Centripetal/Retrograde Flow in Sea Urchin Coelomocytes

Jason William Tarpley (1999)
The Hypometabolic and Hypothermic effect of Hypercapnia in Sprague Dawley Rats

Michelle Lynn DallaPiazza (1998)
Departmental Honors in Biology

Heidi Elizabeth Madagan (1998)
Analysis of AP-1 Protein during the Phorbol Ester-induced Differentiation of HL-60 human Promyelocytic Cells into Macrophages

Heather Hughes Davies (1997)
Departmental Honors in Biology

Robert Joseph Mendola (1997)
Departmental Honors in Biology

Peter V Lovell (1996)
Hydrodynamic Receptors: The Role of Supracuticular Sensory Receptors in Crayfish Hydrodynamic Orientation Behavior

Kenneth Joseph McPartland (1996)
Evidence for the Possible Role of Myosin II as a Force-generating Molecule in Centripetal flow using the Putative Actomyosin Inhibitor 2,3-butanedione monoxime

Jason Israel Steinfeld (1995)
Departmental Honors in Biology

Aaron Martin Brillhart (1994)
Impact of White-Tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on Herbaceous and Woody-stemmed pPlants in the F. J. Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary, Perry County, Pennsylvania

Charles Edward Griffith (1994)
Departmental Honors in Biology

Matthew Evan Franke (1993)
Vegetation Availability Compared to Vegetation Use by a Population of Allegheny Woodrats (neotoma magister) in Pennsylvania

James Kyle Hendricks (1993)
Determination of the Size of mRNA Transcripts of the Kinesin Heavy Chain Gene in Sea Urchin Eggs and Coelomocytes

Robert Brian McGrath (1990)
Light-induced Expression of the Nuclear Gene Encoding the Small Subunit of Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase in the Gymnosperm Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris)

Wendy Barker Helkowski (1988)
Electrophoretic Analysis of Isoenzymes in Cylindrocystis (chlorophyta)

Cynthia A Yablonski (1984)
The Effects of Ivermectin on the Migratory Stage of Trichinella Spiralis in Mice

Runda El-Khatib (1983)
The Effect of a High-fat Diet upon Bile Acids, Fecal Enzymes, and Carcinogenesis in Mice

William R Epperly (1983)
Photoinactivation of Catalase

Mark W Becher (1982)
An Attempt to Reveal a Core Structure in Plant Chromosomes

Donald L Rhoads (1982)
Variations in Spirogyra Clones

Malcolm J Gardner (1980)
Induction of Budding in Juvenile Polytrichum Commune Protonemata by the Cytokinin

Anna Scheyett (1980)
Chromosome Homology in Mesocricetus brandti and Mesocricetus auratus

Melissa Heller Hoagland (1979)
Effects of Secobarbital on Hepatocytes of Adult Albino Mice

Raymond Wolf (1979)
Chemical Transfer of Learned Information

Therese K Schmalbach (1978)
The Effect of Intraventricular Administration of Lysine-8-vasopressin on Memory Consolidation in Rats

Margaret E Caldwell (1977)
The Effect of Minerals on Conjugation in a Heterothallic Strain of Cylindrocystis brebissonii menegh

Steven E Reissman (1977)
Cytogenetic Studies of Some Urodeles

Matthew C Frankel (1973)
The Algae of the Field Pond of the Florence Jones Reineman Wildlife Sanctuary

Richard G Azizkhan (1972)
The Results of Qualitative Colorimetric Tests and the Effects of Various Chemicals on the Cyst Membranes of Tillina Magna (Gruber 1879)

Theodore L Hetrick (1971)
The Role of mRNA Transcription in the Induction of Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in Potato Tubers

Dwight K Romanovicz (1970)
Urea Metabolism of Green Algae Associated with Amphibian Egg Membranes

Christopher S Werner (1969)
Growth on Various Nitrogen Sources of Green Algae Associated with Amphibian Egg Membranes

Arlen D Meyers (1968)
The Physiology of Earthworm Hearts, Lumbricus terrestris

Philip Sze (1968)
The Influence of Light on Cell division of Netrium digitus

Robert H Varney (1968)
Adaptive Mechanisms Associated with Nonaquatic Activities of the Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens

Thomas W Cronin (1967)
Further Studies of the Life Cycle of a Heterothallic Staurastrum

Gary A Grosart (1967)
The Effect of Dehydration on the Supercooling Response in Rana pipiens

Kathleen R Kelley (1967)
A Study of Egg Cannibalism in Tribolium confusum

Richard M Schwartz (1966)
The Extraction of Amino Acids from the Ciliate Tillina Magna

Gordon Faulkner (1965)
Studies on the Morphology and Thymidine Incorporation of the Ciliate colpoda aspera

Paul C Montgomery (1965)
Studies in Animal Sensitization