Events for February 15, 2024
LYBW - Celebrating our Atypical Brains and Bodies with ADS
Come join the team from Access and Disability Services as we celebrate neurodiversity and bodily diversity on campus and in our community!
The Rural Student Community Learnshop
Gather around the table for a Learnshop with the Rural Student Community!
Camp Cardio with Ethos Fitness
Instructor: Tina Salomone
Dickinson in South America: Ecuador and Argentina information session
Are you interested in learning more about the Dickinson in South America program?
Mentoring Program: Teaching and Learning talk with Noreen Lape
Pre-tenure visiting new adjunct faculty.
Panhellenic Council Meeting
Weekly meeting of the Panhellenic Council.
Free xChange Open House
Join the Free xChange Open House on February 15th from 12:30-2:30 p.m.!
Challah Bake
Come bake Challah every other Thursday with Challah for Hunger!
Zumba is a total body workout that boosts health through accessing both anaerobic and aerobic forms of exercise.
Dance Theatre Group Class
Bi-weekly open dance classes.
Queer Book Club
Please join us for the first Book Club of the year!
Spin Class
Dickinson's spin class is 45 minutes to an hour of a full body workout.
French Language Table Spring 2024
Are you looking for more ways to practice your French outside of the classroom?
Workers Party Meeting
Join us at the Workers Party general meeting to discuss event planning and campus issues!
Dig Drop Devils (Tap Club) Meeting
Come tap dance with us!
Stitch It up Weekly Meeting
Weekly fiber arts meeting.
Anwar Belly Dance Troupe Practice
Weekly Bellydance Practice for Anwar Belly Dance Troupe members.
Hosted by Men's Club Volleyball.