October 7, 2023
Lecturer, Prof. Jinyu Liu of Emory University.
It is the 25th year of the Roberts Lecture in Classical Studies and we are excited to welcome our lecturer, Prof. Jinyu Liu of Emory University.
On Saturday, Prof. Liu will be giving her second lecture of the series.
Translating Exile: Challenges and Strategies in Rendering Ovid's Tristia Into Mandarin.
Ovid's exile poetry is permeated with intricacies and subtleties that defy monolithic or conclusive reading, which presents a fundamental challenge to translating it into any language. This talk focuses on the technicalities and strategies of translating Ovid's exile poems, especially Tristia (‘Lamentations’), into Mandarin.
Saturday, October 7, 2023, 2:30 p.m.
Althouse 106