March 23, 2023
Provost candidate at a staff open session.
The search committee for Dickinson’s new role of provost and dean has invited three candidates to campus for interviews over the next few weeks. We invite you to participate in the staff open sessions with each of the candidates. These interviews will be in-person, and they are scheduled as follows:
Candidate #1
Wednesday, March 22 @ 9:30 a.m. – Althouse 106
Candidate #2
Thursday, March 23 @ 10:30 a.m. – HUB Social Hall
Candidate #3
Tuesday, April 4 @ 1:30 p.m. – Bosler 208
The position leadership profile and application materials for each of the candidates will be posted in Campus Documents, available via the Gateway. While this search is considered “open” with regard to campus participation, we ask you to be considerate of the candidates’ privacy.
Thank you in advance for participating in this important process and sharing your thoughts with the search committee. A survey link will follow each candidate’s visit to campus.
The Office of the President