Events for November 20, 2024
New Hire Orientation
For exempt and nonexempt employees.
Faculty and Staff please join Jorge Sagastume at the Hartman House
Join Jorge Sagastume of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies at the Hartman House.
30 min. Zoom Info Session | Food Studies Summer Program in Italy | Summer 2025
Come learn about the Summer Program 2025 "Food Cultures and Sustainability"
Instructor: Jennifer Moore.
Trans Day of Remembrance
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) publicly mourns and honors the lives of individuals who might otherwise be forgotten.
Instructor: Jennifer Moore.
ENGL 403 Plenary Lecture
Presented by Kamran Javadizadeh Associate Professor of English at Villanova University.
Women's Club Soccer Practice (indoor)!
Join Dickinson's Women Club Soccer team for an indoor practice!
Philosophy Collective Meeting
Weekly meeting to discuss a selected philosophy topic in depth. Everyone (member or not) is welcome to join.
Opening Reception: Senior Studio Art Majors Works-in-Progress Exhibition
This exhibition offers a preview of artworks made by Dickinson studio art majors during the fall semester, as part of their yearlong senior seminar.
zero feet away
An inclusive space for gay & bi men and other queer, gender-expansive students.
Dickinson in Houston
Join us for a casual gathering at Sonoma Wine & Cheese, known as one of the city’s top wine destinations.
Cheer Practice
Come practice for game day with us.
Burgess Institute in New York
Dickinson alumni and families are invited to join President John E. Jones ’77, P’11, and Steve Riccio, executive director of the Burgess Institute, for the first Burgess Institute celebration in NYC.
French Film Series Fall 2024
Please join the Department of French and Francophone Studies for our Fall 2024 Film Series -- held on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in Bosler 208.
Gather Us In
Hosted by Dickinson Christian Fellowship, Dickinson Catholic Campus Ministry, Center for Spirituality and Social Justice, Orthodox Christian Fellowship.
Reading with Visiting Writer, Anne Rabe
Reading by visiting writer, Anne Rabe, from her 2023 novel "Die Möglichkeit von Glück" (The Possibility of Happiness)
Bingo Night with APO and KDP
Come win big at bingo night with Alpha Phi Omega and Kappa Delta Pi.
Stroll Practice
The brothers of Sigma Lambda Beta will be having private stroll practices in the Kline Fitness Center Spin Studio on Wednesdays from 9-10 p.m.