February 12, 2024
Presented by Prof. Diego Galeano.
This lecture by Prof. Diego Galeano focuses on the role of counterfeit currency within South American migrant economies, focusing in particular on the trajectory of two counterfeiters of paper money, and their strategies of construction of criminal networks in the Atlantic world. Following the transatlantic journeys of a Portuguese immigrant and a French family involved in the production and circulation of forged currency, it sheds lights on a lesser known aspect of the circulation of migrants, by exploring the many connections between migration, money, crime, and law enforcement in the urban centers of Latin America connected to Atlantic world.
Diego Galeano (Ph.D., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) is an associate professor of contemporary history in the Department of History at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil. He is also a member of the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development. He is the author of Escritores, detectives y archivistas: La cultura policial en Buenos Aires, 1821-1910 [Writers, Detectives, and Archivists: The Culture of the Buenos Aires Police, 1821-1910] (2009), and Delincuentes viajeros: estafadores, punguistas y policías en el Atlántico sudamericano [Wandering Criminals: Swindlers, Pickpockets, and Policemen in the South American Atlantic] (2018), also published in Brazil (2016), where it received the National Research Award.