April 14, 2024
The Dickinson College Choir will explore social-justice themes through music that includes works by Alice Parker and Artist-in-Residence Maria Corley.

The Dickinson College Choir, in conjunction with the Popel Shaw Center for Race & Ethnicity, presents “Hope,” a title referencing not only the choral composition of Artist-in-Residence Maria Corley but also the concert’s theme of uplifting the message and works of African American writers and musicians. In addition to Corley’s work, the choir will perform Alice Parker’s cantata “Sermon from the Mountain,” a tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. featuring Bible verses often quoted by Dr. King and spirituals. The concert will mark the 55th anniversary of the cantata’s first performance. Other selections include works by Joel Thompson, Sheldon Ridge Love, Alvin Chea and Jarrett Johnson.
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Note: This concert has been moved off campus. Please see the address listed below.
Further information
- Location: First United Church of Christ, corner of Pitt & Louther Sts.
- Time: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
- Cost: Free