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Math/CS Chat

February 21, 2023

Adedeji Olugboja will present "Joins in Database". Free pizza and everyone is welcome to attend.

Joining tables in a database is important because it enables us to combine data from multiple sources into a single, comprehensive result set. Without joins, we would be limited to retrieving data only from a single table, which would not always provide the complete picture. Joins are used for a variety of purposes, including: Data aggregation: By combining data from multiple tables, we can aggregate and summarize information in a way that would not be possible from a single table. Data analysis: Joining tables can allow us to analyze data from different perspectives and answer more complex questions that would not be possible with data from a single table. Data normalization: Joining tables can help enforce data normalization, a database design technique that reduces redundancy and improves data integrity. Data integration: Joining tables from different databases or data sources can help integrate data and provide a unified view of information. By the end of this lecture, you would have learned how to use different types of JOINs effectively. 

Further information

  • Location: Tome 115
  • Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Calendar Icon
  • Cost: Free